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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Concerns Regarding the Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations

We can, categorically, qualify all points of social responsibility as either human, economic, legal, or environmental. The human category of social responsibility would contain all issues related to individual persons and groups of people. These might be health, safety, unions, personal freedom and liberties, and human rights. Legal concerns relate to either conflicting international laws, regulations, or the political landscape. The economic category would contain issues related to currencies, monetary policy, investment, and wages. The environmental category would relate to the natural condition of the host nation and encompass environmental conservation, pollution, and the distribution and use of natural resources.

There are two fundamental problems that create the need for the human category of corporate social responsibility. First, all nations agree that there are some rights that people have. Second, there is no total consensus on what those rights are. This results in disputes over a reasonable minimum working age, a maximum number of hours of labor to be performed on a weekly basis, and minimum acceptable safety conditions at the place of employment. There are also questions about reasonable break lengths, frequency of bathroom use, and time to be dedicated to eating during the work day. There are also issues of racial and gender-based discrimination. For the multinational corporation (MNC), the matter of moving a contract overseas is no small one. While there are international guidelines on which policies should be adopted in these matters, the final responsibility for the ethical treatment of employees falls on the MNC.

There are several problems that give rise to the economic concerns of social responsibility. First, many MNCs have capital that far exceeds the total worth of less developed nations. Second, many less developed nations are unable to develop the level of economic and monetary policy to handle the influx of activity that a MNC represents. Finally, a less developed nation can be economically destroyed by the presence of a MNC if the business does not regulate their financial activities on an internal basis. Economic issues relate to the purchase of raw materials, investment in host nation financial products, capital markets, and taxation.

Legal concerns are more widely varied. A MNC is bound by international, local, and host nation law. They are expected to maintain lawfulness at all times. The issue of governmental corruption is also significant. A MNC must resolve disputes within the legal framework of its host nation. They must also avoid interference with the political machinery. The legal and political influence of a MNC can range from beneficial to warlike. Consider, a MNC that moves into a less developed nation and overwhelms the government with its economic power is less a corporation and more a conquering army.

Environmental concerns arise from several problems. First, less developed nations may not be able to properly value their national resources. Second, MNCs trade across markets and, as such, can engage in the arbitrage of cross-market price differences of environmental resources. Third, the value and dangers of certain environmental actions (i.e. waste disposal, pollution, water usage, etc.) are not fully known at this point in time. This creates further issues for the MNC. there is concern for how much, and what kind of, information the MNC should give to host nation governments on the potential dangers of their activities. Additionally, there is the danger on the MNC acting in a cut-and-run manner, destroying the natural resources of a less developed nation and running home with the profits. These are all significant problems that require solutions. The MNC must work with international regulatory agencies and host nations to produce a methodology that benefits both stakeholders and the host nation.

Rayn Hyden currently writes literary analysis articles on the subjects of Machiavelli and Don Quixote. While frequently mistaken for a well-known Berkley rhetor, Rayn lives in sunny Palm Beach and has never traveled to California.

Improving the American Manufacturing Sector Through Socialization

The manufacturing industry is a very important blood line to the American economy. It has been the foundation for our success and growth since the days of the industrial revolution, which alone established the United States as an economic superpower. Manufacturing, in my opinion, is still the backbone of this country. The question to ask is what is happening to the industry right now? Some people say that American manufacturing is little by little dying or ending, which if you look at employment, it is in that regard. According to economists, we've been losing 250,000 or more manufacturing jobs every year on average since the 1974. However, if you look at output, probably the more relevant indicator of growth, we're still seeing nominal increases, but why? Of course, this analysis puts the latest recession starting in 2009 to the wayside. In that period the U.S went from a 3% decrease of output in 2008 to a12% decrease in 2009 alone. However, the total share of GDP for manufacturing still hovers around 15%.

If you look at the trending data, it has actually been relatively steady over the last 30 years, but there is a negative relationship in employment, which is something that really concerns me. Like everyone else, I know who to blame for this. Companies were quick to off shore to countries in Asia like China which take the jobs and produce nearly everything that is imported into the U.S. However, you would assume that all of the output would be reflected in those numbers, but it really isn't. We do see that there is an ever growing trade deficit between the U.S and China, but all data points to the fact that the heart of American manufacturing is still beating and is not 'dead' in any regard. If we have the output and the growth, then the jobs producing it need to be stabilized here. It is important to add that with the societal value changes and costs that domestic firms are seeing, some of those jobs are starting to trickle back to our shores.

In retrospect, there are those that argue that the powerhouse we were 40 years ago is an age that we will never see again. But what I think they meant to say is that we won't ever have the number of jobs we once had in that sector. I think the U.S government has realized some of the mistakes they've made handling trade deficits by caving to those with alternative agendas. In fact, I think the issue became more pressing when the latest recession hit in 2009. People were infuriated over job losses, yet we had been experiencing some of these losses for more than 40 years. I think this was the boiling point for many because they realized how fragile the economy is, and we now have younger generations that didn't know what the Great Depression was like. Therefore, I think this really hit home with many as their first hard economic downturn. With that in mind, people pressed for job creation, and continue to do so. I'm hoping that because we're starting to move out of the recession that employers and government officials will still keep employment at the top of their agenda.

Socialization is developing a goodwill relationship with people who can develop and grow an economy. Putting this it into perspective, the American manufacturing industry can develop ties and bonds with countries that have the necessary materials needed in the manufacturing industry. This could be accomplished easily with fair trade initiatives and green practices. That way when it comes to relations with the working population of other countries as suppliers, we can foster a bond that results in a stronger supply chain and likely higher quality raw materials. I firmly believe that the boost in U.S manufacturing extends far beyond our borders, and most importantly, our people. It extends to the people of other nations, and I think there is mutual growth that can be accomplished with supplying countries. There are many companies that have came under the scrutiny of the public eye concerning child labor laws, unfair pricing, and environmental practices. This type of behavior doesn't boast well for growth and long term relationships, nor doesn't it represent well when other companies are prospecting international location.

Another way of boosting it through socialization is by enacting the 'scratch my back, I scratch yours system' to put it loosely. For example, American manufacturers, alongside governing bodies, can strike deals with 3rd world countries and others that are suppliers. The terms would include allowing better flow of raw materials, if American companies can invest with tax breaks in order to develop areas of those countries that are suffering. Not only would this ensure that companies obtain the materials they need, it would ensure that the supplying nation wouldn't be left in the dust.

Devin Glenn Pringle is the author of this article on Screw machine products.
Find more information on Precision cnc machining here.

Coming - Lower Living Standards and Lower Wages - Leading to a Modest and Equitable Way of Life

There is no doubt that globalization will benefit more people than it will hurt in the United States and abroad. It is certain that it will also create new challenges, oftentimes quite painful though temporary. Today's harsh economic situation seems to be an example. It has caused a deep economic slowdown already affecting tens of millions Americans with no recovery in sight. Capitalistic globalization has a lot to do with this situation.

Consider the housing bubble which was fueled by extraordinarily cheap money provided by lenders. It caused the prices paid free of any connection to real value of the property in relation to rent or market supply and demand. The abundance of cheap money didn't come from Americans since they haven't been saving for years. It came from other countries known as the "global saving glut," amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars made available in the U.S. market. With money available to borrow, people bought overpriced houses far beyond their financial capability to pay monthly mortgage payments or sell for the price paid for. It is quite clear that without the global saving glut, America couldn't have a housing bubble or the resulting housing collapse.

Employment and jobs have taken also a very important global dimension. The most significant effect seems to be the opening of a huge global labor market. Along with thousands of Americans looking for work, millions of job seekers around the world are able now to compete for tens of thousand jobs offered by the American firms within the country as well as abroad. What is devastating for American workers is the presence of millions of substantially lower-priced foreign workers with the same skills. Even if they are not hired, they hold down the wages of high-priced American workers. Yet worse, instead of creating jobs at home, this immense pool of cheap labor relentlessly induces employers to create new jobs wherever workers with required skills are available for substantially lower wages. In reality, the main problem is not so much the outsourcing of jobs, which is relatively small, but creating them abroad rather than at home.[1]

Under the global free trade agreements, globalization has been causing an enormous societal upheaval- economic, political and social- approaching an inevitable global peaceful revolution tending to substantially upset the status quo in both developed and developing countries. It is causing downward slide in living standards in the advanced countries and upward moves of the same in developing ones. No one country or group of states can control or stop this phenomenal transformation which is taking shape and strength. At the most, any contrary effort by a state may only cause some minor delays in progress which would actually be detrimental to its economy rather than beneficial. The reality is that the world market needs cheap and abundant goods and services and to provide these, producers need cheap labor and favorable environment to maximize profits under a keen and unavoidable competition in global environment.

How is this transformation affecting the United States? Let's see first how much of America is owned by foreigners. The following few examples well illustrates the situation: Mining, 27%; information, 24%; manufacturing, 20%; professional, scientific, and technical services, 20%; and finance, 11%. But these statistics include all production firms large and small, if we look at the major and key firms, the foreign ownership picture is quite alarming. For example, foreign capital controls sound recording industries by 97%; commodity contracts dealing and brokerage by 79%; motion picture and sound recording industries by 75%; metal ore mining by 65%; database directory, and other publications by 63%; cement, concrete, lime, and gypsum products by 62%; engine turbine and power transmission equipment by 57%; rubber product by 53%; nonmetallic mineral products manufacturing by 53%, plastic and rubber products manufacturing by 52%; boiler, tank, and shipping container by 50%; coal mining by 48%, nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying by 47%.

Now, let's look at the percentage of Americans annual consumption of foreign imports. These are goods that come from abroad instead of being produced at home. Here is just a few examples from 2005 showing the percentage and value in billions of dollars: Footwear, 92% [$17.590]; audio and video equipment, 90% [$40.967]; computer equipment, 70% [$78.404]; Apparel, 75% [$68.576]; miscellaneous manufactured commodities, 57% [$63.467]; communication equipment, 53% [$47.137]; semiconductors and other electronic components, 51% [$68,349]; motor vehicles, 39% [$142,842]; pharmaceuticals and medicines, 32% [$5.613]; motor vehicle parts, 32% [$71.066]; iron and steel and ferro alloy, 29% [$27.443]; basic chemicals, 24% [$35.011]; medical equipment and supplies, 23% [$16.290], a total of $733.8 billion.[2]

Then there is no wonder that according to a senior administration official, the federal budget deficit for 2008 will set a record high close to $490 billion [3] which the government has to borrow from certain sources abroad more likely from the so called "global saving glut." by issuing government treasury bonds. Considering the past behavior of the lending countries, a good part of this huge amount will be spent to buy more of the American production and communication means, increasing foreign influence over extraction of the natural resources, production of goods and services. According to Fortune Magazine ( February 18, 2008, p. 58) foreign buyers set a record in 2007 by purchasing $414 billion of American assets. Many of the biggest deals were made by Asian or Middle Eastern buyers. Our annual trade deficit remains massive amounting to hundreds of billion dollars each year. It is this enormous amount of money spent abroad that comes back to acquire our means of production, transportation and communication. This trend is troublesome more so now than ever before. 'According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the rest of the world currently owns way more of America (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) than America owns of the rest of the world, by margin of $2.6 trillion.... Where it leads is grim: As a nation we eventually cease to be capitalists and become simply wage earners.... a country that goes too far down this road can be 'colonized by purchase rather than conquest.'"[4]

One would expect "Americans, in a period of falling home prices, a wobbly stock market and an ongoing war, to be less than satisfied with the direction of the country. It's natural. But Americans are not simply dissatisfied. They are very unhappy. O.K., deeply, pessimistically unhappy. Un-American Dreamy: 85% of respondents in an exclusive TIME/Rockefeller Foundation poll believe that the country is on the wrong truck." [5]

Americans are increasingly feeling that they have become the losers. A majority of 68% of the respondents in a Fortune Magazine survey indicate that free trade benefits the most the U.S. partners rather than the Americans. They fear about jobs lost overseas and wages reduced by global competition and now worsened by the failure of giant financial institutions, housing crisis and credit crunch. It is felt that globalization so far is undermining the middle class and enriching only the economic elite. As opinion polls demonstrate, this disparity seems to be a reason for unprecedented concerns about inequality in income distribution as well as upward economic mobility. According to a Gallup poll nearly 70% of Americans think that there should be a more even distribution of wealth. The earning gap between the highly skilled workers and the rest of the labor force has been widening since 1980s. Particularly, in the last few years the top few percent has seen an accelerating gain while the rest have stood still or fallen back. A huge number of Americans, 80% of them, think it is harder to maintain a middle-class lifestyle now compared to five years ago.[6]

Putting aside the housing crisis, let's see why is this happening to the working class in the United States? The basic reason is globalization of capital, production as well as marketing during the last decade. Availability of cheaper labor abroad, and far favorable production environment such as minimum or no requirements for health care or retirement benefits, minimum or no regulation regarding the work environment, and harshly competitive global market, all together have been causes for strong inducement for American firms to move their production of goods and services abroad. This process is still going on with an increasing pressure to be enlarged further. The first effect of this surge is imposing a cap or reducing wages. This is being seen all over the country from the airline pilots all the way down in nearly all firms involved in global trade. As demonstrated by the studies mentioned above, wages as well as middle class family income has remained nearly the same during the last five years.

Based on the character of the globalized trade and keen competition it creates in global market, the production firms have been pushed to resort to any means which would bring down the cost of production. Unavoidably, when the cost of production at home, despite of all possible reductions, cannot compete in international market, the firms are obliged to move their operation where the cost of labor, health care, retirement benefits put all together leaves some ground for competition and expectation of profits. The outcome has been an accelerating outsourcing the production.

Consequently, based on all the facts presented above, This process of stagnation in domestic production, reduced wages, health care and retirement benefits with increased unemployment, will impose unavoidable pressures on the middle and lower income families to cut down in their spending. As the process continues, these families will end up spending only in basic necessities, trying at the same time to save some for their health care and old age, if at all possible. Purchasing luxury or multiple items such as cars, television sets, cameras, many shirts, pants, shoes and dresses will be gradually reduced to basic needs. As the domestic production of goods and services along with consumer spending declines, so do the government revenues while its expenditures particularly in welfare programs, such as unemployment compensation, food stamp, antipoverty, medicaid etc., increases. There will be no other way but substantial tax increase to balance the budget. Because, we won't be able to borrow money to do so, as we have been doing for years, since presently we are borrowing $2 billion a day to balance our budget and paying over $700 million interest daily on the accumulated national debt of nearly $10 trillion. Since our projection of lover living standards as presented above is about a decade or two away, and if the level of budget deficit stays around $3 to $5 hundred billions per year, the nation will approach to the brink of bankruptcy by then and the United States will lose credibility to borrow particularly that our creditors will be foreign financial institutions as they are now. The imposition of any tax increase, specially a substantial one, would be a great but inevitable burden on the impoverished taxpayers.

The huge unemployment in addition to the new young workers entering the tied job market, will push the nation for substantial transformation in the workplace. One possible and democratic way would be to guaranty equality of opportunity at work place. The concept would require the production firms to hire anyone looking for job in their area of competence. If there is no open positions then those who are employed must let go an hour or two per week of their weekly work to the extent that it will provide employment for everyone. It will cut a little from the weekly or monthly pay of those already employed but will provide work and income for those who were unemployed. This process will guarantee full employment all the time.This concept is not easy to implement but well possible. For details of the process see Technodemocratic Economic Theory: From Capitalism and Socialism to Democracy by the author

Under this system, more likely, most people will work some hours less per week. Accordingly, they will have more time for leisure, enjoyment of life and self-fulfilment. Individual attention to exercise, art, music, poetry and literature will flourish, and necessarily results in creation of thousands of new and meaningful positions.

While this process of lower living standards taking place in advanced countries, developing countries also go through a quite different transformation. This process has already started in many developing countries where wages are extremely low and requirement for a healthy work environment, health care and retirement benefits are minimal. It has already caused outsourcing the production and marketing from the advanced societies and an urge from the part of the global corporations to establish production firms in these countries rather than in their own. China and India are two major examples. Such development of production of goods and services in these countries will gradually cause increase in wages and workers demand for a better working environment, health care and retirement benefits. It will eventually result in a higher living standards in these societies. Ultimately, the income level will be modified in both developed and developing societies and the living standards reach a comparable level under a global standards tending toward an equitable living ways. I estimate this end to be attained within five decades.


1. Geoff Calvin, "A Recession of Global Dimension?" Fortune, February 4, 2008, p18. 2., July 28, 2008. 3. Andrew Taylor, "Budget Deficit Nearing $490 Billion," Time, JULY 28, 2008. 4. Geoff Calvin, "America for Sale," Fortune, February 18, 200 8, p.58. 5. Bill Sporito, "85% of US Unhappy With Economy," 6. "Workman's Blues," The Economist, July 26, 2008, pp.33-36.

Dr. Reza Rezazadeh
Professor Emeritus
1080 Eastman Street
Platteville, WI 53818

Professor Emeritus at the University of Wisconsin System,and a Fulbright scholar, a multi-disciplinary, multi-cultural, and multi-lingual scholar with background in Mechanical Engineering (B.S.M.E.), Continental and Islamic Law (Licenciate), J.D. in American Jurisprudenxce, LL.M. in International Law and International Economics, Ph.D. in Political Science, Economics and Administration, and Doctor of the Science of Law (S.J.D.) the highest law degree offered in U.S. Fluent in five languages: English, French, Spanish, Persian, Azeri-Turkish. Elementary knowledge of Arabic, Urdu, Russian and Italian. Patented inventions; an artist, a poet (oil and pastel), a musician (violin), with over 35 years of academic background in teaching, reseasrch and administration, research and cultural studies in many countries in Europe including USSR, Middle East, Central Asia, Northe africa, Central and South America. Author of 8 books and many scholarly articles listed in his website

Car Alarm Systems and the Leading Manufacturers

Car alarm systems range from basic to highly advanced. Manufacturers distribute a wide variety, mostly one-way car alarms. Two-way car alarm systems are mostly distributed in developed nations.

Most car tracking system now employs the technology of Global Positioning System. It can track movements of stolen vehicles.

Many car alarm companies have highly advanced equipment and computer testing system to carefully test alarms before distribution. Alarms undergo simulation testers and temperature chambers to ensure reliability.

The engineering departments develop high and technically advanced car alarms to satisfy the special requirement and certification of countries worldwide. Manufacturers also offer the most affordable cost, effective shipping methods, and highest quality of products.

Manufacturers are looking for ways to mass produce hybrid car alarms abreast with the standards of the National Insurance Crime Bureau for vehicle security. Hybrid alarms are more durable and in many ways better than traditional car alarms. Most manufacturers concentrate on improving the quality, enhancing stability, reducing power consumption and improving control range. They even distribute accessories like central locking kits and reversing sensors.

Mainland China ranks number 4 among the world's largest car manufacturers. Their production is estimated at 5.1 million in 2004 and the actual sales reached 5 million units. Because China has a big local market, car security industry has also expanded, serving both the domestic and foreign markets.

Taiwan has moved most of its production of basic car security alarm to the mainland and scaled down its own manufacturing. Nevertheless, it focused on providing comprehensive car security solutions and satisfies car manufacturer's specific requirements.

The increasing demand of car security products in China is steadily sustainable. International players continually strengthen their presence in China. They are attracted with the potential growth of these security products in the country. Both Taiwanese and Chinese manufacturers have penetrated the car security OEM (original equipment manufacturer) market.

The Directed Electronics Inc. is one of the largest companies in the world distributing car security products. It is the company behind Viper car alarms. It is widely appraised for its great features and benefits integrated into the system.

JSC "Divetis" is a company established in 1994 in Kaunas, Lithuania. Few years later, it became one of the biggest importers of car security systems. It produced the Sharpshooter model in 2004. It integrated the SMD (surface-mount device) technology.

Divetis was evaluated and certified for its excellent design and creativity by an international laboratory.

Guangzhou Car-mate Technology Co. Ltd; manufactures, researches and exports car electronics products. The company produces GSM car alarm, GPS car navigation and HID (high-intensity discharge) xenon kits.

In general, prices of car alarms are affected by cost of raw materials, competitor's ceiling price and current exchange rates.

A typical car alarm package includes installation parts, switches, connectors, user manual, fitting instructions, warning stickers and key fob transmitter.

For more information on Car Alarm System Accessories and Cheap Car Alarm Systems please visit our website.

Prophecy: The Rock That Cannot Be Moved

One of the keys to understanding prophecy is the knowledge that it is telling the will and counsel of God including past, present and future. The idea that it is a smattering of future projections like Arthur C. Clarke or Aldous Huxley might conger or the rambling of some syndicated astrological columnist and prognosticator is totally erroneous and wholly absurd.

Prophecy is so accurate that even evil men used it to try to fulfill their plan to commit murder. When Herod wanted to know where the Savior was to be born he resorted to those who knew prophecy and when it was determined that he would be born in Bethlehem he did his worst to try to kill the child. (Mt 2: 1f) He didn't argue with the prophecy, he knew better. It is a lesson the modern world would do well to learn.

There is no science, philosophy, or discipline known to man with a better rate of accuracy. How accurate is it; in fact, it has to date, never been wrong. To think that the prophecy of the events yet to happen might not come to pass is the greatest single most foolish gamble any man will ever make in a lifetime.

Following politics, world trends and social changes in the world throughout my lifetime has become part of the study of prophecy. Many pre-millennial prophecies have been fulfilled in one generation that would be impossible to assign to any other generation in our history. We have the most intelligent and highly educated generation in our history tearing up cities like London, Cairo, Athens and others; that know nothing of prophecy yet are moving blindly ahead to fulfill it to the letter.

Politicians can and should be lauded for trying to produce order and create noble institutions and secure pathways for society but a futility has arisen in this Godless generation. They are beginning see they have no power to avert or control events that are sweeping across the globe. In fact, they rarely see it. I thrill to the rhetoric of our noblest patriots both past and present but I come to full attention at the prophecies that speak to the actual course a matter will take. I do not expect educators, leaders, patriots and politicians to drop everything they are doing and go study prophecy. What can be done is to note those who are helping to fulfill Biblical prophecy, in either a negative or positive way, and to make that known to others. Most leaders and politicians are listening to the voices of others of like mind, not the prophets.

The very first prophetic utterance in the Bible (Gen 3: 15) is called the protevangelium and is the first prediction that one day the world will receive a Savior, born of a woman, who will deal with sin and fallen man in a conclusive manner. That utterance is now past tense because Christ has already come. The rest of Biblical prophecy has many categories mostly unknown to all but those who have made it their business to study each and every one separately.

In the life of the nation of Israel there are ancient prophecies which have to do with the events of the birth and development of that nation. As it reached the peak of its time in what is sometimes called the Golden Age of Israel under King Solomon, many prophets were sent to warn that she was headed to her own demise. In that period, near the fall, an entirely new kind of prophecy emerged.

The period before Israel's fall and all that transpired as she went into captivity and beyond, made up three separate categories. Pre-exilic, exilic and post-exilic prophecies were warnings given to Israel on what to do, to avoid her fall, (unheeded) how to handle herself in captivity, and the promise of restoration at the end of that captivity. Prophets like Jeremiah were there for all three of the periods and while hated for their predicting Israel's fall, they were later revered for showing the Israelites the promises of restoration.

Within those prophecies was one of the most famous of all time known as, Daniel's prophecy of the seventy weeks. (Da 9: 1f) It is a prophecy that is so accurate that those who scoff at the Bible often refuse to acknowledge that it even exists. It promises a period of 483 years between the edict to rebuild Jerusalem with a wall and a temple to the time when the Messiah will be put to death. The only edict given out of the four issued by the Medes and Persian rulers, that called for the rebuilding of both wall and temple was issued by Artaxerxes. From the year it was issued to the death on the cross of Jesus Christ was exactly 483 years. The rest of the prophecy has a tag of seven years attached to it and was for the very distant future. That future is now in our neighborhood.

Interwoven throughout all of the scriptures are yet two major categories of prophecy. One category, Messianic prophecy has been completely fulfilled in the birth, ministry, life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Some Messianic prophecies were given centuries before his birth yet all of them were fulfilled with perfect accuracy in his one lifetime. In one twenty four hour period Christ fulfilled twenty five of the prophecies against astronomical odds. In fact they are the kind of odds that today we would associate with the possibility of mistaking someone's DNA for another's.

Pre-millennial prophecy, the remaining category, can be split into three sub categories as well. Pre-millennial prophecy has to do with what leads up to the second coming of Christ. Millennial prophecies are a picture of the 1,000 year rule of Christ over this earth and post millennial prophecies are a brief look into the realm we refer to as eternity, the last and ultimately permanent aspect of God's dealings with men.

Most pre-millennial prophecy is compacted into the very last generation of time as we know it. It reveals the upheavals of the nations, the rise of the antichrist and the false prophet and the entrance of Christ into the history of man once again. It is here we find ourselves today.

Every ancient prophet concurs that when Israel becomes a free and independent nation again after centuries of dispersion, persecution and homelessness that the last generation has begun. Jerusalem has to be in the hands of the Jews as well. Israel won her independence in 1948 and recovered Jerusalem from the Arabs in 1967. The rebirth of Israel and the subsequent Arab Israeli conflict is the single greatest fulfillment of Biblical prophecy since the birth of Christ. What happens next will defy the best efforts of the world to resist, and it will take a great deal more than the feeble efforts of Hillary Clinton and others to alter, guide or control.

So what is the point? If prophecy is so trustworthy what has it got to do with us? This is where we see that even prophecy has a philosophical aspect to it that is hard to argue with. The first thing prophecy does is to remove fear. The fearful aspects of the last day's prophecies may seem like something better left alone but in fact it is the reason we are not moved by the whimsical prognostications of science, religions or soothsayers of any kind.

Will the newly discovered planet Nibiru collide with earth and bring about doomsday? Will the feared comet Elenin do the job of wiping out our existence? Will the Arab Israeli conflict explode and bring about a third world war that will end civilization as we know it. How about a new pandemic of powerful strains of bacteria for which we have no defense coming to make everyone one on earth die a horrible death. None of the above or anything like them will bring the earth to its end. Prophecy guarantees it.

Prophecy can be far more specific. We think Iran may turn Israel and her capital city of Jerusalem to dust with nuclear annihilation, but it cannot happen. That of course will not keep them from trying, but it is a futile effort that will meet with failure. Christ has reserved both Israel and Jerusalem for his triumphant and imminent return at the close of the prophetic cycle known as, the age of grace.

Because Biblical prophecy tells exactly what will transpire across the globe there is little reason to fear the wild and sometimes ridiculous prognostications and nonsense of either doting scientific speculation or the musings of fringy religious soothsayers.

One example is a newly emerging fear among hard right evangelicals about the possible influence of Dominionism in the faith of Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann. It is a belief that Christianity has the right to take over all aspects of government and law. Some even think it is the very will of God. Really! Prophecy clearly shows that before antichrist comes into complete power that Godless secularism invades every area of public life almost worldwide. Christianity takes over nothing but is persecuted and subdued by force the world over. Prophecy holds the last word not doctrinal extremists (which neither candidate is) or those who fear them. That is just something that is not going to happen. It creates controversy and in some cases panic but it is just another worry that has been dismissed by the clear light of Bible prophecy.

Real prophecy is the most stabilizing element known to man and its fulfillment is as sure as the rising of the sun. However, I would be remiss if I did not warn that even the sunrise is not so sure. On the day the Trump of God is sounded the sun will refuse to shine. Much more than a line from a song we love here in New Orleans, especially at the Saint's games, it is a prophecy of a day when Christ will indeed re-enter the history of man.

The events in the following verse were shown to me in a dream vision as a young man and it was a long time before I came to read the biblical record that describes this event. I couldn't understand the meaning of the vision until I read the scriptures, and even less, why it would be shown to me, until I read Numbers 12: 6, which was explanation enough. "And he said, hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the Lord will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream." The Biblical picture of these events that I was later to learn about, is in part, as follows.

"And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood." (Rev 6: 12)

I don't spend a great deal of time trying to establish my own prophetic ministry because if someone is willing to pass by the most incredibly accurate record of prophecy in the world (the Bible) it is doubtful that they are going to pay much attention to me. We are called to proclaim the rest is up to the hearer. Then there is Jesus warning that prophets don't stand a chance if men are willing to ignore the very capstone of his life and purpose in coming to the earth to redeem mankind. To wit:

"And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead." (Luke 16: 31)

Although prophecy has always been accurate and will be until the end, it is not a syrupy promise of smooth sailing on calm seas. The vast distances between us and other galaxies has finally brought science to admit the infeasibility of inter-stellar space travel but the rest of the story goes blithely down the road to a destiny wrought with social, political and economic woes that are destabilizing our world right before our eyes.

Prophecy promises that the God of creation will appear to deal with his creation in a final and decisive way. Man was given dominion over one planet for a brief period of time. The usurper (Satan) has convinced modern man that the future of the planet is the only thing going on when in fact the earth is temporary.

Only man is permanent. The soul of man according to prophecy is eternal. Diverting our attention away from this little item is the deadliest deception in his arsenal because we as individuals are meant to continue forever either in or out of the presence of God. The only difference for anyone about where they will spend eternity is a little matter of a thing called, choice. God is figuratively if not virtually holding his breath as he watches which choice we will make. He does not will, wish or want anyone to make the wrong choice.

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (2 Peter 3: 9-10) has since 2005 featured the articles of columnist Rev Michael Bresciani along with news and reviews that have earned this site the title of The Website for Insight. Millions have read his timely reports and articles in online journals and print publications across the nation and the globe.

Ruined Rural Economy - Escalating Cost and Crocodile Tears Part 26

"Plunder as Much as You Can is the saying of rulin parties and UPA"

My dear readers, I share a Common and Ordinary Man's (COM) concern about the rising prices and ever increasing killing rising prices. How meticulously the present leaders of United Peoples Alliances (UPA) led by Congress, self-acclaimed Party of Poor (POP) and the Left Front, the Well-wishers of Poor (WOP) have befooled the entire poor peasantry in the country and continued to stick to chair to enjoy the power and rule with monkey shriek tricks game. While the Congress had continued to ransack Indians through upward swing of Indian Market Index (IMI) through proxy and so-called Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), the Left Front leaders has been shedding crocodile tears time and again. I would like to invite my readers to share their views and join the debate to bail out Indian from a deep routed Conspiracy of Economic Pillage and Plunder (CEPAP).

Firstly, I would like to invite august readers to share their concern in debating my view as to:

owhat is so astounding has taken place in previous four years that the UPA ETT has made IMI to jump from 3900 points to 23000 points for first three years of their rule and now squeezing down the same IMI from 23000 to 15000 and further 10000 IMI in their last year of rule.

oWhy UPA had first intentionally neglected and Ruined Rural Economy of India (RREI) during four years if their rule and now shown love for dying farmers by announcing rupees 60,000 Crores package to alleviated their miseries when next Parliamentary Elections (PE) are in offing. My father-in-law had once said quote "Congress is a party of rich people with foreigners taste and it will always remain as such. Her policies are not linked with the problems of a COM but with the clan rule of royals" unquote. Ever since, I have begun to understand the economics, budget and planning, I have observed that whenever the Congress has come to power, the party had made a COM cry.

oWhy so many taxes are levied on a COM. A salaried person life is made hell because he had to pay nearly 30% of her salary through taxes over and above the taxes which we are paying. Despite of paying education Cess and surcharges through salary bills, I have to pay the same Cess again and again in telephone bill, electricity, water and what not.

oWhy every new tax burden is directly or indirectly is to be drained out form the pocket of COM consumer only?

oWhy taxes are not imposed to retrieve some percentage of profit of businessmen and not the consumer.

Secondly, I would like to debate the sustainability of high index. The IMI impact has attracted a large number of unknown bourses and bears to tap the dwindling Indian share market and mint money. The latest apprehension of Indian Finance Minister that anti-National Elements including terrorists might be taking advantage of loopholes of FDI marketing which Government of India had provided. I believe that it is really a matter of concern if the share market has been penetrated by the Anti- National Element to weaken the Indian economy. My apprehensions are that the large numbers of FDI investments in share market are routed through various People of Indian Origin (PIO) only to take advantage of flexible policies and Risk Taking Initiatives (RTI) of any government. The UPA government in India had opened the new avenues for swindling the money on large scale.

My dear friends analyze how much money someone had earned in three years of Congress Liberal Economic Policies or what I termed is Plundering Economic and Bankruptcy Policies (PEBP). You would be surprised to know that I end up paying nearly 300% of aggregate taxes for every service and purchase I make despite my husband paying the regular income tax. I would total up for you, 12.5 percent on every purchase in home minimum over 20 such major and small purchase thus making nearly 250% and nearly 50% on various Cess and surcharges on telephone bills, bank services, postal services, railway and bus fares and many more.

Ultimately every single tax introduced by Indian ETT of Man Mohan- P Chidambaram and M Ahlluwalia is drained out from the pocket of COM and salaried people.

Why should there be tax on service created from my husbands income tax already paid. I would again say that we can still make India a Golden Bird provided we stop licking heels of Western Economies.

On 11 April 2008 United Nation Organization has circulated a warning that very shortly the people would start plundering each other for food grains. I again say that Are Indians going to eat computers, roads, bridges, iron bars and oil?

I ask my dear Finance Minister and the Prime Minister to reply the people of India for suspected billions of Indian rupees siphoned off through FDI marketing. Imagine, the amount of loot, plundering and swindling out the billions of rupees of Indian economy by FDI routes if some known person had invested rupees 100 in the year 2004 when IMI was just near 3950; and he withdrew after three years when IMI was 23000 points. Such in-house traitors could be anyone who had foreign bank accounts and hold on Indian top political hierarchy.

Thirdly, what was the need of importing food grains at higher cost when own Indian farmers are not given adequate cost of their produces. The Indian Agricultural Minster statement on 07 April 2008 to import food grain at higher cost reaffirms their commitment in completely Ruining Rural Economy of India. Our leadership is not ready to pay Indian farmers more than rupees 1000 per quintal but ready to import rupees 1400 to 1600 per quintals. These all tricks speak about their hind side of mind in destroying Indian Rural Economy. It would shocking to know that in March 2008, potatoes were sold far below the cost of production of rupees 2 per kilogram in Ahmedabad by farmers while same are being sold by businessmen rupees 5 to 6 an hour after procurement. When would Indian farmers get justice I do not know but when farmers and poor COM people are going to rise and chew these leaders bones is very near.

Fourthly I would like to caution Small Market Investor (SMI) to be cautious in trading in next year and watch market very closely or else you would be added in the chain of suicide archive opened by the UPA Government for the farmers and Students. It should not happen, that SMI would be the next debtor to become victim of Man Mohan - P Chidambaram and M Ahlluwalia Death Debt Trap Economy theory (DDTE). First this theory swallowed over 5000 farmers, students and now SMI are in waiting. I earnestly warn all the SMI to earn a rupee less and withdraw; before IMI crashes to ever lowest. Though the Government would make an endeavour only till they are in governance otherwise the inevitable end is near.

The POP and WOP both parties' leaders have enjoyed sticking to revolving chair of Power. While on every issue WOP leaders like Vrinda, Karat and other have time and agin played same old monkey trick hoodwinking at Congress to make poor Indians believe that WOP is their champion; but actually they were only befooling poor masses to get their chair secured. The POP and WOP leaders knew that UPA cannot survive without each others support.

POP and WOP leaders have followed the Trick of Trade (TOT) that You Scratch My Back (YSMB) and I Scratch Yours (ISY)". I am firm believer that none of the leaders had any love lost for any poor and COM. They are only ensuring that UPA completes their tenure enjoying the rule. The Power makes man corrupt is a true saying but I coin that Power Blinds Leaders (PBL) as they do no see the plight of a COM. The Indian political parties' new toddlers, whom I have termed as Tiny Tot Generation (TTG), is armed with all administrative supports to make a place in the country. Some one is doing India entourage and some one social service hullabaloo. I have not seen any TTG without publicity and media glares. The sneeze later but their news in the media is first out.

Poor Indian Poor (PIP) are now days another attraction of Congress ruling in Andhra Pradesh where he is making high light by distributing rupees two a kilogram of rice to poor. I believe that our today's action would open the road for people for not only entering in 21st but 22nd century. How long Indians would suffer such gimmicks of our politicians. I feel that Indian are destined to bear and tolerate such people and how long?

The POP and WOP after enjoying power are now feeling the pinch of escalating prices on poor. While Sonia is making hue and cry against the price rise, the WOP left front leaders are passing resolution to advise the government to control the price rice. I would like to ask;

o Was Sonia quiescent from past four years about the escalating high prices? Was not she aware? How innocently she dramatized her speech that Congress will take up the issue of rising prices. Whom should she want to raise the issue when her own chosen man is the Prime Minister of the country? What an agony of the nation and her people whose leaders are awakening after four years of crushing, churning and backbone breaking cost escalation rule of UPA. All the Congress leaders are mincing words to next general elections in sight.

o Were left front leaders not aware of rising prices? Whom these leaders are befooling? Vrinda, Prakash, Somnath and all other Self Acclaimed Leaders of Poor (SALP) are acting as if they are unaware of rising prices. How cunningly PIP is misleading needs review by the voters. Infact, Indian voters have no choice. They have to elect between devil and deep sea.

o Why Bhartya Janta Party (BJP) has been sleeping over these four years to oppose escalating prices. When Congress could topple BJP Government in Delhi just on escalating cost of onion in early nineties, what stop BJP leadership to take to street the issue?

I would say that all these SALP, POP and WOP leaders have actually played in

the hands of World Bank to accommodate world economy. How can we still find a solution, I would debate in the next article. Reproduction is prohibited.

Readers' views are solicited at

I, S Kalpna Sharma, am a freelance journalist who frequently write on various issues relating human values. My impetus of debate has been always focused on current issues which affect human beings life and social behavior. As always try to bring out debates on human values, my readers support base become large.

How to Get Free Publicity on Radio Talk Shows

Appearing on Radio Talk Shows is a Great Way to get publicity. And one of the best parts is, you don't have to leave home to do it. Most radio hosts will interview you on the phone.

With that said, here are 5 steps you can use to get on the air:

1. Contact the show's producer.  Once you have a particular show in mind, call the general business number for the station, not the line into the studio, and ask for the name of the producer, with proper spelling, and their email address.  If the person who answers the phone doesn't know, which often happens at radio stations,  ask to speak to someone in the programming department. Usually, someone there will have the answer.

2. Call the show's producer or send an email. Both methods work well. A phone call will help break the ice but you will still have to follow up with an email pitch, usually your press release will do.

3. Be prepared for the audition. Practice your elevator pitch if your initial communication was by email. If a producer calls you, it means he or she is interested and they want to get a sense of how you sound and respond to questions before they decide to book you.

4. Practice answering a few basic questions about yourself and your topic ahead of time on tape.  Producers are looking for lively guests who are informative and entertaining.  If your topic is a serious one, let  your voice reflect it, without being too somber or stiff.  If you are passionate about a topic, such as a cause, let it show.  But don't be obnoxious or overbearing, regardless of the subject.  Listen to a variety of radio talk shows, paying attention to how the guests perform.  Think about what you like and dislike about each of them, then compare that with a practice tape of  yourself. Make any adjustments you think necessary. Also ask for honest feedback from people whose opinion you respect. Remember, your goal is to get positive publicity, not embarrass yourself in front of tens of thousands of people.

5. Only pitch one show in each market (town or metropolitan area).  If you get turned down, then contact the next radio show on your list in that market.  If you are approaching national shows, it's okay to contact them all at the same time, but don't mention it unless asked. It's usually best to answer questions from the media honestly, but there is no rule that says you have to volunteer information.

Danek S. Kaus is the author of "You Can Be Famous: Insider Secrets to Getting Free Publicity." He has helped clients to get free publicity through such media as CNN, USA Today and the New York Times, as well as hundreds of newspapers, magazines and radio and TV talks shows. Learn more publicity secrets at his site:

The Midwest As the Middle East

Suppose all through Christmas Week 2008, jets from Green Bay, Wisconsin attacked Yupper targets in the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan.. And then on News Years Day ground troops followed inflicting large numbers of civilian casualties. After three weeks of fighting and a death ratio of more than 100 to 1, a cease fire is achieved..

Here's how it could have happened:

1800-1948: After many years of persecution and dispersion, the Chippewa (Jewish) Tribes attempt to regain their homeland in Wisconsin (Palestine). As self described Freedom Fighters, the Chippewas use terrorism in an effort to drive the European settlers (Palestinians) from Wisconsin. Britain and France feel guilty about the genocide they allowed their European settlers to commit against the Chippewa. They use their military might to establish the Chippewa Nation and assure its world wide recognition. Refugees from Wisconsin are held in Yupper camps in the forested and rocky UP where the prospect of farming is very poor.

1949-1967: After nearly two decades of failed efforts to resettle the refugees, Michigan (Egypt), Illinois (Syria) and Minnesota (West Bank) declare war on the Chippewa Nation to push it into Lake Michigan (Mediterranean Sea) and give Wisconsin back to the refugees. The Chippewas quickly defeat the poorly organized and poorly equipped Americans. Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota all lose territory to the Chippewas. Other American States chose not to participate in the war leading to intense internal tensions among the American states.

1968-73: Political extremism in the Yupper refugee camps continues to grow as a second generation of Wisconsin refugees grows up without a home of their own. Propelled by popular rage, the surrounding American States again attack the Chippewa Nation. And they are again quickly defeated. Embarrassed about its lack of decisive participation in the futile American effort, Texas (Saudi Arabia) leads other oil producing States in an embargo that results in a worldwide energy crisis.

1974-2000: In a peace treaty, Michigan regains sovereignty over part of its territory in return for official recognition of the Chippewa Nation. After no further progress in a generation, despair again grows across the region. Suicide bombings by Yuppers are met with massive retaliation by the Chippewas. More than 20 Yuppers die for each Chip casualty. Civil disobedience and active insurgency becomes the norm in the occupied territories. The Chippewa Air Force regularly bombs terrorist targets and governmental offices in the UP and Minnesota. Periodically the Chippewa Army conducts search and destroy missions in the towns, orchards, and fields-wherever terrorists might be hiding in the western Great Lakes region. Nationalistic Chippewas establish more settlements on the bank of the Mississippi River and out into the Minnesotan countryside. Periodically the Chippewas cut off access to the sacred American sites in the Twin Cities (Jerusalem). The most sacred site in the divided city is defiled by the Chippewa Chief (Sharon). To stem the flow of weapons and rocket attacks, the Chippewa Nation invades and occupies Ontario (Lebanon) for a couple of decades.

2001-2007: The plight of the Yuppers becomes old news. Meanwhile, in Minnesota more American land is being claimed by the Chippewa settlers. The Chippewas build a wall around the settlements to consolidate their territory and keep out suicide bombers. The wall also severs many Americans from their employment in the Chippewa Nation. The Chippewa Nation re-invades Ontario with a full scale air and ground attack because two (2) Chippewa soldiers were kidnapped at the border. This time the Chippewas take significant casualties and do not achieve clear victory. Yuppers celebrate.

2008-2009: In response to the election of radical Yuppers, the Chippewas periodically block food and fuel from entering the UP. After Michigan closes the Mackinac Bridge, Yuppers smuggle food, fuel and weapons across the Straits by boat. Yupper militia resume random rocket attacks on Chippewa border towns causing serious psychological distress, significant property damage and some fatalities. Elections are approaching in the Chippewa Nation. The ruling party is doing poorly in the polls and has been ever since the Chippewas didn't win the last war in Ontario. It is Christmas Week and the world's is focused on festivities. What better time to attack the Yuppers!

And so it is in the first weeks of 2009 that more than 13 00 Yuppers (Gazans) are killed in the UP (Gaza) while less than 15 Chippewas (Israelis) die. In the early days the Chippewas abided by the Tribal Warfare Accords (Hebrew Code of Hummurabi) regarding proportionate retaliation laid down by the Ojibway Council (Moses in Exodus 2:) "an eye for an eye; a tooth for a tooth." No more.

Lowell Klessig is a fifth generation European settler who farms and writes in central Wisconsin. He has visited the UP often but has never been forced to stay there.

Lowell Klessig 934 River Road N Amherst Junction, WI 54407


Lowell Klessig is Emeritus Professor of Integrated Resource Management at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. In addition to articles in professional journals, he has authored numerous Extrension publications in non-technical terms for adult audiences. He served as Executive Director of the Wisconsin Rural Leadership Program. He has travelled to 47 countries and taught in six foreign countries. He writes a monthly column for a midwestern weekly newspaper and does occasional magazine features. (A one page bio summary is available electronically upon request.)

Entrepreneurship Development

Who is an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is someone who manages and organizes any form of business. Who has the capability to take initiatives, motivate others, work in a team, and become a leader. He is a man who starts his own venture not seeking for a job but providing many people a hope of life.

Why Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in case of economic development of a country. A lot of problems of our country would be solved if people will start considering entrepreneurship as the first option for their career.


One of the greatest problems of our country is "Unemployment". Let's see how entrepreneurship tackles with this problem.

Current employment opportunities can only cater 5 - 10 % of population. Entrepreneurs generate employment both directly and indirectly, directly by self employment as an entrepreneur and indirectly by starting many industrial units where they offer jobs to millions of people. Thus entrepreneurship is the best way to fight with the evil of unemployment.

National Income

National Income consists of the goods and services produced in the country. The goods and services produced are consumed within the country and can also be exported to other countries. The domestic demand increases with increase in population and increase in standard of living. The export demand also increases to meet the needs of growing imports due to various reasons. An increasing number of entrepreneurs are required to meet this increasing demand for goods and services. The manufacturing rate of any developed country lies between 60% - 70%. But unfortunately in our country this rate is below 40 %. If you want to become a great entrepreneur or want to do something for your motherland, become a manufacturer not just go for a service industry.

Dispersal of economic power:

Industrial development normally may lead to concentration of economic powers in a few hands. This concentration of power in a few hands has its own evils in the form of monopolies. Developing a large number of entrepreneurs helps in dispersing the economic power amongst the population. It may help in weakening the harmful effects of monopoly.

Better standard of living:

Entrepreneurs play a vital role in achieving a higher rate of economic growth. They are able to produce goods at lower cost and supply quality goods at lower price to the community according to their requirements. When the price of of the commodities decreases the consumers get the power to buy more goods for their satisfaction. There is a great demand of such entrepreneurs who can make this thought possible.

Creating solutions for society :

An entrepreneur is a person who creates solutions not only for the problems of his business but for the whole society. Entrepreneurs play a key role for innovations and creative ideas that solve different problems in the world with the efficient use of technology. What is needed? or desired should be created with appropriate use of technology. This gives a clear thought of "Creating solutions with technology!"

The benefits and needs of entrepreneurship is endless. The greatest demand of today's world is simply "Be an Entrepreneur!" that will solve economic problems of your family, your society, your people and your country. Let's create wealth,not just seek for a salary.

Entrepreneurship is the only pleasure in my life:

For Software/Web/Design/Advertising solutions contact us:

Experience The Bay Of Fundy Tides

The world's highest tides are over 50 feet and can be found in the Bay of Fundy. In 6 hours, the Fundy tides rise over 22 times higher than the typical tides found in open seas. Eighty square miles of land along the bay's west coast are know as Fundy National Park. This park was established in 1948 and protects this piece of unique nature, where the tides and chilly waters have produced the ideal environment for salt and freshwater wetlands, coastal spruce and fir forests, along with a rocky, cave-pocked shore where the enormous tides have carved large rocks into fantastic shapes.

The variation between low and high tide around Alma Beach, is so spectacular that tourists can wander around three-quarters of a mile over the tidal flats to the ocean's edge--then kayak the entire way a couple of hours afterwards, when 100 billion tons of sea water have raced back in, producing a roar during mid-tide referred to as the "voice of the moon." You will find plant fossils millions of years old inside the ancient sandstone rocks at the ocean's edge. And just offshore, an endless number of migratory shorebirds feed on crustaceans trapped by the ocean's retreat at low tide. It's truly a bird watchers paradise!

Nearby Alma, the park provides a manicured look, with gardens, natural stone walls, and quite a few sports activities, like golf and tennis, while offshore you'll be able to select from whale watching (the Bay of Fundy offers the most significant population of right whales anywhere), sea kayaking, and canoeing. Walking opportunities are plentiful, with 78 miles of trails cris-crossing the park's eight miles of bayside coastline as well as its hilly inland, whose rolling plateau is slashed by fast-flowing streams and deep valleys.

Individuals seeking scenery with significantly less challenge can take the Fundy Coastal Drive going from St. Stephen to Aulac, moving among not merely natural splendor but a few lovely villages too, such as the 19th-century small town of St. Andrews with its notable Fairmont Algonquin Hotel. Built in 1889 to help encourage wealthy travelers away from the city heat, the Algonquin is known as a manor-style gem, having a red-tile roof and bay views on the top floors. If you'd favor something less massive, the Kingsbrae Arms is always graded among the area's finest accommodations. Constructed in 1897, there are only 8 rooms, all decorated with chic good taste and providing fantastic sights of the Bay of Fundy. Nearby, the Kingsbrae Garden features twenty-seven acres of flowers and scenery.

The Hopewell Rocks, forty miles northeast of Fundy National Park, are a number of immense boulders topped by trees and made concave at the bottom through hundreds of years of tidal erosion. These are by far the most photographed Bay of Fundy landmark. Local Mi'kmaq legend tells us that the boulders were once men, who were turned to stone after they tried to break free from the whales that enslaved them.

Want to find out more about the Bay of Fundy, then visit Mike Postma's authority website and learn how to best experience all that the Bay of Fundy has to offer!

Junior Uranium Miners Flooded by Dollars

Since the October 23rd announcement of Cameco's Cigar Lake uranium mine flooding, several junior uranium companies have behaved in the same way mining markets sometimes react to a major exploration discovery. The massive cobalt-copper- nickel discovery at Voisey's Bay in Labrador comes to mind. Call it a world-class exploration discovery in reverse.

When a junior exploration company makes a discovery, investors pile into the nearby moose, antelope or orangutan pasture hoping their favorite company will catch a piece of the discovery trend. It's called an 'area play,' and most fail to repeat the prime mover's success. In this case, the exploration discovery was the force majeure clause in Cameco's supply contracts with U.S. and other utilities, leaving them with empty hands to fuel their nuclear reactors. Many had been counting upon readily available uranium supply about two to four years hence.

Unlike the typical area play, this one is not geographically isolated to one region. Any company, which can quickly get uranium out of the ground, becomes the horse to bet on. And investors have been flooding their favorite juniors with new money to help propel them into production faster.

The discovery deposit now being mined by the junior uranium companies is the 'complacency' of the world's utilities. Twenty years of relatively inexpensive uranium lulled utilities into believing nuclear fuel would always be available. True, there is no shortage of uranium below the Earth's surface or in the oceans, but it's not cheap to extract. During the uranium depression of the 1980s and 1990s, environmentalists re-wrote the rule book, sending the permitting costs into orbit. Unless one is opening a mine in Namibia, as Paladin has done, or mining in Kazakhstan, one can have 'environmental delays,' that can last a number of years.

In his Weekly Insights, FNArena editor Rudi Filapek-Vandyck wrote last night, "Cigar Lake was scheduled to ramp up over three years from the end of 2007 to reach full production of over 8000 tonnes of U3O8 a year." He put the loss of that much uranium supply to the market in context, "Australia's largest producing mine, Energy Resources of Australia's (ERA) Ranger mine produced around 5200 tonnes in the year to June 2006. BHP Billiton's (BHP) Olympic Dam mine produced just under 4000 tonnes during the period. Paladin Resources' (PDN) Langer Heinrich project in Namibia, still on schedule to ramp up in December this year, is forecast to produce circa 1180 tonnes per year."

Which Junior Uranium Miners Can Help Replace

Cigar Lake's Lost Uranium Production?

The cold, hard reality of Cigar Lake's lost uranium production dawned upon the crowd of uranium suppliers, near-term producers, fuel brokers and global utility fuel managers when the announcement was made at the commencement of last week's Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Annual Uranium Conference in Quebec City. Cigar Lake's mine flood was the big story - the trapdoor that spelled 'doom' for utilities lacking secure uranium supply sources beyond 2008.

Investors quickly reacted to the news with frenzied bidding for shares in near-term producers SXR Uranium One and Paladin Resources. Potential near-term producers Energy Metals Corp and UR-Energy got the nod. Others among this elite category began attracting the aggressive investor dollars: Forsys Metals, Uranerz Energy and Strathmore Minerals.

Logic dictated the loss of Cigar Lake would drive up the uranium price much higher, possibly to the very limit utilities might pay for nuclear fuel to ensure their reactors would not be closed down for lack of the now very-precious uranium oxide. "Where is the safe haven for my money?" investors asked. On the face of it, the answers appeared to be simple: (a) go the near-term producers and (b) uranium friendly U.S. states, such as Wyoming and Texas.

We tapped on the Chief Executives of companies we featured in Chapter Nine of "Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market," for their insights into the Cigar Lake disaster. SXR Uranium One Chief Executive Neal Froneman wrote bluntly, "The challenges of bringing new mines into production are very significant." He hopes to not err with overconfidence on his flagship uranium mine in South Africa, "I do not under estimate the challenges of bringing even Dominion into production even though it has a low technical risk." But he added, "Investors are now recognizing the low risk nature of Dominion."

Froneman was clear about his views on becoming a U.S. uranium producer, "Our entry into the United States looks well timed, and at $60/pound a steal. We have always envisioned supplying U.S. uranium to U.S. end users. The uranium supply constraints will make this a natural progression."

He wasn't as optimistic about the time projections of some developing projects as many investors, writing, "Supply constraints for the next few years will intensify as imminent producers will not meet their promises." Froneman concluded, "This will drive uranium prices much higher." Another insight he brought to our attention, "We have put our money where our mouth is by being totally unhedged." Why is that important? He told us, "We have avoided bank debt so that we can avoid being forced by banks to hedge our uranium production." And so, that will indeed help uranium prices climb higher.

We exchanged phone calls and emails with Bill Boberg, Chief Executive of UR-Energy about Cameco's catastrophe. He wrote, "I will that it did not happen, but it is a reflection on the current thin uranium supply and demonstrates why some of us juniors working to bring mines into production in the next few years are worthy of investment." He added, "I think all juniors, but especially those with production relatively near term, have benefited from Cameco's bad news."

But why do we see such strong market activity in the juniors? "I think we have been seeing increasing knowledge of the uranium sector in the past couple years and, with that, an increase in market activity," he told us. "The StockInterview guide to the uranium sector has been a real player in that increase in knowledge base by investors. The rapidity at which the Cigar Lake flooding affected the market activity in junior uranium stocks is a reflection of the knowledge that uranium supply is tight, and that the Cigar Lake flooding made it even tighter for the next few years."

The biggest percentage gainer among junior uranium development companies on Monday, as a result of the recent 7-percent jump in the spot uranium price, was Strathmore Minerals. We talked with Strathmore Minerals Chief Executive Dev Randhawa about the company's 20-percent price rise accompanied by nearly 2.8 million shares of trading. "Investors are looking for a stable environment," Randhawa told us. "The market is demonstrating how tight supplies really are." He also pointed out there was in his company by foreign interests, but would not specify anyone in particular. "Strathmore is a turnkey operation in the United States with proven resources and a highly qualified technical team with many decades of in situ recovery mining experience," he explained.

"All along our strategy, with David Miller, was to acquire uranium properties which could be produced at, or less than, $30/pound," he said. "When we first started this strategy, there were only three or four other companies on the radar screen, so we got the jump on many of the best uranium properties." He explained, "We are well diversified in the United States, Canada and have holdings in Peru." The company is reportedly the largest landholder in the Athabasca Basin as well.

We asked about his Dieter Lake property in Quebec, which previous work suggests might contain as much as 110 million pounds of U3O8 contained. Because it is not compliant with National Instrument 43-101, we don't hear much about it. How does the recent spot uranium spike affect moving forward on Dieter Lake? "Projects and properties which were not previously on the radar screen are now going to be economic," Randhawa responded. "Dieter makes sense now," he added.

Strathmore Minerals also benefited from across the pond on Monday, after Jamie Strauss, Head of Institutional Sales for London-based Hargreave Hale, issued a buy recommendation. His thumbs-up for Strathmore blew the company's shares past the strong buy recommendation and C$2.50/share price target issued by Bart Jaworski of Raymond James on October 20th.

In his desk notes, Strauss wrote, "...the quality and diversity of its asset base, increasing confidence that the company is approaching the title of 'near term producer', a highly competent technical team and above all a valuation which offers not only equity funds the opportunity to invest but also consolidators within the industry..." Strauss added, "Using code-compliant resources only, Strathmore could therefore more than double the share price before hitting fair value." Strathmore Minerals, along with SXR Uranium One and Energy Metals, are among the favorites of Sprott Asset Management.

While numerous uranium mining executives rejoiced over the spot price jump to US$60/pound, one CEO took it with a grain of salt. When we phoned Uranerz Energy Chief Executive Glenn Catchpole for his reaction to the market's behavior, he took it in stride. After we informed him of the 7 percent jump in spot uranium, he dryly responded, "We as a company can benefit - the company will benefit from the increased prices." He did acknowledge Uranerz was getting large trading volume. "We thought the stock would dip, but it hasn't," he told us, referring to large number of share which recently became free trading. Other than that, it was business as usual for Catchpole - getting his in situ uranium recovery operation through the final hurdles to join the ranks of uranium producers. After all, if Cameco won't be mining uranium in Cigar Lake in the foreseeable future, someone has to.

Until then, we anticipate mining analysts will be upwardly revising their price targets on these and other companies. And so the flooding will continue, perhaps at both Cigar Lake and in the junior uranium sector.

COPYRIGHT © 2006 by StockInterview, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

James Finch contributes to and other publications. StockInterview’s “Investing in the Great Uranium Bull Market” has become the most popular book ever published for uranium mining stock investors. Visit []

The University of Southern California Football

USC (aka University of Southern California) has been a college football powerhouse for many years. The football program was established in 1888. They have claimed a tremendous 11 national championships. Their national championships run from the late 1920's to as recent as 2004. However, the 2004 title may be vacated due to recent NCAA violations. Over the past few years, USC has been a consistent top 5 football program.

They have won a total of 37 PAC-10 conference championships. They have been in a total of 47 bowl games since the program started. This trails only Alabama as having the most bowl appearances. However, they do have the most bowl wins at 31. They have recorded a record 7 straight seasons in which they had 11+ wins. Also, a record 33 weeks ranked as the #1 team in college football. USC has numerous players to receive awards over the years. A total of 6 previous Heisman winners & 34 players voted into the College Football Hall of Fame. Add to that, a total of 150 college All-Americans as well. Doe to the school's tradition of producing great tailbacks, USC has been dubbed the name Tailback U".

How could we forget about O.J. Simpson? He may very well be known now for his legal troubles more than his personal accomplishments in football. However, there's mistaking this was a great football player. He won the Heisman back in 1968 all while leading the nation in rushing yards. He also has led the nation in rushing the previous year as well. His Heisman victory goes down as the largest margin ever in this race. Simpson went on to the NFL & became a great success including an NFL MVP award in 1973.

Charles White was voted Heisman winner in 1979. He also won the Maxwell & Walter Camp awards. One for the best college football player in America & the other for college football Player of the Year. During his college career, White set or tied a total of 22 records. He was also an All-American in 1978 & 1979. He was voted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 1995. In the NFL, White didn't have as much success. He did garner one Pro Bowl selection. He later revealed that he struggled with drug addition in the NFL. In 1987, he enjoyed his best NFL season with 1,387 yards & 11 TD's.

Marcus Allen was another one of those great USC backs. He played at USC from 1978-1981. His 1981 season was regarded as one of the greatest seasons in college football history. Allen rushed for a whopping total of 2,342 yards. These numbers earned him the 1981 Heisman Trophy. Due to his success, USC retired his jersey number.

Allen went to the next level & had continued success. A Super Bowl champ. An NFL MVP. A 6-time Pro Bowl selection. He spent most of his NFL career with the Raiders. He has been voted into both the Pro & College Football Hall of Fame.

Bush is a current New Orleans Saint & former USC great. He too won the Heisman back in 2005. He was also All-American in 2004 & 2005. Bush rushed for 1,740 yards & 6 TD's his final year at USC. Bush was drafted out of college by the New Orleans Saints. He hasn't done anything great in his 4 seasons with the Saints but he does already have a Super Bowl for his time spent.

Writer and editor, Freddie Brister, is a former high school coach. Check out his Southern Cal Trojans Watch or his Miami Hurricanes Watch

Government Leaders Must Be Responsible For Education And Global Peace Or Accept Help

Conclusively, with problems of war prevailing today we do look at the history of our leaders and question their motives. When they meet as World powers to maintain control over the social services and economic development of poor people we notice their goals for economic development are most especially attached to resource rich developing countries in Africa. With this in mind, we need to keep them on track and need a champion to insure that non governmental agencies can participate to insure human welfare systems functions with the principles of ethics and justice. Revisit Liberia, Sierra Leone, Congo, South Africa, and now Sudan-all of these countries that have reserves or mineral resources and the land and people both have been exploited and left trying to develop or in civil distress: Rubber, Oil, Gold, Diamonds, Aluminium, Iron and numerous other mineral resources among those needed to drive the economies of developed nations are surely at the root of many of African problems. These same countries are among those manipulated by national and international politics for control of resources and may be driven without concern for the human rights of its citizens into chaos. This results in huge numbers of innocent people, such as refugees and displaced children to die or suffer as a result.

Most of us know that Africa is resource rich, so why can't the people themselves be economically sustainable and not suffer since their resources are used for the benefit of others? Why do poverty and disease persist since all of the Leading governments are in Africa providing human services and developing assistance? Is someone or something driving economic, social and development problems and distress in African nations instead?

It is mostly a known fact that African resources have been specifically manipulated for centuries, this aim to have power over the resources many believe also 'drives' war, and many also drive counter development and genocide activities. Genocide activities would cause war, famine and diseases such as HIV to kill innocent people. Another major problem that resource driven wars cause in Africa is displacement and killing of men, women and children which creates Refugees, widows, orphans and trauma. These human problems also need immediate attention and especially some especially concerned caretakers to provide services to protect the human rights and to prevent genocide of innocent victims. Look at the genocide affecting Sudan, but to even think genocide and the killing of innocent people could be driven by resources, or to even think that governments that are created to protect people may knowingly support the killing of human life, brings great pain to many.

It is not imaginable that our leaders would be involved in any such 'counter development activities' like the creation of disease or wars that intentionally depopulate or kill specific people. However, I was once told that the Indians were given gifts of 'smallpox' infected blankets, by the Pilgrims, and that these blankets caused infections that killed off the Indians and helped win America. I was also told that there was an experiment in Alabama where African-American men who had or were infected with Syphilis were intentionally given placebos instead of a cure just so doctors could study the effects of Syphilis in the human population: most died. I had also been told that through vaccinations certain populations in Africa were infected with HIV. To say the least, even if any of the above is true, then certainly there is a prevalent human disease that needs a real loving and peaceful cure. Yet, the overall consequence: whether genocide was or is planned or whether these wars, diseases and famines in resource rich countries full of poor people are merely happenstance: one point is evident, there is a battle over the control of resources by national and international leaders that has resulted in suffering, pain, torture, death and the separation of families.

In 2007, these 'battles' that exist in Africa and in the Middle East are causing people all over the world to grieve either for the soldiers or the victims. Our global human family is suffering the loss of our brothers, sisters, daughters and sons, while war and the fleeing from war creates the impoverished climates internationally that causes thousands of Refugees, widows and orphans.

1. In 2007, the people in both developed and the developing world are not at peace, because their sons and daughters are dying in the Middle East from wars that could be driven by resource control or manipulation.

2. In 2007, sub-Saharan Africa is still suffering from wars, disease and massive displacement of people and Refugees, conditions that could be created by resource control and manipulation

And finally, in the case of African related peoples, can leaders of today be successful in contributing to the positive development of people they have oppressed, or do they really not have their best interests at heart? Do they only want to reduce the populations of poor people instead and continue to dominate? And if there is really no remorse for past deeds and no sincere interests in the true development of disadvantaged communities, then it may be understandable why nations such as Sudan and even Zimbabwe want to look to themselves and other people of color for their solutions. They might have given up on or want to have very little to do with the European Leadership, as problem solvers. Overall, some African leadership is left fearing the possibility that insincere humanitarian operators are still at the helm. Consequently, it is difficult to be sure who the real humanitarians are? In this case, there is a need for a Champion to step up, like those that supported Harriet Tubman anonymously, and support other programs or services more sensitive to protecting Human rights of African people, and supporting global peace specifically.

In the final recollection of historical events reviewing global wars such as Iraq and various wars in Africa: slavery, apartheid, colonialism etc., Can we at least admit that our leaders who are the primary caretakers of Africa and the world are having a few problems with conflict management and bringing peace to humanity. And just maybe they are not as successful as they would like to be in ridding the world of the causes of war, poverty, famine and disease. Otherwise, they have planned not to educate or put services in place that would effectually heal societies and create sustaining economies and provide solutions in developing nations. If this is the case then their education and training systems cannot possibly evolve to create leaders that work for peace or sustainable economic development. Neither would it foster the development of the good attributes through education that would produce future effective leadership sincere about achieving sustainable results in Africa. A final remedy is that any people interested in a future of peace for the world MUST see how they can support getting better results from our leadership. Let them know we are aware that Leadership is having problems leading the world in the pathway of peace and security and they need good guidance. There must be respect for life. Even though some of humanity experience the quality of life, no life is useless enough to kill.

Many Americans live in comfort. Overall Americans have a few worries about having a future of peace and security in place for their children. It is certain that the majority of Americans and other nationalities want to see the end of the war in Iraq and also see peaceful resolutions to all conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere. It is also certain that the majority of Americans and other nations want to see an end to the distress and suffering of Africans and other poor people and any resulting human calamity such as the Refugee plight, Disease-plagues, War and Famine. It is also certain that Americans and other nations want to see real efforts in education and in all other social services that can help our societies evolve into a future of global peace and security, have their human rights be served justly. If these are certain pointer's addressed to leadership to help them create specific conditions that foster peace and sustain and protect the quality of life.

Some pointers to follow below are:

1. Leaders must reorganize formal education systems towards the meeting of the holistic development needs of the people they seek to lead or dominate in a just and equitable way.

2. Leaders should learn how to use formal and informal education as a tool to reduce conflicts, enhance peace, build character and ethics, and build self-reliance.

3. Leaders should teach one to create and maintain sustainable communities if they really want to enforce a positive change in the world today.

If Leaders cannot do these things they must accept help from others more sensitive to human welfare and human rights for specifically poor or developing nations. It is certain that Humanitarian workers must both be sincere and capable to provide services such as education and training that can build lasting global peace and sustainable environments. LEADERS must seek to bring REAL solutions to poverty. Good leaders will practice justice and ethics and work to preserve and sustain human life with no strings of 'genocide' attached!

While there is respect for our powerful leaders some guidance is needed in education and social affairs so that meaningful servicing of Human rights can be in progress. We must support Leadership and help them overcome the human dis-eases that cause the lost of human life.

Blood is a terrible thing to Waste and it cries from the ground

If you are not aware, please be informed that there are humanitarian service providers who do care and are available to help enforce positive changes towards global healing and economic sustainability of the poor and are harbingers of global peace. Most of the world is demanding that the real humanitarians please stand up, be a champion and support the establishment of systems and services that protect human rights of developing people in Africa and throughout the world.

Global Institute of Leadership and Sustainable Economics uses formal education as a tool to enhance peace and sustainable environments.

There are people who need their human rights protected as their survival is threatened today!

Be a Champion_


My name is Dawnis Ba, I have worked within the field of Human Services for over 25 years. I have worked with both Government and non-governmental agencies towards the alleviation of poverty and addressing social service and human rights concerns. I am currently a private resettlement consultant, trainer and specialist: a problem solver for migration and poverty concerns.

Environmental Restoration - How to Turn Wasteland Into a Paradise

Over many years, major parts of Kenyan forests were cleared. But within the last decades, the attitude of the people of Kenya towards the nature surrounding them has changed.

One man who plays a major role in this development is Dr. Rene Haller.

The story began in 1970, when Dr. Haller started an ecological experiment, attempting to re-establish an ecosystem in the area of a former limestone quarry.

Since the area was relatively close to the coast, the salt content of the ground water was rather high - at the same time, the level of ground water varied due to the tide. Most of the fertile ground had been eroded, which is why no greenery developed by itself. The wind from the coast tended to dry out all newly planted trees. In short: The terrain was highly unsuitable for any kind of plant.

Haller decided to rehabilitate the natural diversity of flora and fauna of the region, instead of simply covering the area with greenery. The major difference is that a rehabilitation (in case of success) would result in a self-sustaining ecosystem, while covering the area with fast growing greenery for cosmetic reasons only would have required a lot of support and intensive care without offering significant benefits.

In order to start the rehabilitation, twenty different species of trees were planted of which three survived. Out of these three, the Casuarina Trees put up best with the strain of wind and dryness. But even this robust species could not survive the difficult climate and scarcity of resources - until the mycorrhiza symbiosis the Casuarina profits from in its natural habitat was established, providing the roots of the trees with minerals bound by the fungi involved in the symbiosis.

The withered leaves dropped by the trees were transformed to humus by centipedes and micro-organisms, allowing Dr. Haller to plant a secondary vegetation of over 350 different indigenous tree species.

Every imbalance in Rene Haller's newly established ecosystem was solved without the use of chemical pesticides. Instead, he invested time in finding out what kinds of ways nature provided to overcome these issues. Whenever a pest started to disturb the balance of his system (like a bark beetle heavily damaging the secondary vegetation), Haller searched for a natural (preferably indigenous) predator he could introduce to the system to regulate the population of the pest (in order to regulate the number of bark beetles, owls were released in the area).

Dr. Haller had developed the vision of a landscape including lakes, forest and swamp. He planned to harvest wood, feed, honey, and fruit. Part of what later became known as the "Haller Park" was a fish farm producing mainly Tilapia. An advantage of Tilapia was the fact that this species could be fed completely vegetarian -- thus it is easy to avoid ecologically questionable additives. The excrement of the fish was used as a fertilizer for rice paddies that were also part of the Haller Park, providing value instead of polluting nearby waters. To make the keeping of Tilapia possible, Haller had to study the behavior of the species and design special fish tanks that would make it possible to profitably maintain the farm. But the keeping was not the only issue Rene Haller had to deal with - attracted by the fish food, rats became a plague. Again, the system was balanced by means of biological pest control: Snakes were introduced to regulate the population of rats, monitor lizards were used to contain the amount of snakes while predatory birds and crocodiles fed on the lizards.

Since then, the Haller Park has developed into an astonishing terrain including lakes, wetlands and savannah grasslands with walking and cycling trails, as well as a nature park and wildlife sanctuary with an enormous diversity of animals - antelopes live here as well as giraffes, hippopotamuses, buffaloes, and giant tortoises. Over 80 species of palms can be found in the Haller Park, many of them being collected by Dr. Haller himself.

Surrounded by the beauty of the abundant nature, visitors can eat a restaurant called "Whistling Pine".

The Haller Park has brought a remarkable number of benefits to the region and its inhabitants. Firstly, it provides a habitat for hundreds of species. Apart from that, the timber harvested in this area helps protecting the rare mangrove forests by providing substitute materials that replace the mangrove wood. Twenty-five tons of rice are harvested every year in the paddies, the fish grown in the tanks are fed to animals in the park and sold locally to hotels.

While antelopes and crocodiles provide meat, other exotic animals attract tourists and thus provide another source of income. Due to the nearby beach and hotels, the Haller Park is highly frequented by tourists -- in the year 2002 the number of visitors was close to 100,000. The facility provides 400 jobs for inhabitants of the region.

Even though only showing little response, the vegetable garden of the Haller Park was planned as an example for local farmers, trying to demonstrate simple techniques to increase their yield. Apart from that, the garden itself is another source of food.

The work of Rene Haller has contributed a lot to the establishment of an environmental consciousness with the local population. Following the motto "Never give up, just find another way to achieve your goals!", Dr. Haller founded the "Baobab Trust" with the aim to improve the food supply of the local population. One of his recent projects is the protection of the Shimba Hills National Park in Kenya. For this purpose, Dr. Haller bought land around the national park to provide a new habitat for the elephants destroying the vegetation of the national park.

Visit the official website of the Haller Foundation for more information:

(c) Dino Schachten 2010. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.