Q: What the meaning of equal employment opportunity?
A: Typically applies to a business with 15 or more employees that prohibits discrimination in any aspect of employment and harassment in the workplace based on race, color, age (40 and cover), sex, pregnancy, gender, religion, disability, national origin, ethnic background, military service and/ or citizenship.
Q. What is the ballpark estimate for directors & officer liability insurance?
A. Can be as low as $1200 for a small business to millions for a public company
Q. What is the typical annual premium for D&O in small business?
A. $1200 to $5000
Q. What is the cost for errors and omissions coverage?
A. This depends on limits, the industry, geographic location, and past claims experience. Some of the most expensive professions would be MD's, Real Estate Brokerages and Appraisal Firms, Insurance Brokerages, Engineering Firms and Law Firms.
Q. How do you apply for errors and omissions insurance?
A. You contact an insurance broker with expertise in E and O (it is an insurance specialty). She/he will have you complete an application; if you have coverage currently they will obtain your loss runs for the past 5 or 10 years. The broker will shop your coverage to multiple insurers.
Q. How much is a $100,000 of general liability?
A. Assuming you are not in something risky, an estimate would be $100 to $500 a year. Most companies buy this coverage with limits in the millions.
Q. What is product professional liability?
A. As it implies in its name, it protects you from suits relating to the products that you produce or a private label.
Q. Can an employer stop group health benefits during workers compensation claims?
A. Yes and the employer should. You have to check with your health insurer to see what the contract dictates, but most have a limitation that coverage is for full time employees working 25 or 30 hours a week. If an employee is on Workers Compensation, he/she is not working so therefore he/she is no longer eligible for group health insurance. You should offer him/her COBRA. If you do not do this, the health insurer can deny the claims of the employee. We know of an employer, not our client, who kept an employee on his/her group health insurance while the employee was on Workers Compensation. The employee had a massive heart attack while disabled. The employee mentioned to the doctor, which was entered into his medical record that he was out on a Workers Compensation claim. The employee was given open heart surgery that yielded a big bill, which the insurer denied since the employee was not eligible for health insurance at the time of the claim. The employer was sued for the bill and lost in court.
Q. Can you run a CA family rights act with the federal family and medical leave act?
A. Yes, CFRA and FMLA can run concurrently.
Q. Is excess workers compensation a liability policy?
A. Not the word Excess which usually refers to reinsurance - a self insured Workers Comp. However if the question is, can you buy excess coverage or umbrella insurance to supplement the liability portion of Workers Compensation, the answer is yes. This is one of the reasons why one buys an umbrella for one's company. If the Workers Comp limits are breached or used up, then the umbrella may respond. Note: most states limit the liability for the employer to the limits of the Workers Comp policy unless there is gross negligence.
Q. What is worker's comp aggregate retention?
A. If you self insure your Workers Comp and say if the past 5 years show your average claims with inflation is $3,000,000 then a reinsurer may sell you an aggregate reinsurance policy that will pay all claims that exceed the expected claims of $3,000,000. The $3 million is the aggregate retention or deductible.
Q. Where can you buy medical malpractice coverage while on US rotation?
A. If you are a resident of the US, you can buy it from a typical malpractice insurer. The problem is the policy will be for 1 year, so if you are here for less than 1 year you will want to pay the premium and request a refund for any unused premium and buy tail insurance. Tail insurance is to cover you for any claims that occurred during the time you were covered. If you are returning to your home country and never plan to live in the US, you will want to consult an attorney to see what your exposure is versus buying tail insurance. When in doubt buy tail insurance.
About HCP National Insurance Services
HCP National is a one-stop shop for all your insurance needs. We provide all lines of insurance coverage including employment risk management, ASO and Stop Loss Insurance, Fully Insured Managed Care Programs, Medical Malpractice E & O and D & O, Reinsurance, Product Liability, BOP's, Workers Compensation, All Forms of Property and Casualty Insurance. Come visit our website at HCP National Insurance.
Note: the above is a general discussion about how coverages may work. Your insurance policy and all addendum are the only authority of how your coverage works. Do not rely on this article as an explanation of your coverage. Have your attorney review your entire policy with you to determine what is and isn't covered.
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