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Monday, January 16, 2012

Should We Be Very Scared?

Yellowstone National Park is the home to one of the world's largest and most active volcanic system. During he last several million years this area has produced some giant volcanic eruptions. As of this date we have not experienced any eruptions which contain volcanic ash or lava however future eruptions may likely contain both of these dangerous contents. We may be lucky and all we will see are some ongoing hot spring activities, an occasional steam explosion and perhaps even a few moderate to large size earthquakes.

Geologist Christopher Sanders has stated on January 1st of 2009 that he was advising the state officials around Yellowstone of the potential for a state wide emergency. He further informed the authorities that within that week alone there were over 252 earthquakes. He warned that we have all the necessary warning signs relating to a major eruption associated with a super volcano. He predicted that people should leave the immediate area of Yellowstone Park and for about a 200 mile radius as well.

We are not talking about some crazed crackpot here but an educated professional whose job it is to know and understand volcanoes and associated phenomena. Let's take a what if example at this time and place the data into this equation.

We are all aware of the number of mid eastern enemies that America has encountered in the past 8 to 10 years. Many are ruthless and have vowed to never rest until we are destroyed. With this thought clearly in mind we can continue with our what if scenario.

What if a terrorist or a terrorist organization were to visit Yellowstone National Park. Further let us suppose that in some sort of manner this terrorist were to have access to a thermonuclear device. It is not beyond their capabilities to perhaps attempt to not only kill millions of Americans but to do so on a national ideology such as the Park would be a vast feather in their cap.

This desired retribution to America and its people would make Yellowstone the major target for these types of terrorists. The devastation of the surrounding communities and the drastic lose=s of lives would certainly suit their goals. We currently experience a considerable number of terrorist threats due to our countries stand in the mid-east and as such are open game for any terroristic organization that views us as their enemy.

It would only take one or two of these mid east holy warriors with access to nuclear products to create a situation that would easily rival 9-11. A strategically placed nuke in the vicinity of Yellowstone geyser could very well be the start of a fierce change reaction that could cause drastic consequences. As I see it with the built up hate and anger that these organizations have for the American people and our country it is only a matter of waiting patiently for the right time to obtain what they consider restitution for their suffering.

At this point in time I plead with the American government to do one of several things. First they must create emergency action plan in the event that a situation such as this occurs. Second they must attempt to eliminate the potential for the crisis to even get started. Some plan must be ion place immediately to prevent such an occurrence from happening.

Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish

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