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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

From Iron To Steel - The History Of Iron And Why It's So Popular In Wrought Iron Designs And Decor

Most of what we learn in high school history about Thomas

Edison is all about his successful inventions. Thomas Edison

electricity, the phonograph, and on and on.

We know that Thomas Edison held over 1,093 patents for

a number of different types of inventions. What we don't know or we very seldom hear is about his failures. One of the most noted failures was his inability to find an

effective way to mine iron ore.

Iron is the cheapest and most common metal available for

mining. Iron is used for making steel. Steel, at the time

that Edison was working on his invention, was very expensive.

The world now and during the life of Edison is very dependent

on steel.

If Edison was successful in creating the extraction process

he would have earned billions of dollars in income,

The possibilities that would extend from that success

would also create millions of jobs, and spur other


Iron is useless in its pure form. Iron is brittle and cannot be used to manufacture any products because of this

and other characteristics. Iron in its pure form is a

silver color. The gray that we see in iron comes from

combining iron with oxygen. But iron is not adaptable to

any practical applications on its own.

That is why the discovery of an effective extraction process

was important. Edison worked on this extraction process

from 1880 to 1890. For over ten years, he performed experiments,

hired scientist, and other experts to perfect his extraction

process. The impetus was to provide iron ore to the Pennsylvania

steel mills.

Edison moved his office from a comfortable building to actually

work in the old iron mines to find an economical process to satisfy

the insatiable demands for steel . The testing and processing of

his experiments was very expensive. To finance his invention

Edison sold all his stock in General Electric. His heirs still

regret that to this day.

Edison was never able to find a way to extract the iron from unusable,

low grade ores. Edison eventually abandoned the project. He never

recouped his money that he had invested. Fortunately for Edison,

he continued his work on the phonograph and motion pictures,

and remained financially intact.

Finding a cheaper way to produce steel was not only important to the

financial enhancement of Edison but important to the American

economy. After 1840 the American iron industry was experiencing

a revitalization but American was not the major steel producer in

the world.

In 1844, government surveyors found a large iron ore deposit of

anthracite in the Great Lakes area. Pennsylvania became the nation's

leading supplier of iron and steel. With the discovery of the rich

iron ore around Lake Superior and the ability to transport the

bounty the mine produce by water, Pennsylvania became the center

of American iron and steel production.

British engineer Henry Bessemer perfected a steel extraction

process. He completed the work that Thomas Edison had started.

Bessemer developed an iron smelting process that made it possible

to produce large quantities of steel. Some manufacturers of steel

use his process to this day.

The invention was an economical and an efficient process to make

steel from iron ore. But a better process was introduced

By Abram S. Hewitt who became a steel magnate that rivaled

Andrew Carnegie was the first American to try the Bessemer

process. He then improved on the process to develop the

the open-hearth converter. American steel makers preferred

the process of Hewitt to that of Bessemer.

The low cost of steel production after this discovery

changed the balance for American industries. American

Industry could now lead the world in steel production.

In 1873 the United States, produced nearly 115,000

tons of steel. As the price of steel continued to drop,

It was possible to use steel in several industries.

Over 70% of the finished steel that is produced in

the United states goes to automotive industry.

For more information on iron or more specifically wrought iron decor try visiting [] where you will find information on wrought iron chandeliers [], iron beds, iron gates, cast iron skillets, ieon railings, iron patio furniture and cast iron cookware [].

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