This article is something for America to ponder. If you don't agree, make changes or state your own solutions that we can all ponder, but please don't wait for Congress which created these problems by putting their Aristocracy and hunger for power before America's well-being. A Congress that seems to be more loyal to political parties than to the United States of America has caused all of the problems America is now facing. The question is who will offer solutions we can ponder.
1. Legalize drugs. I know, before you go crazy just listen for a moment and ask yourself some questions. First of all, more people die from legal pharmaceuticals than any other drugs in the world. All you have to do is see the commercials on television and listen to the side effects that include death, stroke, heart attack, cancer and much more. Google LEAP (Law Enforcement Against Prohibition) and read what the professionals have to say; judges, prosecutors and police officers. The benefits of legalization are many; reduced cost of incarceration; reduced cost of law enforcement; the gain in taxes; and crime on our borders and in our neighborhoods cut by at least 70%. Opponents of legalization say it will only bring in 15 to 35 billion. Law-enforcement and incarceration savings are not included in the conversation. What also isn't included is how much money and taxes can be made by the hundreds of products the hemp plant alone can produce, like clothing, paper, medicine, rope, silk and much more. At one time General Motors thought of mixing hemp fibers with plastic to make a stronger automobile body. I don't know if they went through with it, but it was one good idea amongst many. Legalizing drugs also takes the 'forbidden fruit' aspect from our youth and brings the effects out in the open so parents can point to those effects and say, "Don't be like that". We can make sure anyone giving an adolescent under sixteen drugs without their parent's approval will get an automatic five-year term without parole. A second offense will be a ten-year term without parole, and a third offense will be a twenty-five year term without parole. Keeping drugs illegal creates crime-lords and killing just like in the Al Capone days, and those innocent folks were smart enough and had enough that they amended the Constitution. Illegal drugs foster crime and creates billionaires who can then buy politicians, judges, prosecutors and police officers. Take the money out of drugs and you reduce crime and corruption.
Another benefit of legalizing drugs is stopping private prisons. Right now there are companies that run for-profit private prisons that trade on Wall Street and they are constantly lobbying Congress to make more things against the law so that they can make more money for themselves and their shareholders. Now that's a crime or should be a crime. Read what our Forefathers said in the 1700's when some folks wanted alcohol made illegal. They said not to prohibit anything because only ten-percent of the population will imbibe, rather they said to tax and control the 'sins' of man. Abraham Lincoln said the same thing. Drug addiction is a character and medical problem. It can be fixed if we use some of the money made legalizing it to do two things: One, create rehabilitation facilities; and two create advertisements like we did for cigarette use and I'll bet you in one generation drugs will not be a problem in our society. Don't you think it's ironic that pharmaceutical companies sell drugs that can kill you, yet a person who wants to smoke marijuana goes to jail and their life is ruined? Afterward it's hard to find a job and they can lose their voting rights. Yet we subsidize pharmaceutical companies with our tax money so they can put more drugs with killing side effects on the market. Just how stupid are we? And why do we let our American Royalty, the Congress, get away with telling us how to live. I thought they worked to serve and represent us, but oh my God, the hired help has taken over the house, weakened the foundation, and is getting ready to demolish it and tells us it's our fault and we must pay while they live high on the hog. Have we had enough already? Let's have an adult conversation without any of the fear tactics. Take the illegal money incentive out of drugs and reduce crime while taxing and controlling production and usage. We can save one billion a year on prison and law enforcement cost and make another billion on tax and hemp products. That's two billion a year and twenty billion in ten years. Hemp also has many medical purposes and the side effects won't kill you like some of the drugs pharmaceutical companies sell. Opponents say hemp is a gateway drug, that's like saying mothers breast milk leads to beer drinking or having sex leads to rape. Just another fear tactic to keep us from having a useful and adult conversation because illegal drugs is our hidden economy that brings in billions of dollars a year for drug king-pins and law enforcement. It's time to legalize drugs, reduce crime and make the billions of dollars to pay down our National debt. What do you think? Start screaming and shooting, I'll duck.
2. This one is a generational change that will cost money but payback great dividends in years to come. Bring back the draft. But make it a voluntary draft. First we roll Americorp from the Clinton Administration and all like programs from other Presidents into the Peace Corp; then we make the Peace Corp a cabinet position to show the world we take peace seriously. The Peace Corp will have an international and a domestic arm and any person between the ages of 18 and 26 who will serve four-years in the Military, Peace Corp or the State Department will get a free four-year college education or a couple of two-year degrees at a two-year college or four one-year certificates at one-year technical schools. If someone over 26 wants to serve we choose by health and education. Just imagine our Military having cooks, electricians, plumbers, heavy equipment operators instead of contracting it out to companies that don't have any skin in the game and just want to make a profit from war and our heroes dying. Even in the Peace Corp young folks will learn a trade that will last them a lifetime. We will produce many skilled workers with this one voluntary draft. Please don't think it won't work, because many young folks will gladly volunteer in the Military, Peace Corp or State Department to serve their country, learn a trade and get a free college education. We will be building an educated work force for generations to come. The benefits gained are well worth the cost. Plus we will be giving our children something we had when we were younger and that is a rite-of-passage and a pride in serving, something that is missing for many of our youth today. Remember, this draft will be absolutely voluntary and the benefits enormous to our future workforce. With the added benefit that it will cost less than any Government contract with any company that tried to compete, because we will have an educated workforce with the pride of serving, and you can't put company profit ahead of that. But you can put a generational and National profit on our youth serving while learning a useful trade. Bring back a voluntary draft, watch our country and our youth blossom, and be ready to compete in a global economy and win.
3. This fix is both generational and political. First, we offer 250 billion dollars to the first company that comes up with a three stage clean energy fix for both transportation, which includes trucks, cars and airplanes, and a clean energy fix for buildings and houses. The first stage must be an economical way that can be adapted to our cars and trucks today. The second stage must be an economical way that we can adapt it to our buildings and houses. The third stage will be a complete change for future products. The Government will match the 250 billion dollar reward with 250 billion dollars in research and development. We will use the money left over to help adapt stages one and two. Imagine the money and lives saved. Over one generation we will have saved the amount it cost us to do this and the United States Government will own at least 10% of all profits from this energy fix. That will sure cut into our taxes and our National Debt. Now the political part of this is our American Royalty, the Congress, they will never go for this because they make much of their money from energy dealers and energy lobbyist who write the laws that wrong the people and kill our troops, just to keep their power and Aristocracy. Have you ever counted how many Congressional persons and Senators are now millionaires or billionaires, but when they entered Congress they weren't worth much more than three hundred thousand dollars? How did they do it on $170,000.00 paycheck? Now is the time for an Energy Manhattan Project. Because if we can go to the Moon in ten-years I imagine we can be energy independent in less than ten-years with today's technology. Please, let's do it now because it will save lives, invest in our youth and create jobs; and just imagine how strong our country will be in just one generation.
4. This last fix I wanted to talk about was health care, but I didn't want to make the same mistake Obama made when he should have been concentrating on jobs. This fix is about education and putting our school age kids to work. But it will behoove you to research the top ten Veteran Health Care Facilities in the United States. Each patient has a team doctor, a team nurse and a team administrator. When a veteran goes to the lab for blood test or x-rays, within two-hours the results are on the doctor's computer. The VA gives some of the best health care in the world at a very reasonable cost. I will go into the cost savings using the VA system at another time because we should model our healthcare system after the top-ten VA hospitals, but that is for another article. Now I'd like to speak about our school age children going to work and how it can help families and corporations. My proposal is simple and will give children the impetus to help their family and the incentive to do better in school. Why? Pay every student for every grade ranging from A+ to C-. Every gas company, electric company, water company, insurance company and mortgage company will pay every child in every family one dollar for every C, two dollars for every B and three dollars for every A, whether those C's, B's or A's are plus or minuses. Of course each company will be able to deduct a tax write-off dollar for dollar. Imagine if Sears, J C Penny, Walmart or any other outfits got into the act by offering coupons. Imagine the pride of the children going to work and being able to help their family financially. Because now a family with four children whom each get six A's can write-off seventy-two dollars from each of the five companies mentioned above and save $360.00 for the month. And the great thing is the companies can write-off that $360.00 from their taxes. Children will learn the value of a dollar and the pride of helping their family. And most of the savings will go right back into the economy. Imagine if companies were patriotic enough to get on board and make it happen. Ah, the American dream isn't lost, just delayed by fear. How scared are you by your Congressperson or Senator? Will you write, email, call and generally raise hell until Congress institutes some or all of these fixes?
Please ponder these solutions. Make changes if you can improve on them or use them to create your own solutions. But get involved and contact your Congressperson and / or your Senator. Don't let politicians divide us and have Americans hating and fighting other Americans because of our political views. In the end we are all Americans and in the same boat. Let us not have name-calling without proposing solutions. Loyalty to America before loyalty to party is the solution to almost all of our problems.
Tom C. Watson is the founder of The Bunny Brigade. Tom uses this site as a means of dedication to support the reinstating of the original concepts as depicted in The Constitution of the United States along with its Bill of Rights. Tom also suggests that the federal government should stop over regulating business as well as eliminating of federal deficit spending. The site features Benny The Bunny and the site tells about the founding of the bunny brigade organization. The Web site also addresses solutions to fixing the nation's ills. Lastly, the site's author also has produced free bunny videos that you may view. Please visit the bunny site as often as you desire. It is located at
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