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Friday, August 31, 2012

The High Costs of Being Overweight

Do you know that the high costs of being overweight are affecting your pocketbook and health? If you do not lower your body fat, not only will the extra weight continue to cost you more, but your life may in danger. It is estimated that six out of ten Americans are overweight, and the numbers continue to grow. Even the number of overweight children is growing. In children ages six to ten, 19% are overweight.

The weight loss industry thrives as people go from one diet program to another. This yo-yo effect of weight loss and weight gain is not only unhealthy, but costly as well. The diet industry takes in over $160 billion a year. Life expectancy is also being affected. Premature deaths, due to obesity, are on the rise.

High Costs

The direct medical costs to this nation are estimated by the Centers for Disease Control to be $147 billion a year. As Americans consume more calories, costs rise. Medical costs associated with rising obesity have nearly doubled in the last decade.

Being overweight is costly to the individual and the nation. Overweight leads to:

Higher life insurance costs
Higer health insurance premiums
Airlines charging more for those they determine are obese, because added weight leads to higher fuel costs
Ambulance services now charge extra for those weighing over 350 pounds

Research at the University of Alabama revealed that people who are overweight are less like to be hired for jobs, wait longer at restaurants for service and are less likely to be able to rent an apartment. Overweight people tend to miss more work which is costly to employers.

Health Problems

One of the biggest problems of being overweight is the impact on health. Not only is diabetes on the rise among adults who do not lower body fat, it is a growing problem among children. Type 2 diabetes, which has been known as "adult onset diabetes" is now affecting children and teenagers. Forerunners of heart disease are showing up in children as young as twelve.

In addition to an increase in diabetes.being overweight can lead to:

High blood pressure
certain forms of cancer

These increases cross all ethnic and social groups. The hugh increase in prescription drugs to control these diseases has also contributed to the increase in medical costs.

Gain Control

It is easy to blame TV and fast food restaurants. In fact, it is personal behavior. No one forces anyone to order double cheese burgers, large fries and milkshakes. Buffets are popular because you can go back and pile on a second portion. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that American do not eat enough produce because of temptations of fast food. Eating more fruits and vegetables will lower health care costs and obesity according to the Center. Except where a medical condition is present, people are responsible for their own weight gain.

Now is the time to look at how the high costs of being overweight are affecting you. Gain control of your eating habits and health. You have nothing to lose except the excess weight. Not only will you save money, but more importantly, you will save your health and your life. The longer you wait, the more you are at risk. Start today to improve your health and lower your costs.

Lois Bernstein is a former master teacher, adjunct professor, student teacher supervisor, curriculum developer and researcher. She is currently tutoring in reading, writing, study skills and math.

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