Off the grid living is getting to be a necessary aspect of the way we think, as increasingly the consumption of the fossil based fuels coal, gas and oil accelerates. Global demand for these limited resources is growing and as a result we are seeing power outages across the globe, as power utilities are unable to meet the energy requirements of modern day society. No country is immune for even the United States by way off the State Of California has experienced energy shortage blackouts. It's therefore essential that we begin to focus our attention on alternative energy options that will helps us live of the grid.
As soon as you understand how to live off the grid you are no longer linked to the demands of the non renewable energy resources energy markets of coal, gas and oil and the unstable price fluctuations which are partly a result of world demand for such energy commodities. The resulting energy independence you can saves you money, reduces your carbon footprint and helps the environment which is a check in the plus column for you and future generations.
The benefits of off grid living to you!
Living off the grid as previously explained reduces your dependence on the finite sources of polluting carbon based fossil fuels used by power utilities to generate power. By going off grid you reduce the amount of money that the nation pays as a whole to oil supplying countries, which increases the nations internal investment in other important areas. The amount of savings can be quite significant especially for countries that are big consumers of energy like the United States which is estimated to consumes 25% off all the energy produced in the world.
As developing country's needs for energy increase the pressure for supplying energy will only grow further putting additional stresses on an already burden system. China for example is the worlds second largest consumer of energy and is expected to overtake the United States as the worlds number one consumer of energy in just a few years. In addition you have India making major advances in it's development efforts as well, bring another major energy consumer into the mix.
You must also consider that the regions of the world which are the suppliers of most of the oil and gas we consume are in areas where there is constant on going conflict, this forces you recognize that the cost of fossil fuels is also a function of protecting those vital resources and how energy markets react when those supplies are jeopardized.
If you remember the first Gulf War and the destruction of the oil fields in Kuwait and the massive environmental damage that resulted, you can understand that the price of energy is more than what it cost to extract, process and deliver this vital commodity.
Utilizing alternative energy options to live off grid means implementing technologies that can harness green energy sources like solar power and wind power. We can accomplish this by using readily available solar panels and wind turbines.
There are many sources of these technologies and large variety of solar panel kits, wind turbine kits and do-it-yourself training guides that teach homeowners and do-it-yourself enthusiast how to building their own renewable energy collection, storage and distribution systems. Eliminating a homeowners dependence on obtaining energy from a local power utility, reducing their energy cost and helping the environment because you're generating a much smaller carbon footprint. When homeowners invest in renewable energy systems they can expect the solar panels and wind turbines they purchase or build to keep on providing power for 20 or 30 years.
This means that after the system pays for itself in about 5 to 7 years depending on the size and complexity of the system that's been installed, your energy is essentially free for the life of the system. Also factor in that price for fossil fuels will only go up with crude oil for example estimated to reach 200 dollars per barrel; and a renewable energy system looks like a very wise investment.
Every renewable energy investment you make today for utilizing solar energy or wind energy insures that your protected from future energy price fluctuations, it also insures that future generations will be independent of fossil fuels that damage the environment and have a negative effect on our health.
Today living off the gird is not only possible but people have been doing it for years; with countries like Germany reportedly supplying 20% of their energy needs with renewable energy sources like solar and wind. The technology is available, cost effective and easy to implement by almost anyone; and every homeowner should at least learn what's involved so that they can make an educated assessment start saving money.
To learn more about renewable energy resources like solar power, wind power and low cost ways you can conserve energy, visit my blog at []. Sooner or later due to the economics of energy we're all going to have to adopt green energy.
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