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Thursday, July 19, 2012

3 Top Tips To Help You Succeed With Self Build And Design Home Projects

For most people the idea of a self build and design project would be a new kitchen, bathroom or extension but for several thousand people every year the ultimate project is a complete energy efficient home.

However, there are some hurdles that need to be overcome even if you have a plot of land that is suitable for building on, so as one of the most innovative new self build companies in the UK we thought we would cover 3 top hurdles you will face and offer 3 possible solutions to help you move forward with your self build project.

Self Build And Design Tip #1: Self Build Mortgages, Site Insurance And The CE Mark

As with all home purchases, mortgages tend to be an essential element to successfully securing the house of your dreams and until recently self build mortgages were not high on the priority list for UK banks.

The National Self Build Centre in Swindon have what is believed to be a revolutionary approach to the problem and they offer full consultancy for every aspect of your self build and design project.

The usual way in which self build mortgages are managed is for funds to be released in stages for land purchase and then build costs at various stages. Borrowing will always depend on circumstances and in some cases payments may be released in advance.

What the National Self Build Centre offers is a new concept of self build and design mortgages that allow you total freedom with your self build project by offering a complete self build mortgage insured payment upfront that would allow you to totally manage your project without the constant stopping and starting in between stage payments.

Self Build And Design Site Insurance and The CE Mark

We are used to our NHBC warranties in the UK and it has been the industry standard for decades.

The highest quality log homes from Europe often carry the CE Mark which is a construction certification that guarantees the resistance and strength of the structure..

For most people the thought of a timber house creates an element of fear about fire risks. Most houses in the UK are built with a timber frame and a brick outer skin and a closed door is supposed to allow for a half an hour escape time in the event of a fire. In Europe the standards are twice as strict as in the UK and there must be a one hour escape time.

As for self build site insurance you can now get instant cover and save money with several online companies who now cover this type of construction.

Self Build And Design Tip # 2: Code 6 Houses And Planning Permission

First and foremost there are no guarantees when it comes to obtaining Planning Permission, but as it stands your best chance in an unconventional planning situation is to apply for permission to build a Code 6 Home.

The home will have to be completely zero carbon for example it must have zero net emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from all energy use in the home. There are many factors that combine to produce a Code 6 Home including

• Improving the thermal efficiency of the walls, windows, and roof.

• Reducing air permeability to the minimum consistent with health requirements

• Installing a high efficiency condensing boiler, or being on a district heating system

• Using low and zero carbon technologies such as solar thermal panels,

• Reducing domestic water usage, managing surface water and waste and using low energy appliances and lighting within the home and the impact on the environment.

Self Build And Design Tip # 3: Building A House In Your Garden

Planning Permission will generally be granted when it can be demonstrated that the site is capable of accommodating a suitable scheme which adheres to the Local Planning Authority's development control criteria and Local Planning Policy.

If you live in a village or town, the development boundaries are likely to be established and there will be other constraints that need to be considered such as the provision of a suitable and safe access which is a high priority.

Your local County Highways department will often give free advice on whether an access is suitable. Your site is likely to be a non-starter. The site, its constraints and local planning policies form the framework for your self build and design project and at that point design considerations should be discussed.

Pete Cossie of Contemporary Log Living is on a mission to inspire and empower people to look at unique energy efficient self-build home kits, log cabins and Contemporary Affordable Homes to make a great investments in the real estate of tomorrow today.

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