The National Dairy Council advises you to drink your milk. They say you should ingest around 1200 milligrams of cow's milk every day. They also have a term for the growing body of scientific evidence that shows that milk is not the best source of calcium but in reality it is one of the worst sources of usable calcium and one of the causes of high rates of osteoporosis in this country. They call this body of evidence, "junk science." (National Dairy Council: Case Study On Junk Science).
In reality the best and most objective science is in agreement that the high rate of osteoporosis in this country is not due to lack of calcium. As a country we ingest the most animal protein in the world. We also drink the most cow's milk. Certainly a lack of calcium intake cannot be the problem. Many scientists, doctors, and nutritionists now agree that the major problem precipitating the fast growing rate of osteoporosis in America is our excessively high animal protein consumption.
Protein which is derived from animals actually leaches calcium from your bones, and then it is excreted in your urine. The high sulfur content in animal protein is converted to sulfate which makes the blood more acidic. The body naturally attempts to neutralize this acid, and in the process your bone dissolves into your bloodstream, filters through your kidneys and into your urine. You are literally peeing away your bone mass.
Cow's milk is no doubt loaded with calcium. The problem is that your body can only use about thirty percent of the calcium from a cow. In contrast collard greens, broccoli, kale, turnip greens, soy, and beans, as well as countless other plant sources are also loaded with calcium but the body can use on average sixty percent of the calcium found in these plant based foods. These sources from nature are indeed the best means of getting adequate calcium intake unlike the high protein animal based diet which prevents absorption of calcium.
It should not be a shock to discover that the multi-billion-dollar companies who gain tremendous profits through the sale of dairy products and calcium supplements spend an enormous amount of money scaring us into believing that we need more calcium. They also fight hard to keep the public at large in the dark about the vast abundance of non-dairy sources of usable calcium for the body. They certainly do not want you to know that when you rely on plants instead of cows to meet your calcium requirements, you at the same time are avoiding cholesterol, saturated fats, growth hormones, antibiotics, tranquilizers and other drugs which are present in the overwhelming majority of milk produced in this country.
Speaking of "junk science" is it wise to obtain our nutritional guidance regarding calcium from those who stand to make tremendous profits by selling us dairy and calcium supplements? Why would a sane individual go to the dealer to get objective evidence regarding the product they have to sell? Does anyone do this without paying a price? Just so, why would the multi-billion-dollar dairy industry be the place to go to find objective evidence about the benefits of the products they are selling? The more than half century of sustained and massive advertising campaigns, promotional material, and lobby money which has converted a large and powerful segment of our government into sales agents for the dairy industry have resulted in making milk and dairy products seem more like a public service than a product which in reality produces insane amounts of profit to many in this country. Of course these massive profit making organizations naturally oppose any science that might bite into their bottom line.
If you are a consumer of milk and one who believes that you must drink a whole bunch of it in order to avoid ending up as one of the fast growing number of cases of osteoporosis in this country, you owe it to yourself to obtain some objective evidence about cow's milk and your need of it, or lack thereof. But as an intelligent consumer it should be obvious that you should not seek objective evidence from the fox who is guarding the chicken coup. It should be noted that even if the fox is wearing a clever disguise, it is nevertheless still a fox.
I am passionate about health issues, and the state of the health of our wonderful America. I believe the American diet is literally killing us and that a steady flow of money and perks from the meat industry to the U.S. government is the reason we have had a long sustained brainwashing campaign that has precipitated the shift from a predominantly plant-based diet to an animal-based diet. The result has been an unprecedented increase in heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancers of all varieties. I believe Americans are suffering from a lack of truthful information concerning our diets. I enjoy writing motivational articles that will help to correct the problem regarding this lack of information and also examine the prevailing misinformation in the light of truth.
Healthy Vegetarian Choices For Life - Dedicated to the advancement of informed choices that will benefit our health, our environment, and our animal friends. Please visit my website at and look around awhile. I would very much appreciate comments concerning your reaction to what I have written as well as any input that might aid me in the task of making my site more helpful. I thank you in advance for your consideration.
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