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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

An Inexpensive Way to Lose Weight & Regain Your Health - Go Vegetarian!

A vegetarian lifestyle is better for many reasons but how about where it hits your pocket book? Eating vegetables, fruits, grains, rice and healthy foods is much more frugal than one that includes meat. There are a lot of reasons for this but it has been said to produce a pound of beef can cost our precious natural resources of water, land, and air, etc.

80 times to that of vegetables. Also by doing what your mother and grandmother so wisely always said to you to, "Eat your vegetables," you will live a longer, healthier life and your doctors' bills will be significantly reduced in a short period of time!

Another notable savings will be on a day-to-day basis. Beans, rice and corn, the staples of a vegetarian diet are inexpensive. Once you remove meat from your grocery list, you'll find that plant foods are a lot cheaper than even the lowest-priced hamburger. Even canned and likely mercury toxic tuna costs about $2 per pound - compare that to a bag of dry beans or a package of tofu, and the difference over the course of even just a few months can be profound.

The price of fruits and vegetables vary greatly depending on what you buy. Locally grown produce changes depending on the season. When you start buying organic, the prices go up. Spending a little more for organics will give you the confidence these foods offer more nutritional punch and less chemical additives. Of course the best and cheapest is your own home grown!

The most significant cost savings to us individually and as a nation will be to our health and health care system. Better nutrition will lead to better health, which will result in untold cost savings to your own health care but help our nation get back on track. Years of poor nutrition can lead to a variety of health ailments and chronic diseases. Eating correctly now will save you a lot of money when you're older - compare the price of open-heart surgery or the drugs and medication you will take for high cholesterol and other heart related issues plaguing our nation versus eating carrots and healthy vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts.

The savings are clear! Even health insurance companies are looking objectively on vegetarian diets when the likes of Dr. Joel Fuhrman and Dr. John McDougall prove the cost savings to someone put on a healthy vegetarian diet versus standard medical care of medications and surgery! It simply costs them less money when people stay healthy.

The costs of health care in the U.S. is a whopping $2.4 trillion with a "T" and is increasing about 6.7 percent each year. Insurers are urging their clients to make healthy lifestyle choices.

One of our most problematic areas is the rising numbers of people diagnosed with heart disease. Research has proven that a plant-based diet improves all of things that lead to heart problems. Blood pressure, cholesterol and weight. According to a spokes person for Blue Cross, "The connection between a vegetarian diet and reducing the costs of these high-impact health conditions is clear as a bell."

The mounting evidence for going vegetarian is more obvious day-to-day. The increasing price of meat, dairy, poultry, fish and eggs is one reason. The inhumane treatment of these poor animals and livestock is another and the cost to our environment to produce animal based products is yet an overwhelming economic reason. But with all that said, the primary benefit is to your health and well being. Be frugal with our environment, be good to your body, enjoy a healthy life, go vegetarian.

Forget about all the food experts and especially the false information by those that claim they know what you should do to lose weight. All the diets that are out there don't work and are just that "D-I-E ts" that will kill you. I have nearly 60 years experience in health and fitness and have tried them all. What you need is a lifestyle change. That lifestyle change is to become a vegetarian.

If you want to get on the right track Click Here and Go Vegetarian!

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