Senior Citizens insurance pros cannot be compared to life insurance sales agents. It is not the senior life insurance and senior health insurance sales, that make them different. These senior citizens insurance pros are hard to find because of completely contrasting sales methods. Here's why.
Except for the initial state licensing process, most common links are structured differently between senior citizens insurance pros and regular life and health agents and brokers.
Knowing the difference is difficult for some of the best insurance marketing brokerage and recruiting managers to distinguish.Few of these people have clues on what makes the senior market pro unique. These agents insurance marketers are pursuing are hidden deep among a licensing list loaded with far off the radar range agents. It is only by uncovering the substantial dissimilarities can senior life and senior heath insurance sales brokers be found. Using this guide, is a map to making this mission successful.
Here are 15 general characteristics which make the senior citizens insurance market sales pros unique:
1. They are likely to live not in big cities, but in farther out metropolitan suburbs and especially rural areas, lake areas, and near retirement havens.
2. Their bulk of prospects and clients likewise are located primarily in outer suburbs, rural areas, plus retirement communities.
3. It is very unusual for this style of agent or brokers to belong to any or the local or national insurance associations.
4. Few of these pros show interest in subscribing to or reading insurance trade magazine articles. so advertising in them to attract these senior citizen insurance sellers would be a waste.
5. They don't normally answer the phone. The recorder in on, as they are out working or relaxing.
6. The work vehicle they drive is more likely to be a pickup than a Cadillac.
7. Instead of appointments 10 miles away, many are in a very far off in a distant town, often crossing state boundaries. They often stay overnight in motels while they cover a geographic area.
8. Unsolicited faxes from recruiters go directly to file 13.
9. "Appointments" often mean driving up and knocking unannounced on the senior citizen's door. The senior is often home, and usually willing to talk.
10. Emails sent out by recruiters trying to save recruiting money are considered spam. Plus anyone that tells you they have a great email list of agents, especial senior life and senior health producers is a liar. No such list exits to even a 10% degree of successfully reaching the destination and being read.
11. You won't catch them selling with portable computers or lugging briefcases. A folder/binder just large enough to carry a large yellow notepad and government and product brochures are sufficient.
12. These agents are not known for working evenings, during snowstorms, or conducting business more than 4 days a week. Most of the professionals are independent already and would frown at reporting in constantly at an office location.
13. No two-part presentations are given, unless it is to deliver a policy or write more business.
14. Compared to other agents and brokers, they are 3 times as loyal to the firm or company that recruited them. That is, if they are treated right. Meaning like the professional they are.
15. For many, their income and renewals double that of the regular agent, and rival that of highly educated financial planners.
By senior market pro, we mean agents actively selling long term care insurance also known as ltc, Medicare supplements, Medicare Advantage, supplemental health, other senior health insurance, or senior life insurance also known as burial coverage. A number have discovered the value of also making annuity sales.
Well published author, Don Yerke likes to concentrate on what you don't know or what no one else dares to print. Tell it like it is.
Watch for his new paperback book debuting on Amazon early this summer. It is loaded with great insurance marketing and recruiting information.
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