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Monday, April 23, 2012

Eating Smarter For Better Health

When you stop to take a look at the obesity rate in the United States, it is nothing short of astounding that, as a nation, we seem to have let ourselves go where our diets are concerned. However, we must stop to look at what the root cause of the obesity epidemic is.

No matter where you shop or what supermarket or convenience store you go into, there is junk food everywhere. Besides tasting absolutely delicious, junk food serves yet another purpose. It's cheap. I recently conducted my own set of tests in an effort to figure out which one was healthier- choosing the predominantly processed food diet or opting for a diet that was rich in health fruits, nuts and grains (which I labeled the "perimeter" diet). What I was able to discover is that while conducting studies for the perimeter diet by shopping the perimeter of the store where all of the fresh produce is does not have to be as expensive if you play your cards right.

The trick to a successful perimeter or 'healthy' diet is getting to know your fruits and vegetables (as well as the supermarket that you typically shop in. If you're really into organic produce, you might be better served waiting until something goes on sale or shopping at a local farmer's market. But that's just it: know which fruits and veggies are in season- this way you can make an informed decision and know what to purchase ahead of time. It's a simple method of supply and demand. If a particular fruit or vegetable is in season, then chances are that there will be more of it available, which will naturally mean a lower price that you would wind up having to pay at the register.

Processed food diets can be cost-effective in the fact that what you are purchasing may last longer due to the fact that it has an exponential shelf life. The most popular example of this can be found in Twinkies. However, the problems come into play because most processed foods contain artificial additives and names of things that we cannot even pronounce, which is never a good sign. Just think, the names of those things that you cannot pronounce are the very same things that you are preparing to put into your body! How do you feel about that? Also, many processed foods contain a high amount of sugar and fat, which is sure to contribute towards all sorts of dietary problems (even if adequate exercise needs are being met). The bottom line? Shop the perimeter, and know your fruits and veggies for optimal health!

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