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Monday, January 16, 2012

The UN Wants You To Give Up Meat

Whenever the UN pontificates about something we the people should be doing, I always run it through the 180 filter. If you're not familiar with the 180 filter, basically, you do the exact opposite of what you're being herded into, or 180 degrees. Isn't the UN good for the planet, you might ask? Not in the world I live in. If I were to miraculously to become the President of the United States, the first thing I would do would be to separate the United States of Americal from the United Nations. At every turn, the UN shows their communist roots. To reduce the UN down to it's lowest common denominator, their mandate and charter is to redistribute the wealth. Take money/resources from the wealthier nations and give it to the poorer nations. Communism, pure and simple.

According to an article in the Guardian, a British rag that loves to spout off about global warming/AGW (anthropogenic global warming)/climate disruption/climate change or any of the other spin words that say that people are a negative thing and should be eliminated for the good of the planet (except for the elite, they get to stay and enjoy a peon-free paradise). In the Guardian article, meat eating was not only bad for the animals, but also catastrophic for the planet, because livestock are responsible for 18% of the greenhouse gas emissions and it requires over 26,000 gallons of water to produce every two and a quarter pounds of meat. In reality, those numbers should be cut by two thirds for more accuracy. That is still pretty big numbers, but since I don't buy into that whole global warming, etc. thing, the greenhouse gas biz doesn't count. Any cursory research done on global warming will point to the more probable cause of the sun doing the changing, not us. If you add up all of the greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, CFC's, etc.) spewed out on planet Earth, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, only about 3.298% are manmade. The other 96.70% are all mother nature's fault. And, if you take out water vapor, which is considered a greenhouse gas in that it heats up the atmosphere like a greenhouse would, man's input is reduced to 0.001%. That's one/one thousandth of one percent for the decimally challenged. So anything we do to reduce greenhouse gases is just peeing in the wind (which is perfectly ok to the Powers That Be because it doesn't contribute to global warming).

Back to the UN; if we all were to go vegan (no meat, dairy or eggs), we would eliminate all that animal torture (makes PETA happy) and greenhouse gas emissions. Now, I'm all for reducing any suffering of animals (there are more humane ways for slaughtering animals), and I certainly don't like the terrible pollution of factory farming, but, from the research I've done on nutrition, being vegan is not healthy. Our digestive system does not work like a cow's does. Their digestive system is quite long, which is required to digest all of that fiber; and a carnivore like a cat or dog has a system that is quite short because meat shouldn't hang out in the animal's body rotting. Man's system is in the middle, which makes us omnivores. We are set up to eat both veggies and meat, but not exclusively one or the other. Meat contains saturated fats that, contrary to what's being spouted by the "health experts", is vital for good health. You don't need a whole lot, but you absolutely need it. Without saturated fats, you will die. You could use coconut oil for your saturated fat requirements; that stuff is really healthy- but there's only so much coconut I can handle. That's why I'm a meat eater. I tried going the vegan route several years back, and got profoundly sick. I won't do that again.

So why is the Guardian pushing this vegan agenda? Simple, they are a part of the mainstream media propaganda machine, and population reduction is the name of the game to TPTB (The Powers That Be), who ultimately control the media on planet earth. If people are not healthy, they die sooner, and the population is reduced. Convincing the useless eaters that vegan is the way to go helps move the agenda along.

I'm not going to try to convince anyone who is now vegan to give up their lifestyle; your life is your own. But if you are sitting on the fence about whether it is right for you or not, do some nutritional research about the subject, and please, please use your 180 filter when the experts start telling you how to live your life.

I refer to myself as a microfarmer for one simple reason-I grow a significant amount of food every year on a very small plot of land. I call it my micro farm. My family and I live on what was euphemistically at the time called a "cottage lot" when we bought our home. In reality, the lot is a postage stamp. But, by using intensive techniques, I'm able to grow a great deal of the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat every day. If you want to know how I set up my micro farm, you can go to my website- to begin your journey of "Planting Your Future".

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