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Friday, August 31, 2012

Good Governance and Who is Accountable to Whom?

The concept of governance is as old as the civilization of man, which is nothing but the name of the process by which the task of decision making is done by the stakeholders of the society, which also include the implementation of these decisions and also not implementation.

While making the decisions many factors play their role which ultimately make a governance a good one or bad one. All the formal and informal factors provide us the structure that leads us toward the implementation of decisions.

After amalgamation of the nations and after formation of the global village the survival of nations is not an easy task. Now man is much more dependent upon other as it was never before. Now at a state level and also at global level if man wants its survival, progress and respect then he needs to insure good governance at every level. He needs to focus on local, national, corporate and ultimately on the international governance.

The most interesting at the same time the most important aspect which I would like to mention here, now prudence of man has reached to that ultimate point of view that bad governance is the root cause of all the evils with in societies. No one even wishes to help where bad governance is found; E.g. Major donors and the financial institutions have based their aid and loan on the condition of the good governance.

Good governance moves around the circle of eight factors that can never be ignored and missing of anyone shell never fulfill the beauty of the requirement of good governance.

1. Participation of every class of society. Irrespective of gender, color, or race etc. the key of differentiation should be knowledge.

2. Rule of law in its truth sense. Simply which a common man can understand. Law should not be misused for the protection of the elite. Rule of law always require independent judiciary, impartial and uncorrupted police force.

3. Transparency at every stage. Mean making of decisions and their implementation should always be done in a manner that provided by law, also in the prescribed manner or followed by rules and regulations.

4. Good governance requires that the stakeholders should give importance to find that what is in the best interest of society and how this can be achieve. Personal benefits should never be given priority over the society.

5. Strong and effective government as the government is the major actor in the governance. At the same time strong and effective opposition should follow it.

6. Equities the factor of the immense importance. No society can progress without ensuring very member of it that you have stake in the society. If you successes to keep every clause in the main stream towards the progress no power in this world can even thing defeat you.

7. Good governance means that process by which institutions produces results that meat the needs of society while making the best use of resources at their disposal. Concept of efficiency is the contest of the good governance, which also covers the sustainable use of resources, and their prevention as well.

8. The key requirement of good governance is accountability. Without this anyone can restrict a man doing some thing wrong. Every stakeholder should be accountable for the welfare of common man and for society collectively.

Amount all the key requirement accountab8ility may be called mother of all. Since now a day the state structure is really a complex one which ultimately has raised new debate that...

Who Is Accountable To Whom?

We are strongly in favor of independence of institutions without interference but at the same time keeping cheeks and balances is also our requirement that can never be set a sited. The perfect and the original platform, which ultimately have jurisdiction, are a journal public and a common man. More specifically speaking...

An Institution Is Accountable To Whom Who Are Going To Be Affected By Its Decisions And Upon Whom Their Decisions Are Going To Be Implemented.

Since the decision of every pillar e.g. judiciary, executive, legislation, directly or otherwise effect a common man. So a government should be accountable for general public for effective and good governance.

Election or revolution is the only available options for a common man. These two factors possess the immense importance in a society. If the elite of the society fail to give priority elections of public. Simply if government by election fail in a sense of good governance then it will ultimately lead us to revolution of common man, where their left no option for so called elite. This is not the fiction, it happened and can be happened today.

The eight factors of Good governance and importance of accountability among rest, gives us an ideal state which can never be seen everywhere. No doubt we have made revolutions in science, technology, industry, medical, etc.... but unfortunately we are still living in the Stone Age but in other sense. Every society wants to progress, like to have peace etc. then why institutions of developing nations are not accountable to public as institutions of developed nations are? Why the good governance in the poor states is not in the best interest of big powers? Why in this small global village 70% are facing shortage of food and rest 30% are possessing three hundred percent more then there needs?

All these questions gives rise to the need of "International Good Governance" the inventions of 21 century are not going to increase respect of humanity, there is huge difference between knowledge and information that should be kept in mind while making any decision. We are the big advocates of global world, Then why we are not secure as we were in past. The historical revolution of our planet is witness that nothing is beyond the power of a common man. Transparency, Rule of law accountability may lead us an ideal society. Which is ultimately the result of good governance. It is the right of every common man and every stakeholder is duty bound for it.

So after all the above discussions we may say that good governance is key requirement for an ideal society, which is difficult to get totally. Only few countries have came close to good governance. At the same time we the human beings are responsible for its non-achievement we cannot give better future to our coming generation by this way. We are wasting the natural resources, we are facing the huge giant of corruption in our institutions, and our common man is striving for food our governments fail even to provide food. Education is the fundamental right of every citizen but it is not easy to educate our new generation. Why?

Our survival is in the good governance if you want to progress and wants to meet the challenges of global village we have to clean our institutions by every notorious element.

hello this is Azam Chughtai. a professional writer and writing for many papers.and wish to serve the human being. regards

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