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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Milk And The Dairy Industry - They're Not As Wholesome As You Think

"Milk does a body good"
"Milk - nature's perfect food"
"Everyone needs milk"
"Milk is not just for kids"
"Milk is a natural"
"Got milk?"

If you were born and or raised in America, than the above slogans have likely become an unshakable part of your belief system. For myself I can say that my bias in favor of milk and dairy was almost a religion. According to the white mustached athletes, celebrities and movie stars, milk is an absolute necessity for strong muscles, bones and teeth.

When you stop and think about it, what is more American than milk? Just pour yourself a cold glass and gaze at it for awhile. Its satin like white texture is so pure and wholesome that one would imagine that the wonderful nectar must have been sent from heaven, Right?

Well, not exactly. I am pretty sure that heaven did not send a product that makes over seventy five percent of the world positively ill. That's right. Over three quarters of the human inhabitants of planet earth are lactose intolerant.

When folks who are lactose intolerant continue to ingest dairy products they will surely begin to suffer from a wide range of symptoms including, but not limited to, abdominal cramps and bloating, chronic runny nose or post nasal drip, diarrhea, gas, and puffiness under the eyes.

Many doctors now agree that cow's milk may cause anemia, a variety of allergies, heart disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, arthritis, osteoporosis, diabetes, asthma, multiple sclerosis, and more.

Please remember that when you drink the milk from a cow you are actually drinking the "maternal lactating secretion" (The Milk Letter: A Message To My Patience Robert M. Kradjian, MD) from a mother meant for its offspring. The fact that the offspring is a baby calf ought to make reasonable people think. Reasonable people should consider the fact that baby calves grow rapidly to weigh as much as one thousand pounds. Besides this they are weaned from their mother's breast at a very young age so the practice of ingesting their mother's milk is very temporary.

Unless you are a baby calf who intends to weigh between eight hundred and one thousand pounds, and unless you intend to drink this liquid for a very short time in infancy, then you should not find it strange if milk makes you sick. If you do not fall into the above category - that is you are not a baby calf - then you should expect to get sick when you drink milk from a cow.

We should also remember that our view of milk has not been shaped by good medical science but by a long sustained and heavily funded advertising campaign. It should also be noted that the National Dairy Council has funneled huge amounts of campaign contributions to many of the most powerful congressional leaders so you can be assured that milk and dairy ads will continue to be viewed as more of a public service than an ingenious advertising campaign geared to sell us a product.

Having myself grown up in America, my thoughts about milk and dairy have been purchased through a relentless onslaught of masterful advertising campaigns. Even now that I realize how skewed were my imaginations concerning the milk and dairy industry, I still have a hard time accepting that these folks do not actually have my best interests at heart. I have a hard time shaking my image of a fat cow, eating grass in front of a picturesque red barn, its tail wagging in excited anticipation of the next milking.

It's hard for me to accept that the big brother like dairy organizations are in reality about the most brutal industry imaginable. I mean they come off like they are almost angelic. However, it is not angelic to repeatedly rape a cow through artificial insemination so that they can produce twenty five times the milk that they are naturally capable of producing, then steal the baby calf away from its whaling mother right after birth and slaughter the young offspring (after a bit of torturous confinement) to provide your next veal cutlet. Every dairy cow on a farm factory exists in the most foul conditions imaginable and when their pain racked bodies are spent they will be slaughtered in such a barbaric fashion that the word "slaughter" is not a strong enough term to do this process justice.

This whole realization was very difficult for me to accept. As previously mentioned, I grew up thinking that milk was just about the most wholesome food on the planet and that the folks who produced it were just as wonderful.

I did not readily accept what I now know to be fact. The disappointing truth however, is that if any honest soul should research the issues surrounding milk and its production, they will find truckloads of evidence that will convince them that they have been duped by a very powerful American institution.

We have been systematically brainwashed through billion dollar advertising campaigns, massive promotion, blatant lobbying, so called "nutrition education", and sustained public relations efforts. This has been a relentless campaign and masterfully orchestrated, and it has caught literally everyone in its web.

My challenge to the reader is to be a responsible consumer and humanitarian, and do not take my word for such weighty issues. Study the evidence for yourself, but please do not gather your data from the USDA or the dairy industry because surely it will be impossible to find any semblance of unbiased truth there. There are a fast growing number of medical doctors and scientists who are coming out with the truth concerning the health risks of dairy as well as some nasty little discoveries about what is actually swimming around in the glass of milk you are drinking.

My humble advice to you is to put down that glass of milk and slowly move away from the table. Find out the truth about the dangers of human consumption of cow's milk before you drink another drop. Once you have found out the truth, I hope you will join the many who have made the healthy choice to quit drinking milk - forever. It's the right thing to do.

I am passionate about health issues, and the state of the health of our wonderful America. I believe the American diet is literally killing us and that a steady flow of money and perks from the meat industry to the U.S. government is the reason we have had a long sustained brainwashing campaign that has precipitated the shift from a predominantly plant-based diet to an animal-based diet. The result has been an unprecedented increase in heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancers of all varieties. I believe Americans are suffering from a lack of truthful information concerning our diets. I enjoy writing motivational articles that will help to correct the problem regarding this lack of information and also examine the prevailing misinformation in the light of truth.

Healthy Vegetarian Choices For Life
Dedicated to the advancement of informed choices that will benefit our health, our environment, and our animal friends. Please visit my website at and look around awhile. I would very much appreciate comments concerning your reaction to what I have written as well as any input that might aid me in the task of making my site more helpful. I thank you in advance for your consideration.

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