The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has said many times that he feels like he is in a prison. He explains that it is not a prison made of steel bars and concrete walls, but rather a prison of "public opinion" and "propaganda". This is a man who has been labeled by mainstream society, and you know who that is, as a racist, anti-semite, anti-Christian, anti-gay, anti-white and many other anti labels. So, this creates a prison for the minister that creates a "cut off" from others coming close to him due to fear of association.
I am one of many who has benefited by his ministry and am here to help my brother, leader teacher and guide get out of his prison by telling the truth of him.
Those of us who follow him and others who respect him use the title honorable in addressing Minister Farrakhan. Obviously we, who use such a title, have a different view of the man and his message than mainstream society. So, why do we say that Louis Farrakhan is worthy of honor?
What does Honorable mean?
According to the Merrrian Webster Dictionary online Honorable is defined as,
"#1 Deserving of honor. #2 attesting to credible conduct: consistent with untarnished reputation. #3 characterized by integrity: guided by a high sense of honor or duty."
The title honorable is usually reserved for judges or governmental officials. For example a judge is referred to as "Your honor".
Therefore, when we look at the 54 year record of consistent service by The Honorable Louis Farrakhan to black people and humanity we are compelled to add such a title to his name by the work he has done and continues to do.
In conclusion, I would like to point out a few of his works that I know of which makes him deserving of the title Honorable.
#1 The book of John 1:1 teaches in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh. One of the greatest works of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has been his delivering the word of God in a manner that is relevant to the society we live in.
#2 After the fall of the Nation of Islam, which represented the strongest all black organization, the Minister started working in 1977 to rebuild the Nation, which gives guidance, hope and inspiration to millions. He bought back and made available the books of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad-containing the divine guidance of God.
#3 The Minister called for a million and nearly two million men showed up on October 16th, 1995 for a day of atonement and reconciliation.
#4 The Minister has worked since his rebuilding the Nation of Islam to tear down artificial barriers between Muslim/Christian brothers and sisters and encourage our unity based on the oneness of God.
#5 The Minister has intervened in the "beefs" of rappers in the hip hop world. After the deaths of the Notorious Big and Tupac, the Minister organized hip hop summits to counsel and encourage the rappers to present better material to their listeners.
#6 The Minister is not just a black leader based on the south side of Chicago, but rather He is a man that has travelled the entire planet earth teaching the divine truth of God, atonement and reconciliation to the whole human family.
#7 The Minister in 1979 founded what would become the number one black independently published and distributed newspaper, The Final Call Newspaper.
#8 Last but not least, I consider the Honorable Louis Farrakhan a honorable man, because of the impact and influence he has had over my life. He found me spiritually, mentally, culturally, emotionally dead and living a life which produces early death, however by means of his ministry I began the journey towards being one with God and becoming a greater servant of humanity.
Thank you for reading these few words.
Mustafaa Muhammad is an "African American" who is a follower of the Islamic faith. Through independent religious studies developed an ecumenical view of the world's religions and the people of God. And while he is devoted to Islam as his faith he is at home in the Church (or other religious institutions) as he is in the Mosque.
He has been featured on the Radio, Newspapers, public speaking events and at Mosques/Churches telling his story and offering his understanding of Almighty God's plan for salvation.
Mustafaa is involved in community activity. He believes that our faith must inspire us to greater service to humanity or we may be making a mockery of the purpose of faith. Contact him @
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