Save is a big word. Let's talk about it.
Have you got a better idea? Of course everyone does...usually somewhat tied to their own needs or situation of course.
As "Solar People", to answer affirmative in this space on the surface would be no different. But lets see if we can't line up a few reason that make sense. If they do, you can then use the list to compare to your solution(s) right?
1. Bought any gas lately? - Now I am not saying that putting solar on your roof or in your parking or on your farm is going to lower the price for gas at the pump. But the price at the pump ought to be getting your attention and making you think about the broader implications. It's an energy issue.
Especially in the United States where distribution for most products we depend on are delivered over a vast but energy inefficient network of highways and gas guzzling trucking affects everything. But it takes some time to filter through. First the initial buyers of these delivered products fight price increases and to remain competitive, distribution companies will try to absorb these increases in the hopes that it will be a short term spike. Once it extends beyond a couple of months large increases in transportation costs cannot be absorbed and end up being extended upstream until it reaches the retail (your pocket), level. If this is true, based on recent prices, you can expect to see almost everything you buy start to go up all at once. This on top of you increased fuel bill.
The facts are, we use more energy at all levels than we produce which leaves us open to market and political forces we cannot control. We believe sound economic, political and security policies are greatly enhanced the more the US can move towards energy independence. I mean who can argue with that?
The last time we experienced circumstances similar to this was in the 1980's. Remember the gas lines? Remember the inflation - home mortgages at 17% and more? Are we at the beginning of that right now? I believe we are.
2. Extremely High Unemployment - will installing solar on your home and/or business help combat unemployment? Well of course it will. Before we speak to that, I hope you know that the numbers you hear about unemployment rates in the US on your evening news are no way near accurate. Over time, the government and others in the financial arena, (Federal Reserve?), have stripped out whole groups of people. If you have been unemployed over a year, or you are over a certain age...and a whole bunch of other exceptions, you aren't being counted anymore. Every honest number I have seen has real unemployment between 20% to 25%...NOT the 9% or 10% we hear all the time. The height of unemployment during the Great Depression was about 25%. Just do a quick check of who you know in your life...
In all solar installations, solar design expertise is required which is attainable only after considerable study and effort. The education arena to support these new fields adds jobs. Many of the components used in American installations are American made in newer manufacturing companies around the US. The actual installation of these systems leverage similar skill sets readily available with the commercial and residential construction "collapse" which started in 2007 and spun out of control in 2008...and has not even made an honest dent in trying to come back. Much of the final effort in these installations are only finished by licensed electricians bringing similar work to them as well.
The implementation of these new "distributed energy" systems opened up opportunities in new IT technology in both software and hardware to integrate the energy and it's information back into the "grid" and the fabric of our lives. Which leads to....
3. Large Scale, National Energy Infrastructure Problems - we are right at the edge of serious issues with fluent, uninterrupted energy delivery. In densely populated areas like the Northeast and Southwest, brown outs and other energy interruptions have become all to regular of an occurrence. EVERY single bit of information confirms that this is just the beginning.
For a few years, I traveled to India on business. Even in the more modern areas, energy disruption was an accepted fact. If you were running a business that needed reliable power - you ALWAYS had huge automatic back up generators - (usually loud smelly diesel machines). Power was on and off in brand new sparkling office buildings. They have much less of that today - we are headed where they have been - and they where we have are we supposed to compete with that?
Steve Peters brings over 24 years of business, financial markets and renewable energies - environmental services experience together to help solve problems that plague the US today. As a former Marine and President of two renewable energy companies, I want to say - "lets get it going". Time to step up folks. Go here to learn more:
Renewable Energy Delivery:
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