Team National Review - What is Team National?
Team National, also sometimes referred to as National Companies, is a debt-free network marketing company (or MLM home business) founded in 1997 by Dick Loehr. Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the company is a legitimate business as evidenced by their multiple designations and associations: members of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), a Registered Member of Dunn & Bradsteet (D&B), a Member of the US Chamber of Commerce and a Member of the Better Business Bureau of Southeast Florida (BBB), with strong endorsements from people like best selling author & leadership development coach John Maxwell, among others.
The Team National MLM Home Business "Product":
While most MLM home business companies market a product or service to generate revenue, Team National is different in that it markets a membership, saving people money on a wide variety of products and services in over 20 different industries. Since 1997, total membership and product sales is approaching $1 billion.
The idea behind developing a company to provide benefits and services - now called membership savings - came as Dick envisioned an MLM home business program allowing anyone who owns a membership package to enjoy similar discount buying power as a Fortune 500 company. Starting with only a few basic discounts - savings on oil changes and new car purchases - the Team National MLM home business now offers substantial savings on everything from small everyday items (household goods, business supplies, eye-ware, etc) to larger once-in-a-while type items like jewelry, home furnishings and vehicles.
They break up the savings into 4 different divisions:
1. Factory Direct (up to 65% savings on items like jewelry and home furnishings)
2. Group Buying Power - savings on:
New and used cars, parts and service; motorcycles, ATVs, personal watercraft, etc
Financial services - home mortgage, wealth planning, debt management
Health discount benefit plans - vision, dental, hearing, teledoc, chiropractic, etc
Rental Vehicles
Communication & Entertainment Services - long distance, phone, hi-speed internet, satellite, etc
Business savings - credit card processing, check processing, etc
Travel Services
Insurance Services
An exclusive product line - automotive, nutritional supplements, skin care, etc
3. Business Exchange - save at thousands of local and small businesses across the country
4. E-Commerce - up to 30% commissions from over 100 popular and brand-name retail stores with a Team National website
The Team National MLM Home Business Opportunity:
Although the company's membership program clearly demonstrates great value and is rather unique in the industry, distributors - or IMDs (Independent Marketing Directors) as they're referred to - who focus primarily on selling the membership or aspects of the membership in order to get sales will not make much money with Team National. As with all MLM home businesses, MLM and internet home based businesses, creating a long-term, thriving, walk-away residual income requires leverage in the form of team building. By building teams, you're able to leverage your efforts, time, resources and energy to get not just a few membership packages purchased, but rather to get hundreds and thousands of memberships purchased through your network or team from which you receive your override so-to-speak (just like a real estate or insurance broker receives an "override" on the sales of their agents).
The optional earnings (Team National compensation plan) they offer is also one of the better ones in the industry due to the amount of money Team National pays out. This is because the company pays out 72% of the memberships back to the Independent Marketing Directors in the form of commissions and bonuses with their hybrid binary structure. This unusually high compensation amount is due to the fact that there is no product markup or profit margin added onto the price of the membership. The membership value comes from the large volume of Team National members which enables the company to negotiate these savings based on the group's high-volume buying power (similar to a co-op). Each new membership sold doesn't really incur any direct cost to the company (as opposed to companies that are primarily product-based which obviously incur the cost of producing, manufacturing and shipping the products they market). This again is one main advantage Team National has over its rivals in the industry.
Highlights of the Team National MLM Home Business compensation plan:
As discussed previously, the Team National business model as with most network marketing companies, pays out the most for those who build teams (which in turn gets more memberships purchased). Using their hybrid-binary structure, they pay out between $25-$100 for every membership sale. In addition, Team National has created a points system where on average 4 membership sales in each leg of the binary will produce a $1,500 check as often as weekly (see compensation plan for exact details). This is strong compensation and as your team grows you earn additional legs (paycenters they call them) which each pays out an additional $2,500 when on average 4 sales are made on each of the paycenter's 2 legs. This can add up to substantial income for the serious business builder.
Again, it is crucial that when building a business with Team National you focus on leveraging your efforts through team building rather than putting on a salesman hat and trying to solely sell memberships. When you compare $25-$100 a sale to even $1,500 a week for virtually the same effort through team building it becomes rather obvious.
So how does someone in Team National go about building a profitable, income-producing team?
First, you must have a system in place to help you seek out and find qualified business partners to present the Team National business opportunity to. You can do this by just talking to people you know, or you can work your MLM home business smarter by leveraging the power of tools like the internet to help you find and sort through a virtually endless supply of potential prospects actively looking for an opportunity like the Team National MLM home business provides. Work smarter to multiply your results and income and get your business in front of more people to make more money (it's all a numbers game after all) or continue doing what you've always done if you want to continue to get the same results.
Don't miss out on the huge momentum and fortunes being created today in the MLM home business industry.
If you're new to the industry or have never marketed online before, let me point you in the right direction so you can begin getting the word out about your business and start attracting people to you like a Top Earner to get some of that momentum going in your direction.
Learn more about how you can create your very own custom Team National sales funnel to build your residual income business and start leveraging the power of the internet to sign up more people, brand YOU as a leader and earn bigger checks faster by visiting this site now: MLM advertising.
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