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Friday, September 21, 2012

More Jobs, Fewer and Lower Taxes - Applying the KISS Principle

Over the past 30 years Federal Tax receipts (Corporate, Personal, Estate, Excise, Gift, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, et al) have averaged less than 20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Read that again, and don't think for a minute that it's not a large number.

But it's not nearly large enough to pay the bills, reduce the national debt, grow the economy, and come to the aid of all of the people in the world who need us. Why, because nearly half of us (some legally, some not so) pay little or no federal income taxes at all--- and because our elected representatives have no financial management skills.

The only taxes that always get paid are those that reduce the amount of spending money in our pockets and which raise the cost of the goods and services we purchase --- thus retarding economic growth.

There is no doubt that a Federal Sales Tax on consumption by final consumers would produce more revenue than all of the other taxes combined --- but how much, and is it OK to single out things like cigarettes and gas guzzlers for extra taxes?

We need to give it a try, and there would be added benefits: (a) we would be collecting taxes from all of those folk who earn incomes that are just not reported at all, (b) the products we try to sell in world markets would be more competitive, and (c) all of us would have more money to spend on stuff that could actually become lower in price.

There are no purely economic problems with making the shift to a consumption tax --- just political ones. The legislation has been "on the hill", and summarily ignored for decades. We need to apply cool economic sense to the elimination of the Internal Revenue Code and the Social Security Ponzi scheme.

First KISS: Create Jobs Right Now

Create jobs immediately by eliminating the corporate income tax (and all other fees, local taxes, assessments, ad nauseum) for any corporation that adds 10% to its permanent workforce and/or 20% to its total workforce.

Corporations are not the bad guys, it's the over-paid greedy dogs at the top that need to be leashed and disciplined by their employers --- the shareholders, theoretically anyway. How about this for a start: all salaries above $1 million are paid in the form of dividends on common stock; all bonuses are "divvied up" dollar for dollar between all employees, full time or part time; there are no stock option programs.

Offset the Federal tax revenue loss by outlawing all forms of "earmarks" on any legislation ever; limiting all lobbying efforts to legitimate industry, employee, and public interest associations; and by enacting a 2% Federal Sales Tax on everything purchased by final consumers--- no exceptions, period.

Create "Green Energy Bonds", sold to investors with full federal guarantees, and used to help start up a Green Energy Investment Bank chartered only to provide low interest loans for developmental private sector projects. While we're at it, bring back the distinctions between, commercial banks, savings and loans, and investment banks.

Second KISS: Lower and Eliminate Taxes

Lower taxes immediately by phasing in a mandated private SSRIA* program for all workers, private and public, from 1st day mailroom clerk to President of the US of A. Reduce Social Security Taxes to 3% over a five-year period and use that money to create a deferred, fixed-income, life-annuity for every worker.

Seventy percent of SSRIA investments would include US Government Bonds, state and local Municipal Securities, with the balance managed in non-derivative, individual equity investments regarded as Investment Grade Value Stocks*. No investment income of any kind would ever be taxable by any government.

SSRIAs would be created and managed by fixed-annuity experienced private sector companies, and the annuity contracts would "travel" with the employee until retirement. All SSRIAs would have identical provisions, no sales commissions or marketing expenses, and slightly below industry level investment management fees.

Employees would be assigned randomly to providor companies, and each contract would include "return of premium" term life insurance until annuitized. Add an additional 3% to the Federal Sales Tax to replace the reduction in Federal tax revenue.

Third KISS: Produce Sustainable Economic Growth

Now that we've become more competitive in world markets, assured retirement benefits for all workers, and helped to save the planet, it's time to provide equal opportunity for all of us to attain the American Dream without big brother's assistance.

Replace the personal income tax side of the Internal Revenue Code with a 5% flat tax and an additional 10% sales tax --- maybe even a mandated 2% insurance premium for universal basic medical coverage. But at the end of the process, all reported income pays a 5% income tax --- no exclusions, deductions, adjustments, minimums, period, and done!

Every purchase for final consumption generates a 15% contribution to support what we hope will become a smaller, less corrupt, more creative group of term-limited politicians. And, once the budget becomes balanced, further tax reductions will ensue.

Hey, write your congressperson, make some noise, Tweet, Digg, whatever. Now this is capital "c" change we can deal with --- or at least dream about.

Steve Selengut


Professional Portfolio Management since 1979

Author of: "The Brainwashing of the American Investor: The Book that Wall Street Does Not Want YOU to Read"

Smoking and Global Warming

From a hotel room in Central Jakarta, Indonesia news agency Pena's final report describes the development of the tobacco industry today. This report in the form of 65 pages thick magazine with the headline on the front page "Hypocrisy & Myths Behind the Tobacco Industry".

Pena Indonesia claims this report is based on investigative reports on various search tobacco industry documents. Also includes two CD or compact disk that contains thousands of documents multinational industries in Indonesia. As the documents from British American Tobacco or BAT, Philips Morris and others.

The workshop was attended among journalists and health activists. Aim to provide insight into the existence of secret documents related to the coming of the giants of the world tobacco industry and its relationship with Indonesia.

This workshop also received support from the world health agency WHO's Indonesia representative, IAKMI-Public Health Specialist Association of Indonesia and SEATCA-The Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance.

Pena Indonesia to work for three months and glared through the computer. Digging thousands of documents online from seven giant cigarette recorded in the period 1960 until the early 2000s. At least there are about 28,000 of thousands more documents from British American Tobacco or BAT Indonesia is stored in digital libraries of the University of California, San Francisco, United States.

Walk through also take place in the site's Legacy Tobacco Documents Library that contains an internal document of Philips Morris, RJ Reynolds, Lorillard and Brown & Williamson. The result is reported and written by Farid Gaban and Alfian Hamzah from Pena Indonesia news agency and Mardiyah Chamim of Tempo Magazine. Coverage and support in the form of grant funding from Essential Action Global Partnership for Tobacco Control, based in Washington.

This story began in 1998. This year may be spelled out in the most unfortunate for the cigarette industry in America. Attorney General State of Minnesota, United States, Hubert Humphrey III blew the whistle loud warning to cigarette industry. Attorney General asked the seven smoking industry giants to open all their secret documents to the public. Aim to find the truth.

These documents are internal documents containing various letters to the authorities, scientists, media tricks to boost the tobacco business. Seven giant companies, among others, from Philip Morris Incorporated, RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company, British American Tobacco (BAT), Brown and Williamson, the Ligget Group and The Tobacco Institute and The Council for Tobacco Research and the Lorillard Tobacco Company.

American courts have six million documents with 35 million pages. Each page is a seal and code number of lawyers the industry to ensure its authenticity. The court also requires the tobacco industry parties in order to deposit the documents until the year 2008.

While in England, the mountains of British American Tobacco documents typically stored in the warehouse Guilford, Surrey, England. BAT archiving online documents is done by the University of California, San Francisco, United States.

There are seven million documents in the form of scanned documents. And spent about four years to make efforts for their hard work. Unfortunately, according to Duncan Cambell, an American investigative journalist who helped search smoking industry documents, the claim that there are about 181 file that contains thousands of pages of documents had been lost. These missing documents are not clear and it is possible rimbanya associated with regions of other countries, like Indonesia.

One of the investigations of this American smoking industry had contrived movie "The Insider" that tell about the search an American television journalist uncover fraud in the levels toxins. Media in the United States to encourage and influence the people that smoking is a threat. Cigarettes became citizen issues and then encouraging the birth of a strict smoking regulations and basic.

Tobacco industry should be controlled and strictly controlled. For owners in the U.S. tobacco industry is not a condition of a good climate. And ask the American government to the strict rules that only apply in the United States alone. And does not apply to international business networks in different parts of other countries. Post-1998 invasion was in progress. And objectives that cigarette owners are the countries that enter the third country groups.

How to countries in the region, especially Indonesia in association with the document? Indonesia belonged to a third country is not it? Indonesia is a land tender and a haven for the global tobacco industry of the world. Tobacco industry in Indonesia incarnate and was like a "kingdom" of its own. He played many roles and automatic movements do not get a lot of obstacles and barriers.

Either statutory, economic, social to the political path. The smoking industry in Indonesia grew rapidly and slippery. Borrowing the term's largest daily newspaper in West Java, the People's Mind, the tobacco industry as "Spreads and entrenched". Not a lot of media in Indonesia to criticism, preaching especially to make a profound statement relating cigarette industry is. Indonesia received with open field every movement, ideas, and the influence of the tobacco industry in developing its business extensively.

We can learn many things from the tobacco industry documents. Learn how they work, determine the position and influence policy makers, economic, media until the "buy-sell" research. The document gives a clear and detailed. We just need to work hard, carefully detailing, and built of sheets of documents to obtain a complete picture of the building of the world tobacco industry as a whole.

According to the Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA)-based institutions in Thailand, in its report Profiting from Death: Exposing the Tobacco Industry Tactics in ASEAN Countries, October 2007, explained that until now the region cigarette consumption of about 50 per cent of world tobacco consumption. And Asia considered as an important market future of the world tobacco industry.

While 10 countries joined to the ASEAN approximately 31 percent or 125.8 million ASEAN youth population are smokers. Or about 10 percent-1, 25 billion-from the number of young smokers smokers of the world continue to increase and the country joined ASEAN contributed to the death rate from smoking as much as 20 percent!

SEATCA is a partnership network of state agencies that merged into the ASEAN which undertakes research, advocacy and capacity building in each of its members. SEATCA work and build advocacy mission to its members who have made ratification of the WHO convention, tobacco control over the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) - including Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam. While Indonesia is the only country in Asia which until this moment has not ratified these conventions.

WHO convention on tobacco control is essential to apply in the cigarette industry in Indonesia. This Convention will regulate and control the tobacco industry. There are about 38 articles in the convention and aims to improve the quality of global health.

Business development to move the tobacco industry is not in the form of a single strategic one. Business strategy will follow the situation in each area of development. He worked to organize and determine the target groups, facilitate the political policies that support good business that comes from the government or the people's representatives, to work with anyone to make promotional efforts and form a fully market.

Tobacco industry to build its image through a variety of ways. From the ad creates a direct communication with consumers by placing cigarette products through billboards, print ads and electronic media, posters, accessories, colors and logo outlets that causes the image of tobacco products.

Promotional activities by distributing free cigarette samples, offers coupons, contests, lotteries, tickets to watch sports games and racing, music concerts, fund a film, talk shows, street party to its activities in the form of corporate social responsibility or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR ) which supports scholarships, environmental aid projects and other activities under the company name or the name of the tobacco industry products. Including providing scholarships to journalists and school children are achievers.

SEATCA survey research on the control status of the rules about promotion, advertising, CSR and sponsorship in seven ASEAN countries in 2007. Including in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Five countries have quite strict rules to regulate the issue ads, prmosi, sponsorship and CSR.

These five countries include Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand. Of these five countries, Thailand has very strict rules against tobacco industry and conduct strict limits. Two of the most free, no rules, no control and no restrictions are Cambodia and Indonesia!

Cambodia and Indonesia is a paradise for the tobacco industry. The two countries are relatively poor country is not it? Indonesia is estimated to have poverty rates of 49 percent with the cost of living average of two dollars per day for America. Both do not have rules and restrictions governing tobacco control issues closely.

For the tobacco industry is the most profitable opportunities. Cigarette industry has any power and capital to boost its business and profit maximization. The industry offers a dream potion and promotional advertising to the public to climb out of poverty.

And offer words suggestive ads and interesting success. This is a dream and the dream for all people. Tobacco industry's success by offering a cigarette. Giving up tobacco are one of the main way for each person to climb out of poverty and live success quickly.

Poverty became the land for profit. And the industry was well aware of this condition. Poverty, lack of regional representation and the role of government, lack of political consciousness, and the role of the media who are helpless in cigarette advertising.

AC Nielsen figures show the year 2006 tobacco sector advertising expenditure of Rp 1.6 trillion. Which moron media would lose and the offer of money for it? One media in Indonesia may be conscious and choose not to accept tobacco ads. But the question is the extent to which the power of this medium will survive? And refrain from the onslaught of cigarette advertising.

Cigarettes became the main consumption for the poor. Cigarette consumption throughout the year reached 225 billion sticks. Cigarettes have a 4000 toxic chemicals. And cigarettes are the leading cause of cancer-causing disease, heart and other diseases that cause death in the long run. Every year people die as indicated by the cigarette causes as many as 400 thousand in Indonesia!

The number of smokers Indonesia increased sharply. Based on the national economic survey Statistic The Central Bureau in the period 2001-2004, there has been surge in novice smokers and under the age of 10 years rose 0.4 percent to 2.8 percent. National Commission on Child Protection also get a number that 90 percent of teenagers smoke because of advertising Indonesia. Teenagers became the main target for the tobacco industry.

This figure is worrying, and then in February 2007 several members of the legislature moved to make some rules to restrict smoking. These rules are expected to restrict, control and restrict tobacco issues involving the activities of young children. This rule also requires an increase in cigarette excise tax by 60 percent to minimize people buy cigarettes. And encouraged to expand research on the impact of smoking on health.

In 1999, Indonesia has issued Government Regulation 81 / 1999 concerning Security Cigarettes For Health, Government Regulation 38/1999 on Procedures for the Tobacco Product Advertising Media and Government Regulation 19/2003 regarding the obligations of cigarette manufacturers to include warnings on product packaging.

Indonesia also benefited from this condition. From the cigarette industry sector contribution in the form of tax revenue amounting to Rp 38.5 trillion last year. And this year is expected to increase to Rp 42 trillion.

Cigarette business in Indonesia is very sweet. Two Indonesian families who do business in the ranks of cigarettes in the world's richest list of Forbes Magazine. Rachman Halim family including Gudang Garam owners with assets of U.S. $ 1.9 billion and occupies 538 warning. Budi Hartono and family of the order of Djarum 664 with assets of U.S. $ 1.5 billion.

Indonesia's cigarette tax mostly cheap compared with other countries. Australia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore set the cigarette tax by 70 percent. While in Indonesia, just set the highest cigarette tax by 40 percent. With this tax rate retail price of cigarettes in Indonesia is the fifth of the price compared to the price of cigarettes in Malaysia.

The price of cheap cigarettes is boosting consumer smokers in Indonesia. Access to cigarettes is very easy. Based on the last survey the WHO and the American Cancer Society, about 70 percent of Indonesian smokers are male. And 3 percent of women smokers Indonesia.

Indonesia plays a dual role misleading. One side of the income he earned from cigarette but on the other hand many of Indonesia will lose its human resources because of damage caused by cigarettes. But health insurance companies in Indonesia which would warranty his client about the consequences of smoking?

Anti-smoking campaign world continues to strengthen. Rich countries and educated aware of the dangers from smoking. Anti-smoking movement harder and try to campaign on this issue at the level of the global movement. Federation of Football Association (FIFA) and even signed an agreement with WHO to regulate and prohibit tobacco sponsorship in the football field.

MTV supports anti-smoking campaign and urged teenagers not to smoke. Countries in Europe and other Asian and ratify the convention followed tobacco control (FCTC).

But resistance to the cigarette industry in Indonesia is still very weak. Anti-smoking movement both from citizens, communities, doctors, including from the media yet strong. WHO Indonesia chose a few names of artists and athletes for the national sports anti-smoking campaign. Among tennis champion Angelique Widjaja, bodybuilder Ade Rai, and model Tracy Trinita.

But not enough to represent all three and move the people of Indonesia to establish anti-smoking movement. Indonesia needs a great figure and steady for anti-smoking movement. Not just a slogan anti-smoking course. But the anti-smoking movement is broad and strategic.

In short, the anti-smoking movement in Indonesia is still classified as impotent. He needs power and a strong force to stem the solid and aggressive opposition from the tobacco industry. And the journalist is to write the movement and continue to oversee the expansion of logging from the cigarette industry.

Advertising and propaganda war going on in the struggle of black smoke world. And Indonesia is a powerful combat areas to map the world of today's global cigarette. This is also related to the local cigarette industry in Indonesia. As the local industry in the Spirit, Malang, Jember and Kediri. Local cigarette industry in Indonesia has also played an important role in influencing the smoking community.

In Indonesia, known as clove cigarettes while smoking outside the product known as white smoke. Local cigarette industry is small kings tobacco and many are in Java. Expansion of the world tobacco industry bosses squirm with aggressive and strong and try to master the current market share. White cigarettes clove cigarettes fight.

Who is most powerful? The smoking industry to build myths, facts and misleading research about smoking. And we know that the victims of the battle is the health of everyday citizens will decline. Indonesia and countries allow their citizens health downfall.

The facts of the dangers of cigarettes and dark tobacco industry's propaganda is clear. Cigarettes are not for compromise but should be controlled and regulated by the government and the legislature. Indonesian society should be aware that cigarettes are now become an alarming epidemic.

The event will end in 2007 Indonesia was elected to conduct a global discussion about global warming. Took place in December in Bali. Global discussions is very important to discuss and take strategic steps related to the issue of global warming and the environment. Indonesia is also classified as bad in the environmental area.

Indonesia, including the red-prone areas in environmental issues such as illegal logging, mining, industrial pollution and waste emissions from motor vehicles. This global discussion will produce decisions and policies are very important. The result will encourage each state leaders and citizens to support and implement strategic measures to curb global warming today.

I was shocked when he read a daily newspaper, the National Journal. At the bottom of the column main page newspaper ads plastered on the implementation of a global warming in Bali later. With a dominant ads with light green color close to the color icon environmental issues.

This print ad includes a statement or countdown days in December 2007. These ads also put the name of a cigarette company, Sampoerna and have the word "Green" which could also be interpreted to refer to one of the main products of the Sampoerna cigarette.

I am sad to see the discussion of global warming will have to obtain sponsorship from the tobacco industry. The business and its profits are the majority coming from Indonesia's poor. Perhaps the sadness I continue to dissolve and be a voice lost and forgotten in the noisy turmoil of global warming event later.

This should be an important note, the mirror itself and becomes a question of us all. Environmental issues are common issues. He departed from his conscience and our common sense. What is worthy of global warming event comes from a tobacco company? Cigarettes, however, the toxin and one of the main causes of death. Is not nothing wrong that the global warming program would come from the tobacco industry?

A pile of tobacco industry internal documents they provided a clear answer. Problem tactics, plans, strategies, political lobbying and build awareness about the error and dirty cigarettes.

I am very sorry critical discussion of global warming there are stains and thorns. This becomes a wedge and a slap on the cliches of the world. As if life and life is going on and started from a cigarette.

Cigarette slogan is not lip service. And strength in the cigarette industry in Indonesia indicate that fact. And this is not true. Tobacco industry is seen to make traps and myths. Cigarettes are an important issue of humanity. Life of the cigarette world full of compromise power, deceit and dark strategy.

And it is probably true in the world struggle of cigarettes, as he had been written by Ben Jonson long ago in The Alchemist (The Alchemist) that "Alchemy was a kind of game, Like a card trick, to deceive man, with great charm".

Conrad really loves his home and family and lives life to the full and has been writing about his knowledge and experience. Feel free to see some of his material at Lawn Tractor Attachments and juice Dispenser [].

Musings of an American Refugee in New Zealand

Despite my unusual name, I happen to be a woman. I am also an American child and adolescent psychiatrist with more than 30 years of practice under my belt. Seven years ago I emigrated from the US to New Zealand, mainly for political reasons. I describe the unusual events leading up to this momentous decision in my upcoming book - The Most Revolutionary Act: Memoir of an American Refugee.

Obviously a lot has happened in seven years. I have learned I am not alone in deciding to emigrate out of frustration with the Bush administration. It turns out tens of thousands of Americans emigrated between 2000 and 2008. Polls show most of them were liberals and progressives. In November 2003 expatriate Americans led the London demonstrations protesting Bush's London visit and the war in Iraq. Expatriates also formed major voting blocs for Kerry in 2004 and for Obama in 2008. An unexpected result of creating a new life for myself as an expatriate is the unique perspective it has provided on my former life in the US.

An Awakening: Militarism is the US Government's Number One Priority

Ironically it is only in coming to a remote South Pacific nation, whose population has just exceeded four million, that I can fully appreciate the way military domination and control of the third world takes precedence over all other US foreign and domestic policy. Owing to vigorous censorship that occurs in the corporate controlled media, much of this information isn't readily available to US residents. Prior to the mid-nineties the US relied on economic dominance over smaller countries to extract a continuous supply of cheap resources they couldn't produce domestically - such as gasoline, coffee, sugar, chocolate, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers and platinum, nickel, chromium, cobalt and other strategic metals. With the decline in US economic strength over the past 15 years, the government has come to rely on its military might to acquire the resources it needs to guarantee Americans' continued high standard of living. It seems to be common knowledge among many New Zealand intellectuals that this is the primary US government agenda.

An Awakening: the News Media Keeps Americans in the Dark about Their Government

It was only on leaving the US that I recognized how successfully the US media monopoly censors and sanitizes public information about international events and government activities. Although Rupert Murdoch's News Corp controls much of New Zealand's access to international news, we still have independent media outlets that regularly challenge and embarrass our government. Presently this type of investigative reporting is extremely rare in the American mainstream media.

An Awakening: the Price Americans Pay for Global Domination

The first thing that hit me on waking up in a new country was the enormous personal cost, in terms of quality life, that Americans pay as citizens of a regime intent on establishing and maintaining a global military empire. For example, although New Zealand ranks as one of the poorer countries in the OECD (22nd out of 30), Kiwis take for granted that their government will use their hard earned tax dollars to provide free health care for all New Zealand residents, a program the public considers essential for the long term well being and sustainability of their country.

In New Zealand it is fairly easy to support universal health care and the taxes that fund it, because this country doesn't invade or occupy other countries and bans the use of nuclear materials as weapons or for energy production. In the US, on the other hand, reaching consensus on joining the rest of the developed world in providing universal government sponsored health care is next to impossible. There is enormous resistance to increasing federal tax to pay for such a program, given that Americans are so heavily taxed already to pay for wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and to maintain a US military presence in more than 50 foreign countries it considers strategic to its interests. In the past five years the number of overseas military bases has increased from 700 to 1,000, as the US military expands into Eastern Europe, Pakistan, North and West Africa (owing to the strategic importance of African oil reserves) and Columbia (owing to the threat posed by left leaning governments in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia).

An Awakening: the US is Less Democratic than Other Developed Countries

More importantly Americans seem to have no say in the decisions resulting in the allocation of nearly 50 cents of every tax dollar for military related spending. In fact in many ways the US is far less democratic than other developed countries. Although polling shows Americans don't want to spend their tax dollars spent on escalating the war in Afghanistan - that they want to spend them on government sponsored health care - the Obama administration does just the opposite. Obama sends 35,000 additional troops to Afghanistan and persuades congressional Democrats to drop the public option and Medicare expansion from his health care reform bill.

The New Zealand government would face massive street protests for enacting legislation opposed by the majority of New Zealanders. Yet for some reason Americans seem to take for granted that they have no say in decisions that are fundamental, not only to their own personal welfare, but to the long term economic viability and sustainability of their country. It is only in living abroad that I have become aware of this a deep resignation and apathy in the American public. It's a mindset I believe stems from deep and pervasive political repression - which is essential to maintain order in a society dedicated to global military dominance.

An Awakening: the Planet's Newest Third World Country

Obviously there are other important reasons why the US doesn't have publicly sponsored health care like Zealand and all other industrialized countries. The channeling of hundreds of billions of tax dollars into military expansion is only part of the problem. There happen to be other powerful corporate interests - led by the insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies - who invested billions of dollars in the 2008 election to ensure that the Democrats and Obama refrained from enacting publicly sponsored health care. However the prioritization of the military conquest and occupation over the all domestic spending and the secrecy and deliberate misinformation over the phenomenal cost of war - an extremely unpopular public policy to begin with - make it very difficult for Americans to understand much less have a voice in how their tax dollars are spent.

The reality is that exponential increases in US military spending over the past thirty years have resulted in deep cuts in domestic spending for education and important social programs. Most of the developed world understands and accepts that unmet social problems, such as homelessness, mental illness and drug and alcohol abuse, illiteracy, unemployment, child poverty and child abuse seriously compromise the quality of life for the entire society. Yet here, too, the US is more like a third world country than an advanced industrialized society. I only saw this clearly after moving abroad.

As the military budget has increased exponentially over the past thirty years, the commitment to universal education, job training, housing and full employment as essential to meaningful participation in an advanced industrial democracy has vanished from public consciousness. The only "antipoverty" programs that persist are federal and state prisons. The US now exceeds China in its incarceration rate. Which represents an extremely uneconomical use of government funds in a recession. At an average cost of $29,000 each (totaling nearly 100 billion dollars annually), there is no question that locking people up is the most expensive way to address social problems that lead to criminal behavior.

An Awakening: the Loss of Civil Liberties in the US

The negative effect of our government's drive for global military domination is not limited to negative economic consequences - namely our inability to meet basic health, education, housing and social welfare needs. The loss of civil liberties over the last eight years is also more typical of a third world military dictatorship than the participatory democracies enjoyed by most of the developed world. This, too, was something I only fully appreciated after moving abroad.

Most of the covert activities I describe in my book - the monitoring of my calls, emails and financial transactions, the theft of business and personal mail and even the clandestine break-ins - was illegal in the late eighties. However the US government engages in all these activities legally now, thanks to successive versions of the Patriot Act.

Worse still Obama has left most of these laws, which violate basic Constitutional rights, essentially intact. He has also preserved the right of police and federal authorities to arrest and hold US citizens without charge - a violation of the right of habeas corpus guaranteed in the Bill of Rights - an fundamental feature of civilized society dating back to the 1215 Magna Carta.

This loss of civil liberties also occurred in Rome, when its leaders were forced to abandon their democratic form of government to pursue the wars of conquest that resulted in the formation of a vast Roman Empire. In most cases, military conquest and occupation of foreign territory only benefits a tiny elite at the highest level of society. Ordinary people are naturally repulsed by the idea of war and almost universally expect their hard earned tax dollars to be spent on public programs that directly benefit them.

If allowed any meaningful input, they rarely willingly agree to squander government funds on military expansion. This is why a campaign of military expansion can only succeed if the government is effective at suppressing dissent in the ruling country.

An Awakening: How US Militarism Affects the Way Americans Think

The most alarming discovery I made in acculturating myself to a new country was the extent to which I unconsciously bought into all the brainwashing and propaganda I was exposed to as a child in school and as an adult via the mainstream media. When I first arrived in New Zealand I genuinely believed that the US was not only the strongest military and economic power in the world - it was also the best at nearly everything else.

I write about this discovery in my book. Obviously New Zealand has no military ambitions, and Kiwis would feel pretty silly about promoting their country as the most democratic, productive, efficient, cleanest, healthiest, transparent, just and scientifically advanced nation in the world.

I myself feel pretty silly that as a committed leftist I continued to believe - as recently as five years ago - that the US was way ahead of other countries in these areas, as well as in military and economic strength. At some level I have known for at least 20 years that the US was less democratic than other industrialized countries. I also knew that US corporations had significantly weakened American economic influence by moving its industrial base to sweat shops overseas. Likewise I knew that air and water are seriously polluted in the US and its food supply one of the most contaminated in the world - with its reliance on toxic sludge fertilizers, as well as infestation with Mad Cow, E Coli and other illness-causing organisms that the powerful food lobby prevents the government from regulating.

I knew from my own research into alternative AIDS treatments that the US lags far behind other industrialized countries in scientific research. Mainly because it gives powerful corporations the power to dictate most of research Americans scientists engage in and to suppress any negative findings that might impact corporate profitability.

Ironically the US can no longer claim to be the most powerful economic force in the world, a fact rarely acknowledged by the US media. Although they still represent the world's largest economy, the US has less and less sway over the Asian economic powerhouse represented by China, India, Japan and South Korea. The world media frequently reports on examples of the US government caving in to China and India during trade and climate change negotiations.

The loss of American economic influence should be obvious from the steady drop in the US dollar in relation to international currencies. However because the mainstream media never makes this connection, it is rare for most Americans to make it. It never occurs to them that the main reason for the surge in the price of gasoline, food and other imported commodities is the dollar's loss in value on the world markets.

Dr Bramhall is a child and adolescent psychiatrist who emigrated to New Zealand in October 2002 for political reasons. She currently works for the New Zealand National Health Service. She is a long time activist and serves on the National Executive of the Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand. She blogs at

Cheap TV Ads

For those entrepreneurs just starting out with a new business, advertising costs can seem astronomical. This is often the reason why many start-ups forgo traditional television advertising. The cost of a television spot is simply cost prohibitive for a shoestring budget. Finding a company that can produce and distribute cheap TV ads is a great way to begin a television advertising campaign.

As business owners begin their search for the ideal production company, many come across what seems like a steal. Companies offering to produce cheap TV ads for prices that are extraordinarily low are not quite the bargain they seem to be. In some cases, these companies produce generic, robotic or 'canned' television spots. If a business has opted to include television spots in their advertising campaign, these companies are simply a waste of money and time. Instead, entrepreneurs need to find companies that can produce unique, original and exciting spots inexpensively.

The driving force behind any television ad should be an emphasis on what is unique and true about you, your company and your products or services. Building an honest campaign, based on your core values is often the best way to convince potential customers to give you a try. The prefab, canned ads produced by some 'bargain' advertisement companies simply do not allow you to tap into this phenomenon.

Almost as important as the ability to produce original ads is the ability to place them. Professional advertising companies can place your advertisement in markets across the country. By working closely with you on a budget, they can often place ads on national stations for less than you might expect. Only work with companies who are able to promise placement on a variety of spots that are targeted.

Remember that when it comes to placement of a television ad, it comes down to the time of day, the channel and the show. By avoiding top dollar slots, it is often possible to place ads that will still be seen by a large audience. By selecting a channel and programming that is attractive to your target demographic, you will increase the chance of conversion significantly.

When it comes time to design your television ad it is important to pick an advertising company that has the talent, creativity and connections to produce top quality advertisements. The development of animation technology has enabled advertisers to avoid high costs of Ad Production. You can get a very attractive animated TV Ad for the fraction of the cost of a so-called professional production. Here are some important points to consider;

Establish Audience: Make sure that you understand who your audience is and target them. If you are selling B2B services, your audience would be business owners. This is also essential in the TV channels and programs you would like to advertise on.
Establish Identity: Tell the viewers who your company is and what you do. Connect your identity to a slogan, everybody knows who it is when we say "15 minutes can save you 15% or more on car insurance."

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Be Cautious Where You Take Your Classic Car or Muscle Car

Classic car owners, including those with muscle cars, street rods, hot rods, antiques and vintage trucks, are facing uncertain times as car thefts are on the rise, and actions from thieves are becoming more bold and brazen.

I recently came across a story written by a man who owned a Daytona Blue 1963 Corvette Coupe with all matching numbers. The all-original classic sport car had an immaculate dark blue interior where only the carpet had ever been replaced. The 327 engine was said to produce a rhythmic loping that not only brought a smile to your face, but got you day dreaming of having this beauty parked in your own garage. Then disaster strikes and you're snapped out of your dream and into his nightmare!

The owner of this beautiful piece of American history took his prized car to what he called a small "backwoods" show that a friend and he decided to go to in the spur of the moment. As owner Jacob Morgan, of Bakersfield, CA described, "The event was an annual but rather unofficial gathering of classic car buffs and I was thrilled to bring my car down. Unfortunately, the part of Florida that the event was being held was extremely dry due to drought. About three or four hours after arriving, a man who owned a red GTO (I could not tell you the year because frankly I did not care afterward) decided to start up his ride for the spectators. It was just one backfire but it was enough to start the dry grass ablaze--and guess where my Corvette was parked?

Nearly thirty classic cars were consumed by the blaze started by that backfiring GTO and my Corvette was one of them. Of course I had the car properly insured but they just aren't making 1963 Corvettes any longer and the only one I could find that was similar cost $10,000 more than my policy's payoff. I guess if there is a moral to my sad tale, it is to avoid backwoods car shows at all costs because they are unregulated, disorganized, and very dangerous to classic cars like my beloved 1963 Corvette Coupe."

This may not be your traditional way of losing your prized classic car, muscle car, street rod, antique car, vintage truck or other collectible old vehicle, but it does drive home the point that we need to exercise care in even the most innocent surroundings like a car show! Freak accidents like Mr. Morgan experienced can and do account for many losses to enthusiasts - not just theft or vandalism.

Sadly though, theft isn't a rare thing and the methods are becoming more bizarre. Guy Algar and I have had pieces stolen off one of our own vehicles that we were towing back to our shop while we stopped for a quick bite to eat! We've had a good number of hubcaps taken over the years. And, we actually had the brake lights ripped off of our car hauler while we were in a parts store one day picking up parts for a customer! We've had one customer tell us the story where he had taken his wife out to dinner and had carefully parked his 1969 Corvette at a local restaurant, under a big bright light, and in what appeared to be a "safe" area, only to come out 45 minutes to an hour later to find all his emblems and trim taken right off the car! Thieves have been known to take the entire car hauler (with the classic sitting on top) right off the tow vehicle's hitch ball and transfer the hauler to their own tow vehicle when people are on the road, at a car show, or some other type of event. These are bold moves by people who do not fear the consequences.

Other thefts that have been reported around the country have included:

Dr. Phil just had his '57 Chevy Belair convertible stolen from the Burbank repair shop he had brought it to for repairs.

A 1937 Buick, valued at over $100,000 was taken from a gated community parking garage in Fort Worth, Texas.

Tom of New Mexico reported the theft of two of his collector cars to Hemming. Tom owns about half a dozen collector cars altogether, and to store them all, he rented out a storage unit. Unfortunately, when he went to check on them recently, for the first time in about six months, he found that two were missing - a 1957 two-door Chevrolet Belair and a 1967 Mercury Cougar GT.

There was also a report of a man from Jefferson City, Missouri, who actually recovered his own stolen car, a 1969 Chevrolet Camaro that had been stolen 16 years before, after seeing it in a Google search!

In a Los Angeles suburb, a woman came home to a garage empty of her prized 1957 Chevy Bel-Air which had been valued at more than $150,000. The beautiful convertible had been featured in several magazines and TV shows and won dozens of awards at car shows around the country. A neighbor's surveillance camera caught the actions of the thieves and revealed that the Bel-Air was pushed down the street by a pickup truck which had pulled into her driveway just minutes after she had left. The thieves likely loaded it onto an awaiting trailer. It's thought that the thieves spotting the car at one of the car shows, followed it home afterwards, then waited for the opportunity to steal it.

A Seattle collector was the victim of a targeted "smash-and grab" from the warehouse where he kept his cars. The thieves apparently ransacked the building and drove off with a 396/425 four-speed 1965 Corvette Stingray; and a 20,000-mile 396/four-speed 1970 Chevelle SS.

A 1959 Chevrolet Impala was stolen during a Cruise Night. The owner got good news-bad news when the police tracked down because while they did recover the classic car, he had put in a claim for the theft with his insurance policy after the theft many months before, so the car went to the insurance company rather than being returned to him. Apparently detectives recovered the Impala from a chop shop nearly eight months after it was stolen, repainted and modified.

Hemmings News also reported of a reader whose 1970 Ford Maverick was stolen from his home in Missouri. The car was found and returned, but the investigation apparently revealed that the thief had been watching the owner for 2 years, with the intention of stealing it and using it to race with. Chilling thing to find out.

A 1979 Buick Electra 225 Limited Edition was stolen out of a grocery store parking lot in suburban Detroit with the thief escaping with an urn inside the trunk that contained the remains of the owner's stepfather!

After saving for over 40 years, a man from Virginia bought the car of his dreams, a 1962 Dodge Lancer. Buying his dream car, he began his restoration project, which was about 60 percent complete when he relocated to Texas. Without a garage to keep it in after his move, he stored it in a 24-foot enclosed trailer along with a 1971 Dodge Colt he planned to turn into a race car, and kept the trailer parked at a storage lot. At the end of July, the trailer and everything in it disappeared.

The last story actually has a happy ending because it was recovered due to alert shop owners being suspicious of person wanting to unload a Lancer for only $1,500 including the many boxes of parts. After some research, the owner was reunited with his car. Guy and I have been approached on numerous occasions by people wanting to sell their vehicles. Some have hardship stories and the callers are willing to unload the car for a real bargain. We've always walked from these offers, primarily because we're not in the business of buying and selling cars (we're not dealers or re-sellers), but also because we're cautious of a "too-good-to-be-true" price. One call in particular did make us very suspicious, as the woman caller insisted that the sale had to be completed by Monday (she called our shop over the weekend) and the price was extremely low for a rather rare model Mustang. Alert shop owners can be instrumental in aiding in the recovery of stolen classic cars.

But not all stories have a happy ending like this. Classic cars, muscle cars and antiques can make their way to chop shops, end up damaged and abandoned, and even being re-sold on Internet sites such as eBay and Craigslist!

Just yesterday, I reported on a 1954 Chevy Pickup truck which was stolen from a woman's driveway in Oklahoma City. (Ironically this article was already written and scheduled for release today when the news hit. I've added her case because, unfortunately, it emphasizes how common thefts have become.) She wisely reached out to the Hemmings community of enthusiasts for help. has a huge following, referred to as "Hemmings Nation", and appealing for help to a community of enthusiasts like this can be instrumental in helping to give vital information to police and authorities who can help track and recover a stolen classic car. We applaud the work that Hemmings does.

And, the methods that thieves are using, as you can see, are as varied as the types of vehicles! Even seemingly innocent little car shows and gatherings are places you need to exercise a little caution and care. As I reported in a July article, carjackings involving classic cars are even becoming more commonplace.

Surprisingly, in some cases, the Internet has been helpful in aiding in the recovery of classic cars and muscle cars. There have been numerous stories, much like the Camaro owner above, and a man who found his 1949 Ford through a listing on Craigslist (the two men responsible were arrested and charged with disassembling a vehicle after the owner positively identified it as his) where owners have been able to locate their cars in Internet searches.

For those not so fortunate, insurance is the only consolation. We highly recommend classic car or "collector" car insurance. There are a number of companies that provide this specialized insurance, and it is generally well worth the cost. Classic Car News provided an article, Purchasing Classic Car Insurance, containing a list of companies along with links to contact them. I also recommend Hagerty Insurance's publication, Deterring Collector Car Theft, which has tips on theft prevention.

In addition to the quick-strip thefts, thieves usually always alter, remove or forge VIN numbers, which make identification of the car or truck more difficult. Vehicle Identification Numbers (VINs) are serial numbers for vehicles that are used to differentiate similar makes and models. Much like social security numbers, every vehicle has a different VIN. VIN plates are usually located on the dashboard on newer cars, but are often found in the door jams of older models. VIN plates can be switched with another vehicle for a fast coverup.

The point here is to be aware of your surroundings, including where you park your car. Don't take it for granted that just because you're at an event with fellow enthusiasts that something bad can't happen. Take preventive action by securing your old car or truck. Guy Algar suggests, "Don't forget to take precautions even at home. You may feel safe parking your ride in 'the safety' of your two car garage, but remember, even if you don't have windows where people can peer in and spot your valued car, thieves can also follow you home from work, a cruise, or even the grocery store and plan a theft after surveilling your home and learning your schedule. If you have a ride that catches people's attention, remember that it can also catch the wrong attention!"


Hagerty Insurance - Deterring Collector Car Theft

Classic Car News - Purchasing Classic Car Insurance


The safety of your classic car or muscle car is extremely important to most owners. Everyone wants to protect their ride with methods that work, and that won't bust the bank. We draw on the experience of experts in Classic Car News' upcoming series entitled "Keep Our Rides Safe", which appear each Wednesday. - Andrea

Andrea L. Algar is co-owner of a classic car performance and restoration design shop in Leesville, Texas. Motorheads Performance specializes in repairs, maintenance, performance upgrades and restorative work on cars and trucks from the 1920's through 1970's. Her husband Guy L. Algar is a Mechanical Engineer with over 25 years experience. He holds 5 ASE Certifications from the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence and has been working on old cars and trucks for over 37 years. Together they share their passion for old cars and trucks with other enthusiasts from around the country.

Have a classic car or muscle car story or question you'd like to share? Visit her blog at for contact information. Her business website can be viewed at

Seven Sins Common in America, and Why the Bible Teaches That God Hates Them

There is a confusion in the world that teaches that the Law (Torah) is void in this dispensation of time, and has no affect upon the Christian believer. This is a lie, it is confusion, and according to the degree that such a thought pattern is accepted by a believer is the degree of evil affect that it produces in that person's life.

First, lets establish that in the same manner that Yahweh is Love, He is also Law. We know that John, an apostle of the first century Church coined the phrase which is found in the Scripture: "God is Love." (1 John 4:16) From this love springs the mercy and grace that supplies salvation to all who believe, and in that belief call upon the name of Jesus whom God has appointed the Savior of the world. But just as a coin has two faces and neither of its faces are any more real or lasting then the other you many say that the character of God is not only love, but also law.

What is the character of law? It is that aspect of Yahweh that is just, and judges sin. It is that aspect of Him that is holy, that is completely separate from sin and sinner. It is that part of Him that says in a completely uncompromising way, "This is the way walk in it"....or "Thus saith the Lord", and then the commandment is given. It is the part of Him that says, "Thou shalt, and thou shalt not", and every disobedience to these commands demanding punishment. For He is holy, and an unclean thing can not abide in His presence.

He is truth as is indicated by the words of Jesus in John 8:14, "...I am the way the truth and the life....",and when connected with the wisdom of the psalmist one finds that God's law is referred to as truth. (Ps. 119:142 NKJV) Your righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and Your law is truth. (Ps. 119:151NKJV) You are near oh Lord, and all Your commandments are truth. So the conclusion is simple. To put God's law on the self and consider it void, or to consider it with out purpose is to put God Himself on a shelf and consider Him void and without purpose.

Some take the Apostle's Paul's remark in the Colossians 2:13-14 as proof, or indication that Christ did away with the Law at the Cross. And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us, and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. (NKJV) I say to you that it is impossible for Christ to have done away with the law, "nailing it to the tree". For to do that He would have had to have taken Yahweh Himself and nailed Him to the cross for the interpretation of this scripture to be that God's law was taken away and nailed to the cross. I suggest, what was nailed to the cross was our offenses, or violations of God's laws, (our sin) not the Law itself. Further, we see in Romans 3:31 that Paul communicates openly that the purpose of the Christian faith is not to make the law of God void, but to establish it. Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary we establish the law. (NKJV)

There you have it! In clear and certain terms the proof that God's law is not void, but is in place, and that God Himself is law. So what did the Apostle Paul mean when he said that we are not under the law but under grace? I believe he meant that the grace of God which is found in Christ, serves as a filter that stands between a holy God, (whose absolute righteousness demands complete and unmerciful judgment of sin), and all sinners. This grace is a loving God's way of dealing with a very imperfect creation. Allowing us time and empowerment to respond to Him and put on Christ, which means that those who are in Christ choose to learn His ways and flesh them out. Thus righteousness is produced in the actions of our lives. This process is summed up in this equation which is seen in John 1:17, For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (NKJV) Law + grace = truth in the believer's life. Truth being the right and lawful expression of life that is meant by God for the believer to live. The lifestyle that reflects the person of the Lord Jesus, who is the embodiment of law, and grace,(and its accompanying mercy) and truth.

Having said these things I wish now to list a set of commandments and speak of the meaning of these commandments. For they have meaning behind them. There is a "why" behind each. For a wise God never gives a commandment without a reason. Like unto a parent who will commanded his child to either do, or not do any given thing. The parent may or may not give an explanation as to the reasoning behind the commandment, but there is one there. In like manner the eternal and wise Creator has reason behind all of His law. But to start off, lets first consider an extremely common posting of law that is found in the world. That of a stop sign.

When one pulls up to a stop sign what is it that is being communicated to the person? Undoubtedly the obvious communication is that the person must stop. But why? Nothing is said on the sign as to why the person must stop. This is taken as a thing that is understood by the driver, or if the driver is unable to understand the reasoning behind the command to stop then that driver is not supposed to be driving. The reason for the command is for the driver to stop in order that he can look both ways and thus respond to the traffic that may or may not be present on the road that day. Thus the actual commandment only has value because it allows for the more important reasoning behind it, which is to slow down sufficiently to consider the traffic on the road way, and then act accordingly.

God's laws are like this. The value of them is in the reasoning behind them, and this reasoning goes beyond the immediate sphere of men. Each of these laws have not only an earthly need for fulfillment, meaning they are needed to properly direct the affairs of man on the earth for his immediate good and protection, but also they represent heavenly and eternal realities at the same time. The following are a listing of various commandments of God and brief explanation of the heavenly realities that they reflect. Therein, offering the most extreme reason for obedience to them. For to violate them is to directly slander, or stand in rebellion toward the One who designed the commandments, to not only conduct the actions of men's lives for their immediate good, but to bring forth the true testimony of Heavenly and eternal realities.


In that Yahweh created the man as a living mortal illustration of Himself, and the woman as a living mortal illustration of the Church, and caused that they would come together in marriage, the act of divorce has far greater ramifications then the effects of the dissolutionment of the marriage and family, as extremely horrible as that it. For divorce is a horrendous thing, which often brings extreme damage and pain to the family members involved. Yet the slanderous testimony of heavenly things that is brought forth is the chief reason divorce is hated of God.

Marriage was created by God to represent His relationship to the believer. (1 Cor. 6:17) When one comes to the salvation of Jesus, God becomes the husband of their spirit. In that the man and the woman were created to illustrate in their person, both God and the Church, the act of unlawful divorce gives the signal that God will, or may, divorce believers, or that the believer is permitted to divorce the Lord. Our God is completely faithful and He will never divorce any soul of man until that soul has been proven unfaithful to him and will not turn from that unfaithfulness, (in other words such a one has thrown away his faith) and any soul of man that divorces the Lord will find themselves without a savior, and henceforth be destined to the Lake of Fire.


Again, the Creator designed and created mankind, both male and female, both man and woman to illustrate heavenly realities. The relationship of marriage was designed and the laws pertaining to it are to insure that the obedient will be able to live the fullest, happiest, and safest life possible while in this present life. However, more importantly these same laws are designed so that through obedience to them the full and proper testimony of Heavenly realties are brought forth. When the man, who is a living mortal illustration of God commits adultery with a woman, who is the living illustration of the Church or individual believer, this act is giving the picture that God will be untrue to the relationship of trust and commitment to a soul of man who has become a marriage partner (for again, every soul of man that experiences the salvation of Jesus receives the Lord as the husband of their spirit) The woman who commits adultery by her actions gives the picture of a believer leaving the Lord to enact intimacy with another god. This is idolatry. These pictures are completely untrue. They are slanderous testimonies of the Lord and His dealings with a redeemed soul, and the proper dealing of a redeemed soul with the Savior.


This act is similar to that of adultery. When a man and a woman fornicate it means that they participate in the act of marriage without entering into the covenant of marriage. Thus they by their action are testifying (again, in that they were created as representations of both the Lord and the believer) that God and a soul of man will enjoy the intimacy of marriage without first entering a covenant relationship. In other words, that an unconverted soul who has not experienced the regeneration of the Holy spirit, who is not born again can share intimacy with the Lord. This is an impossibility! Such action is a lie against the truth! The Holy Spirit will not enter and abide with any soul of of man and share communion with that person until that soul has been brought under the blood of Christ and has experienced regeneration. God will not dwell in an unholy place. So the heavenly illustration that fornication brings forth is that of God being married to (sharing intimacy with) a soul of man who is not His, and the woman's part illustrates a soul of man sharing intimacy with God without entering a covenant relationship, without being born again. These pictures are impossible and are altogether slanderous to the truth.

Child Rebellion:

Going beyond marriage is the obvious eventuality of parenthood. For just as the intimacy of the Lord to the Church will bring forth new believers, so it is that the intimacy of marriage, (the act of marriage) will bring forth children. So the relationship, and the laws that govern the relationship between parents and children are illustrative of the relationship that the Heavenly Father has to His own. The Father of every soul made perfect is God Himself, the mother is the Church. The seed of God (His word) sown into the Church (by means of evangelism of the unconverted) brings forth new children to God. When a child acts in disobedience or rebellion to his or her parents it is giving the picture of a child of God acting in disobedience and rebellion to the Lord Himself, and to the Church. Therefore any act or spirit of disobedience of a child to his parent is slanderous to the greater truth that marriage and family are to illustrate in the world. This is why in the Law a rebellious child who will not turn from his rebellion is commanded to be brought forth and stoned to death. For such rebellion can contaminate a society with its poison, and beyond that it is absolute slanderous picture of what the true relationship of Believer to the Lord is to be.

Sabbath Breaking:

The keeping of the Sabbath through much confusion and undoubtedly certain rebellion is by many in this generation neglected. This law was designed by God to cause the seventh day to represent Heavenly and eternal things. The Sabbath day is a banner if you will, that is to be "waved" every seventh day that testifies that God is both the creator and the redeemer of men. And if He is the creator of men, then He is henceforth the master of men. And if He is the redeemer of men, then it is in His name alone that salvation can be preached. The name of Jesus. So to not practice the Sabbath is to give the testimony that you do not believe that Yahweh is the Creator and the redeemer of men. This testimony is a lie. It is a slanderous testimony concerning God our Creator.

Cross Dressing:

The law of God commands that the sexes be adorned distinctively different, the one from the other. This law is found in Deuteronomy 22:5. It is said in this same reading that any man who dresses like a woman, or any woman who dresses like a man is an abomination to the Lord. I myself in blindness and unbelief lived in violation of this commandment until I was 42 years of age. That means I was a Christian with an active testimony for 28 years before the Holy One brought me to the place where I could see His law and be convicted of my sin. The spirit of what is called feminism, which is the disruption or deterioration of Divine Order, (the order of authority:God-Christ-Man-woman) is extremely prevalent in the world and I might add in the church. Satan wishing to corrupt the truth of God has sown much confusion into the world, teaching men that in reference to headship the woman is equal to the man, thus denying and corrupting God's order.

Again remember that the Creator created the human person illustrative of both Himself and His the chief object of His love: the church or individual Believer. The man represents God Himself, the woman represents the Church or individual Believer. Therefore when a woman dresses like a man she is saying by her practice that she is the same as, or equal to a man, which is saying that a believer is the same as, or equal to the Lord. This testimony is slanderous and therefore detestable to God. Therefore cross dressing, or the mixing of adornment is slanderous to God, and therefore an abomination. For remember that clothes have three basic purposes: 1--To protect from the elements. 2--To protect modesty, for all human persons are sexually oriented, therefore the covering of the body is of absolute necessity. 3-Clothes are illustrative. They by their nature are designed to give illustration pertaining to the one that wears them. Even as a police office is known by his uniform, or a soldier by his, or a white color worker by his. In like manner a woman's adornment much signal that she is NOT a male, but female.

Feminism or The Disruption Of Divine Order:

The laws of God that demand the keeping of Divine Order have already been mentioned, but the extreme necessity of the understanding and the obedience to these bears out that they have their own listing and discussion. God's law demands that authority be exercised in this order: God-Christ-Man-Woman. Not only is this the only order that works among men and that can bring forth life and happiness, but it is the only order that reflects Heavenly realities properly. God is the creator and henceforth the master of all things. He has chosen the man Christ Jesus, who is His physical son to be heir over all things, hence Christ is second in the line of authority.

Yahweh made the male person who grows to manhood to be the first representation of Himself, man was made in God's image, henceforth, man is next in authority. The woman was created from the rib of the man and henceforth made after the image of the man, and in that process became the very glory of the man, and henceforth is after the man in reference to authority. These things are of God, and to reverse the order of authority between the man and the woman is not only to disrupt life among men on this earth but it is also to bring forth a slanderous testimony of Heavenly and eternal realities. The which action will come under very severe judgment from Yahweh who created our lives to testify of His truth.

The word America is repent! For you have become a nation steeped in the wisdom of men, but very confused and negligent in regards to God's laws. Flush the worthless and confused preachers and educators that teach for doctrine the wisdom (man's misguided intelligence that refuses to acknowledge Yahweh and His laws) of men. He made man as the highest of all his creation, to live in the honor of knowing Him and His ways, thus by their lifestyle reflecting His truth in the world. He did not create man to wallow in the mire of the immorality that springs forth from the supposed wisdom of men. For the wisdom of men without the fear of God is at best foolishness.

A Watchman

Consider: Genesis 2:1-25, Malachi 2:16, Matthew 5:31-32, Matthew 19: 3-12, Mark 10: 2-12, 1 Corinthians 6:17, Ephesians 5: 22-33, Exodus 20:14, Exodus 20:14, Galatians 5:19, Ephesians 5:3, Colossians 3:5, Jude, verse 7,

Gregory DeHart is a Bible teacher who sometimes writes under the pen name of Watchman. Gregory is the sponsor of, a site dedicated to examining social issues and the preaching of righteousness, and, a site dedicated to the practical unfolding of the mystery revealed from the Bible of how marriage is a picture of Christ and the Church. For a Bible based life perspective please feel welcome to visit our sites, saving them as favorites, and please feel free to contact us, or post a comment. To the end that men everywhere would acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As a people of faith come forth in these last days and in spite of the progression of sin, (for it will progress) to bring forth a generation where "...many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee..." (Zechariah 2:11), and ...The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever." (Revelations 11:15), and for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Habakkuk 2:14).

The Nigerian Banking System and Top Banks

As in any other nation, the banking and financing system is a very important aspect when it comes to economic development. Before going into the subject, it is important to mention the fact that Nigeria is an emerging market and the banking system is a key factor towards a better life status.

The Central Bank of Nigeria

In the case of Nigeria, the main institution that controls the supply of the currency Nigerian naira is the Central Bank of Nigeria established in 1958 based on the CBN Act. The objectives of the Central Bank of Nigeria changed over time, but today due to the use of capitalization, the banking system has been improved and recovered its strength.

Further on, the recent improvements in the banking system are also the result of the increase in oil prices. It is known that Nigeria is a large oil trader of USA and by applying the right financial objectives the whole nation has something to win - but most importantly more chances towards a better life. The Central Bank of Nigeria enjoyed a great success during the last 2 years due to this trading agreement, as well as the Nigerian people.

Nigeria's economy

Moreover, according to the results of the World Bank the Nigerian GDP almost doubled from 2005 until 2007, reaching $1.754 / capita in 2007. This is an important economic development achievement for an emerging market like Nigeria. Likewise, it is also a sign that Nigeria is effectively and efficiently using the available resources since it is the world's 12th largest petroleum producer.

Besides the petroleum industry, in Nigeria there is also a fast growing telecommunication market that competes at worldwide level with other important operators. In order to maximize the outcomes from the telecommunication sector, the Nigerian government is struggling to expand it to space communications since the nation has already its own space satellite.

The best Nigerian banks

Even if Nigeria is an emerging market, it offers a well-developed financial system comprising local and international financial institutions related to brokerage, insurance, investment but also financing.

In the past years, there were so many small banks available in Nigeria that these became vulnerable to fraud and other bank malpractices. Therefore, in order to provide more reliable financial services, the solution was to perform mergers. In this way, the number of banks available decreased, but the ones that remained had a better capitalization structure and were trustworthy. The current Nigerian banks are able to offer loans with longer terms as compared to before the mergers and this is an important aspect when it comes to financing the local projects.

Surprisingly or not, starting with 2006, the Nigerian financial sector enjoys success and worldwide recognition since many Nigerian banks have reached the list of the world's best 1000 banks. Having this in mind, the best Nigerian banks listed in this report are as follows:

. First Bank

. Zenith Bank

. Union Bank

. Guaranty Trust Bank

. First Inland Bank

. Intercontinental Bank.

To sum up, from an economical and financial point of view Nigeria is rapidly approaching the middle income level and this will lead to a better living status and more investment projects throughout the nation.

Atinuke Saletti - editor and writer of African and Nigerian culture and societies. A contributor for Naija Face (

The Real Problem With Health Care - The Answer No One Wants to Hear!

As we all know, the reforms in health care as of late have been a hot topic. And in many ways it is splitting the population in half. We have those on one side of the field who say it's a government takeover, we're losing our freedoms, we can't afford it and it will worsen the quality of care. Then there are those in favor of it who argue we can't afford not to reform it, the insurance companies are not concerned about the individual and are raising premiums regardless and as a nation everyone should be entitled to better health either as preventive maintenance or even for those with preexisting conditions.

Either position has very strong arguments but what is really at the core of the problem? Some will say that there simply isn't enough competition that will lower costs. Others say there isn't enough regulation. My suggestion here is that the root of the problem runs much, much deeper than any of these surface issues. The root cause is the same factor that impacted the real estate market crash with the sub-prime mortgage issue, the financial meltdown, the foreign wars, the change in political administrations, the weak value of the dollar, the out of control unemployment numbers and the poor economy. All of these are merely symptoms of a system which in and of itself is flawed and broken. We can argue all day about what is the way to fix individual problems but the truth is they are all connected and this problem is proven generation after generation. This is why the gap between the rich and poor is the farthest ever and is still widening. This is why inflation continually increases while wages do not comparatively. This is why the middle-class is dwindling to the point where it one day may no longer exist.

Before I share with you the true culprit behind the health care issue let me ask you a few questions. Do you feel as though you have to work harder and harder for less and less just to get by? Are you concerned with protecting your assets and getting further ahead? Would you like to pass your accumulated wealth on to your children when you die? Do you feel anxiety about protecting your retirement and whether or not it will be enough for you to live comfortably? Do you feel your quality of life is threatened by competition or the government politics? Well if you answered "yes" to the majority of these questions then take a deep breath... look in the mirror... and realize that YOU are the true culprit!

Now before you get defensive and start justifying your actions let me elaborate on what I mean. Each of us who plays the "game of survival" may not individually be the sole source of the economics issue but collectively it is this attitude compounded that causes the social ills of the world. Let's be honest with ourselves. We've all bought into the notion that the costs of living go up year after year. A loaf of bread that used to cost 15 cents 30 to 40 years ago now costs $3.00! And we all accept this fallacy that somehow it takes more money to grow the same wheat to make the bread! Last I checked sunlight still shines on the Earth for free. The price of air hasn't gone up any from zero. And rainwater still falls upon the land at no cost. The seasons are still the same length and the dirt hasn't become any scarcer than before. And if anything, due to technology, the process of actually making bread hasn't gotten any more tedious rather it has probably gotten easier and quicker to accomplish. Why the increase in price then? Why do we accept inflation as if the same everyday processes are now somehow harder or more costly?

The real problem is that we as a society have simply gotten greedier! This notion started many thousands of years ago and we still operate off the same antiquated ideas with very little change or growth in our perspectives. Thousands of years ago as civilizations evolved and grew, the concepts of scarcity and "might makes right" become the social norm. The same practices of animal instinct still exist within the human culture. The strong simply take from the weak! Tribes would invade neighboring tribes and take their resources. And those that had the resources had to protect their accumulations. This idea of ownership & property are the driving forces behind chaos. There were those few cultures such as the Native Americans that recognized that nothing truly belonged to any one individual. They realized that what was good for the whole community was ultimately best for the individual. After all, every single one of us are born into this world with nothing but our naked bodies. However, based upon the accumulations of the parents, one child may enter the world as a wealthy person while another may enter the world in extreme poverty unable to even receive necessary milk for survival. Thus, we are forced from day one, even before we have any understanding of our environments, to accept the evil reality of the "haves" and "have-nots!"

This is the true battle being waged in congress, in political parties, between communities and between nations! Those that have want to protect it and those that don't want to get it. The unfortunate reality is that the "haves" are the ones who generally have the power and the "have-nots" lack it and therefore are the weak. The difference is money, which in this world represents power! Let's remind ourselves that money was created supposedly as a convenient tool to make bartering a simpler process. After all, it is sort of difficult to carry around a pig to trade for some eggs or milk. The problem today is because those who have money hoard it to the point that they don't really need your pig, eggs or milk. Through generations of accumulation and the advancement of technology, the wealthy don't need much that the average working person has to offer. Hence, through desperation and so-called competition the "have-nots" have to accept less and less and are forced to give their only remaining asset left - themselves! And since computers, machines and robots can generally do the same amount of work without getting tired or expecting a paycheck, even your labor has little to no value anymore.

Now I know many will argue that there are opportunities out there for those who "work hard." And based upon our current systems this is true to a degree. But understand a few facts. Ninety percent of the world's wealth is held amongst one percent of the population. Another ten percent controls the majority of the rest. And finally ninety percent of the population lives either in poverty or a couple paychecks away from losing the little they may have. Now if you're in the top 10 percent then surely you probably don't want to change a thing. And if you're comfortable with your lifestyle even though you may never become one of the top 10 percent, you probably want to protect what you do have so you don't become one of those in poverty. But let's remind ourselves that the vast majority of the wealth held within certain families and institutions wasn't earned through honest hard work and invention but rather through violent, barbaric and atrocious means. Through slave trades, invasions, genocides and good old-fashioned pillaging, the "strongest" of those, centuries ago, were able to hoard their acquisitions and then pass them down through their families generation after generation.

Why should I be able to "own" hundreds of thousands of acres of land that I will never be able to personally use? Who says that I should be able to control oil sources that belong to the earth and should benefit everyone? Why is one life more important than another? Why should the few monopoly corporations be able to buy out every new idea or invention that comes along? The only thing guaranteed in life is death and you will leave it the same way you entered it - naked and by yourself! It is foolish to thing that whatever you accumulate in life will somehow be able to be taken with you. In fact, this war between the "haves" and the "have-nots" is not really about big government versus small government or right versus left. It is really about ignorance versus wisdom; love versus greed; compassion versus selfishness! This isn't meant to sound idealistic. I don't expect a utopia overnight but the reality is that we are our own worst enemies. Everyone that buys into the ridiculous notions that life somehow gets more expensive every year is part of the problem. The birds still fly in the air for free. Animals still live off the land without taxes. And the sun still rises everyday in spite of man's attempts to end our ability to witness it.

Leo Tolstoy, the author most popularly known for 'War and Peace,' went as far as to say, "Property is thievery!" Tolstoy, who was influenced by the likes of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, went on to write journals that influenced Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Noble sentiments such as John F. Kennedy's "Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country" perhaps should have restated that as "Ask not what mankind can do for you but ask what you can do for mankind" for we in truth created our businesses, institutions and governments to serve us and not the other way around. We allow national pride, culture, languages, religions, gender and personal desires to separate us. Yet it is only through love, unity and the desire to "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" that is the true strength of society.

The vast majority of mankind will continue to live in despair because we've bought into lies, become lazy and only seek to benefit ourselves. We must look in the mirror and change ourselves first. Gandhi stated "Be the change in the world that you seek!" We would all benefit to approach our personal decisions, family decisions, outlooks on life and our politics with greater compassion and love for the benefit of all. Never allow fear to drive your choices for fear will only consume you and produce loss for everyone involved. There is a cause known as the Zeitgeist Movement. It is a noble idea on how mankind can improve the world we live in not just for our nation or ourselves but also for the entire world. While I think it is still a little too idealistic based upon man's current understanding and capacity, I do think it is a worthwhile idea towards the possibilities we could enjoy if we just had a little greater trust in one another. We, unfortunately, are still a long ways away from that day. I invite you to search for the video and/ or website. We don't have to accept the evils of the world or that some people lives are not worth saving but we must develop courage and stand up against fear, selfishness and greed.

I'm not a huge Star Trek fan but in one of the earlier movies there was a scene in which the Star Trek crew had traveled from the future back in time to the current present day. A person asked Captain Kirk how much it cost to build the Starship Enterprise and his answer was that "... in the future mankind doesn't do things in terms of dollars or profit but rather for the benefit of society!" We can only put one foot in front of the other but perhaps the day may come in time, somewhere in the distant future, where this sentiment may become reality. We are One.

Lateef Terrell Warnick, author of "Journey of the Soul: Day One" Book & Movie at

Also, founder of 1 S.O.U.L. Social Network & Movement, expresses teachings founded in universal love and the esoteric approach similar to that of the yogi or mystic which declares that the "kingdom of God is within."

1 S.O.U.L. is an acronym for "One Source Of Universal Love" and consists of spiritual writings, social network, blog and non-profit organization. Teachings in harmony with those of "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda, "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsch, "The Power of Now" & "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle, "The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore" by Deepak Chopra, "A Course In Miracles" by Marianne Williamson, "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran, "Beyond Belief: The Secret Book of Thomas" by Elaine Pagel, Swami Vivekananda, Babaji & the lives of Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Krishna who've shown us the way towards enlightenment & Self-Realization!

It Costs How Much to Replace an Employee?

Retaining your good employees

The Right People in the Right Places 

Studies show that the average cost to replace a worker in the US is $17,000.00 (AVERAGE!!). Some HR managers use the rule of thumb that whatever the person's annual salary is - it will cost that much to replace them. One study evaluating the effects of the US Family Medical Leave Act found that "turnover costs for a manager average 150% of salary, including real costs of hiring... and intangible costs such as the new worker's inefficiency and lost productivity while the job is vacant."

Costs of lost productivity are as important as direct costs such as advertising or temporary staff. Total costs easily reach 150% of the annual compensation. The cost will be significantly higher (200% to 250%) for managerial and sales positions.

Bliss & Associates Inc., Wayne, NJ consulting firm

Oh, and if you think you can just hire temporary workers and avoid all those costs, think again. The cost of hiring and getting production from a temporary worker is nearly 40% of their salary, and temporary workers tend to have higher hourly rates than permanent ones - and higher turnover rates as well.

Let's put this in real terms.   The lowest number I have seen anywhere says it will cost you at least 30% of an employee's total annual compensation to replace them. Assume you have 100 employees and your average salary is $10.00 per hour. At $10.00 per hour + benefits (at 20% of wages), your employees receive ~$12.00 hour in wages and benefits. Let's say that you have to replace 15% of your employees every year. Taking the most conservative estimate for employee turnover costs that I have been able to find (30% of their annual wages and benefits); each employee you have to replace is costing you $7,488.00. 

100 employees X 15% X $7488 (including benefits) = $112,320 per year.

And that is using the most conservative cost percentage I can find. If we decide to use the national average ($17,000 / replaced employee) the cost goes to $255,000.00. By using the 'rule-of-thumb' (100% of their annual salary - $20,800.00/ replaced employee), the cost will go to $312,000.00... Staggering!

Why are the costs so high?

Why does it cost so much to replace a departing employee? Some costs, like paying off accrued vacation time or the cost of a help-wanted ad, are obvious.

Other costs include:

Increased unemployment insurance costs
Lost productivity while there is a vacancy
Time costs for the separation (Exit) interview (If your good employees are leaving, you NEED to know why)
Separation agreement costs (legal, financial, medical, retirement cash-out, etc.)
Overtime from other employees to handle the vacancy (which can lead to burn-out or absenteeism)
Time costs to review resumes
Time costs to interview candidates
Interview expenses for the candidates
Possible travel expenses
Possible relocation expenses
Head-hunter or signing bonus fees
Additional bookkeeping; payroll, 401k, etc.
Additional record keeping for government agencies
Reduced productivity while the new worker gets up to speed
Training programs
Corporate history lost
Morale can be affected
Intellectual property lost

There are also risks associated with losing an employee.

Threat of lawsuit
Bad PR from disgruntled employee
Threat that the employee will take clients to a new firm

What can be done about it?

Job descriptions:

Put together a complete job description with tasks and duties outlined in a clear and concise way so that when someone answers your want ad, they know what they are applying for. Minimize that catch-all phrase "Other duties as assigned". This way, the employee knows what is expected of the position and the manager knows what to evaluate for performance reviews.

Pre & Post employment testing: 

Job match/satisfaction can be measured by using the testing and evaluation systems that are available through RP2-Consulting. The cost of these evaluation and testing programs is significantly less than the cost of turnover in the first example above. We can test a candidate before they even show up for an interview and tell you if they have the right attitude, will show up for work when expected and won't take everything in the supply cabinet home with them. We can match new candidates to a given position. We have all heard of the 'Peter Principle' (an individual rises to his level of incompetence). We can look at your existing employees and match their skills and personalities with open positions in the organization. We can also help you identify the right people to put on teams. When teams are balanced (one person's strengths cover another person's weaknesses), results are significantly improved. Finally, managers (and CEO's) need to know their strengths and weaknesses, as those who work with them perceive them. Testing can show you what your true strengths and weaknesses are so that you can focus on improving those things that need to be improved.


Expecting someone to produce when they do not know how to produce, or what results are needed is absurd. Yet every day, people are hired to do jobs in which they have little or no formal training. Make sure that your employees get the training and guidance they need to meet your expectations. This will lead to better employee job satisfaction and reduced management stress. As a significant side benefit, well-trained employees are more likely to win appreciation for a job well done; and appreciation and recognition among your peers is a huge motivator. We can help you design your training programs to meet your individual needs.


The best plans and initiatives are all for naught if your leadership does not focus on what is working and where you want to go. Have you ever been backing out of your driveway focused on the trash-can you had to avoid hitting at all costs - it's right there in the mirror, just behind the vehicle, if you hit it your whole morning will be ruined - and like a laser, you run right into it...

We go where we focus. One key to your success is to focus on retaining your employees. Working to make them successful is far less expensive than replacing them. Treating them with respect and honor while making them feel like they have a stake in the company and its success will lead to your success. Focus on where you want to go not where you don't want to go. Looking at mistakes and finding fault is focusing on the past and the errors made there. Learn from mistakes and move on. Plan the future your organization wants. Focus on applauding success, both individually and for the team/company.   

Eric Omer is an Author, Speaker & Business Coach. A graduate of the University of Texas, (Austin) he has over 20 years of national and international business experience with both small and Fortune 500 organizations. He developed his trademarked '9 Core Business Fundamentals' based on his business consulting experiences. Eric offers a free 2 hour consultation/business evaluation that will show you the strengths and weaknesses in your organization.

Eric is available for one-on-one business coaching, public speaking and training in Leadership skills and Project Management.

For more information about Eric and his company 'RP Consulting' go to [].

Will the US Suffer an Inflation Or Deflation in 2009-2010 Or Both?

On October 10, 2008, I posited four possible scenarios regarding the outlook for our general economic future. Of those four scenarios, it may be that we are experiencing the most chaotic and potentially destructive scenario, one that may be difficult for many to envisage:

That is the third outcome posited in the article: "In this case, the deflationary forces would win the battle against Federal Reserve easing and government action, at least temporarily. In response to a deflationary calamity, the Federal Reserve may run the printing presses until an inflationary recovery could take place. Gold may do well under this chaotic scenario."

Currently, U.S. consumer demand for goods is abetting and consumers are retrenching as a result of the drying up of the credit spigot. Credit is now only available to the soundest of borrowers. Money may not be readily available to many borrowers to buy new homes, refrigerators, and automobiles. The consequent deleveraging of the average consumer (who is over his head in debt and who cannot borrow more to finance purchases) is a powerful wave in the U.S. Without the proposed mortgage and bank bailout by the Obama administration, millions more Americans might be on the cusp of losing their homes.

In addition, significant layoffs (from the likes of IBM, Intel, and Macy's) have the potential to lead us into a downward economic spiral of decreasing demand and employment. Further, in this economy, we are also experiencing price decreases caused by retailers selling off goods as they liquidate their businesses. In a normal economy where credit is available, these retailers might have been able to go into bankruptcy and then receive financing to operate until they emerged out of it, saving valuable jobs.

Weakened banks are receiving huge cash injections of Federal money, turning them into partial wards of the State. Tens or hundreds of billions of dollars may ultimately be spent by government authorities in bailing out the countless owners of three- or four-bedroom houses whose mortgages are under water.

The Federal Reserve under Chairman Bernanke and the Obama Administration has used and may utilize further the myriad tools at their disposal to extricate our economy from this slump that has shown deflationary characteristics. The Fed can simply print all the dollars that are necessary to stimulate domestic growth, which in the long run makes the dollar worth less. The dollar may simply be inflated away, with the current deflation turning into a great inflation in the coming years, damaging the dollar's local and international purchasing power. It may be that the "cure" for our disease--massive government spending and easy money from the Federal Reserve--will be our undoing.

In Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse, Thomas E. Woods, with foreword by free market thinker Ron Paul, describes the real causes of the current economic and stock market collapse. Woods, "a senior fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute and winner of the 2006 Templeton Enterprise Award," shows how government is not the solution to the current economic crisis, but is actually making the slump worse. Buy this one to gain greater insight into today's economic disaster.

A demonstration of how quickly an economy can change is in the example of the Icelandic financial calamity of 2008. As reported on Wikipedia, Iceland's three largest banks failed and Iceland's government's central bank was not large enough to guarantee the banks' bad debts (something that may not happen here: theoretically, our Federal Reserve's balance sheet is infinite).

Iceland's stock market fell 90%, the local currency inflation rate rose into double digits and the value of the Icelandic krona sharply declined. Unemployment increased. The savings of many citizens were decimated. The movement of capital to and from Iceland is permitted only with permission from the authorities. Citizens who hold foreign currencies must hold them in an Icelandic bank. Iceland's transition from an enviable success story to utter financial collapse all happened in the span of less than a year.

Great Britain's government authorities have effectively nationalized much of the banking sector in response to insolvencies among many formerly powerful banking institutions. The British currency has fallen 30% from about $2.00 to $1.40 per Pound. The Pound does not have world reserve currency status, which may explain why so many market participants are more able to bet against it: it is not widely owned throughout the world and may be available in the scheme of the currency market to be sold heavily. Britain is seen as a declining power in the midst of crisis and its currency is merely reflecting this.

However, Britain suffered mightily from the stagflation years of the mid 1970's, when inflation rose to 25%, but its economy was later revived by the free market policies of Margaret Thatcher. So I would not count Britain out just yet. Much will depend on future U.K. economic policy. That said, I would not be surprised to see a short term rally in the Pound as the difficult reality of the current situation has been well broadcast and has been absorbed by almost all players. The Pound may be oversold.

Since the dollar is still the world's primary reserve currency (though that is in a state of adjustment), it is unlikely at this time that countries such as China and Japan who buy our Treasuries and sell us manufactured goods (taking our dollars in return as I.O.U's, increasing the supply of dollars outside the U.S.), will give up on us completely. However, they may look upon their massive U.S. investments with trepidation as we have lowered our living standards by accumulating massive public and private debt which must now be deleveraged. And there is no guarantee that the deleveraging will go smoothly. It certainly has not up until this point. Our foreign creditors may shudder when they see us run our printing presses to stimulate our domestic economic growth, which may turn the current whiff of deflation in our economy into a galloping inflation and gold price, with double digit interest rates, and may result in the fall of the dollar in future years. During a time of severe stress on the dollar, the Obama administration could conceivably restrict the movement of U.S. capital to and from our shores. As has happened with nations who have followed such a policy, our stock market and the dollar might react badly.

On the subject of free trade, should we enact a protectionist trade policy, such as the trade barriers enacted in the 1930's, we could see additional shuttered storefronts and increases in unemployment, amplifying the current recession. Demand for goods by displaced workers could dry up. Given that so many of the goods used in this country have been produced entirely or in part outside the U.S., the net effect of increased protectionism could be inflationary, reflecting the higher costs of producing more goods by better paid American workers. The big risk is that our tariffs might be reciprocated by our trading partners, which could be a real disaster for the world economy.

A misguided Obama administration might enact strict regulations or increase taxes on industries that are currently performing well (at least relatively): the oil industry and the railroads are possible targets. Some see the railroads as price gougers because they are making excellent profits on hauling a variety of commodities. And last time I checked, at least one railroad was hiring. Before they were deregulated in 1980, the rails stagnated for decades and many rail lines were unprofitable. The deregulation allowed the industry to dynamically alter its business: reducing costs and improving service performance, laying the foundation for a deregulation success story.

Reregulation may restrict the railroads' profits and would likely lead to more layoffs and cuts in service. I believe that under some circumstances, regulation can be effective, but the problem lies when regulations stay on the books for many years or even decades, hamstringing the industries they were meant to "help" as the old regulations become increasingly obsolete. It appears to me that more regulation leads to less overall potential in the economy and could result either in inflation or deflation. The case of the struggling airlines is instructive. Prior to deregulation, airline profits were guaranteed and the public had to swallow the cost. In this instance regulation inflated airfares.

In conclusion, the deflation of many asset class values and some prices at the retail level that we currently see may be followed by a longer period of increasing price inflation caused by excessive growth in the money supply. This scenario could further destabilize our stock market, economy, and our currency markets. If the Obama administration makes economic policy blunders as I have discussed, many market participants may lose confidence in U.S. policy and continue selling the stock market.

However, if there are limited economic policy mistakes, the stock market may find a bottom in 2009 and may rally powerfully from that trough, and then may continue in a trading range (a similar pattern occurred in the rally after the nearly 50% 1973-1974 decline). Reflation winners who may benefit most from the rally are major oil firms and gold firms as well as physical gold. Gold is also insurance should the unthinkable occur and the economy melt down into a broad deflation without near term recovery in sight.

This article contains the opinions and ideas of its author and is designed to provide useful general information to the reader on the subject matter covered. The author may or may not have current positions in the investments mentioned in this work, and the author may from time to time make investments in a manner that is not described here. Past investment performance is no guarantee or prediction of future results and any investments made, based on the opinions and ideas contained in this work, may or may not be successful. The strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every investor or situation, and the author is not engaged in, and should not be construed to be, rendering legal, accounting, investment advisory or other professional services to the reader or any other person. Readers should consult their own advisers for advice particular to their individual circumstances.

For more investment advice, read John's investment advice articles and his investment advice blog